

中文摘要 本計畫主要針對推動國內污染土地再利用政策的制度架構以及策略進行研議,以促進長期國土永續經營目標的實現。同時,亦配合土污法修法後的行政需求,提出相關的子法規範與建議。透過對於先進國家相關制度與案例的剖析,本計畫提出以土地生命週期管理為概念,採用「土地釋出」及「土地開發」二階段執行架構,以明確區隔不同土地生命週期階段的目標。相關的獎勵措施,在現有法規已具備潛在的支援性,惟並未針對污染土地再利用設定條件。另為充分呈現政策效益,本計畫也建立相關的效益評估工具,並採用國內三處污染場址調查資料進行試算,呈現建議之評估工具的適用性。整合本計畫建議制度以及評估工具,完成「污染土地再利用結合永續國土經營政策推動計畫(草案)」,可作為未來國內推動相關政策時之參考基礎。本計畫亦配合土壤及地下水污染整治法修法,完成多項規範之研訂,就土污法的執行層面而言,特別是在「土地釋出」階段,可以提供更為完備的工具。整體計畫為環保署未來長期推動污染土地再利用政策之需求,建立初步的基礎並提供必要的推動策略與工具。
中文關鍵字 褐地,污染土地再利用,政策效益評估


專案計畫編號 EPA-99-GA101-03-A217 經費年度 099 計畫經費 5880 千元
專案開始日期 2010/12/09 專案結束日期 2011/12/31 專案主持人 黃智
主辦單位 土污基管會 承辦人 蔡惠珍 執行單位 財團法人中興工程顧問社


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 污染土地再利用制度研議、整合及評析暨土污法修法後子法研訂 報告定稿.pdf 52MB

Study on the Establishment of Contaminated Land Revitalization Program

英文摘要 To realize the sustainable land use national policy, this study established a general contaminated land revitalization framework through investigating the brownfield policies and frameworks of developed countries. Also, several guidelines and by-laws were drafted based on the recent revised Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act to provide the protocols in need for the revised act. With the concept of life cycle assessment, this study proposed a two-phase framework which divides the contaminated site revitalization into “land release” and “land development”. The framework design is expected to reduce the probable conflict among different laws and regulations. While the incentive measures do exist in various laws and regulations, they are not specifically designed with contaminated sites in mind. The enhancement of the influence should be considered in the future. A Contaminated Land Revitalization Policy Plan (CLRPP) is proposed and drafted to serve as the vehicle for future policy realization and the basis for communication of stakeholders. To further support the progress of contaminated land revitalization policy, a set of policy impact and benefit assessment tools were developed. Three contaminated sites were chosen to illustrate the feasibility of the assessment tools. Integration of the proposed framework, incentive program, and benefit assessment results have enhanced the CLRPP. This study has built up a foundation for future policy planning and enforcement as well as various assessment tools. These deliverables shall be beneficial to future advocating of the contaminated land revitalization policy.
英文關鍵字 Brownfield, Contaminated Land Revitalization, Policy Benefit Assessment