

中文摘要 本計畫針對台灣地區的空氣品質每日預報作業系統進行研發與維護,並提供作業上必要的協助。主要工作成果包括(1)「空氣品質預報輔助系統」版本與平台更新;(2)維護環保署署東亞沙塵模式,每日提供預報員120小時的預警資訊,同時研發空氣品質模式與氣象模式(CMAQ, WRF-CHEM)與沙塵耦合系統,以提高未來例行作業效率;(3)本土沙塵模式每日提供72小時預測,並針對台灣地表更新與粒徑分布調整測試;(4)配合環保署本土河川揚塵預警作業,提供相關資訊,並以統計方法進行資料的相關性分析。另外也以發展統計推論預警的可能性進行評估;(5)維護發展空氣品質動力預報模式系統,包括模擬生質燃燒等等,提供72小時預測,以輔助例行性空氣品質預報作業;(6)配合環保署與氣象局簽訂的合作協議,進行各預報系統的建置、移植與維運;(7)持續分析MODIS AOD與氣象相關因子與氣膠垂直分佈的關係獲得具體成果,以助未來提升模式預報準確率之需;(8)針對高污染事件進行個案分析討論與預報檢討建議;(9)專人駐署每日協助分析氣象與空氣品質監測資料進行預報與檢討作業;(10)CMAQ空氣品質模式完成安裝設定,明年起將正式加入運轉。 未來各項發展均以符合台灣地小人稠與複雜地形的空氣品質預報需要為目標,逐步提高環保署正確預報空氣品質的能力。具體的工作包括著重於整合統計預報系統與動力氣象預報系統的結果,逐步發展東亞與本土的排放調校子系統;提供多種不同機制的東亞沙塵動力模式模擬,增加預警的多樣性參考;建立符合台灣地貌現況的本土沙塵系統地表資訊與發展MODIS AOD的應用系統。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質預報;沙塵模式;東亞與本土沙塵


專案計畫編號 EPA-99-L105-03-001 經費年度 099 計畫經費 3000 千元
專案開始日期 2010/01/21 專案結束日期 2010/12/31 專案主持人 陳正平
主辦單位 監資處 承辦人 吳國榮 執行單位 國立台灣大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA_99_L105_03_001.pdf 30MB EPA-99-L105-03-001期末報告

Monitoring Air Pollutants for Long Range Transportation and Air Quality Forecast Auxiliary System

英文摘要 The purpose of this project is to develop and maintain forecasting systems to facilitate daily forecast of air quality over the Taiwan area. The main accomplishments include: (1) Maintain the “Air Quality Forecast Auxiliary System” to provide the information for daily forecast and develop probability forecasting for various classes of air quality levels; (2) Maintain and operate the “East Asia Mineral Dust Model” to provide 120 hours forecast, as well as develop dynamic numerical models (CMAQ、WRF-CHEM) coupled with mineral dust deflation scheme to increase operational efficiency; (3) Maintain and operation the “Taiwan local Dust Model” to provide simulations for 72-hours forecast, and improve the dust size distribution for the main river beds over central and southern Taiwan in the local dust model; (4) Provide model forecasting output for the local river dust warning, perform statistical analysis between local dust generation and meteorological parameters, then assess the feasibility of statistical forecasting; (5) Maintain and continue to upgrade air quality numerical models (including biomass burning model), to provide simulations of local and long range transport of air pollutants, and to assist routine operation for 72-hour forecasts; (6) Assist the porting and testing of all the above numerical systems to the High Performance Computation facility of the Central Weather Bureau (CWB) under the agreement between CWB and EPA; (7)Analyze the relationship between AOD、ground truth of meteorological factor and aerosol vertical distribution, so as to facilitate future application of PM2.5 forecast: (8) Analyses selected air pollution episodes for the purpose of improving air quality forecasts; (9) Provide special-duty manpower to EPA for daily forecasts of air pollution; (10) Complete testing the CMAQ model to allow operation in the coming year. On-going work for sustainable development of the forecasting systems will focus on: elevating the air-quality forecasting capability by integrating the statistical model and numerical model, developing different numerical forecast model systems to offer diverse information for a better objective forecast, improving emission inventory for air quality numerical modeling, continuing development of MODIS AOD retrieval system, as well establishing a more accurate land-use type classification for a local-area mineral dust model, so that these air quality daily forecast systems can better cope with the conditions of complex terrain and geographical features over the Taiwan area.
英文關鍵字 air-quality forecast;mineral dust model;East Asia and local mineral dust