

中文摘要 近年來,由本縣轄內各流域河岸面巡查結果顯示,仍常有遭丟棄廢棄物或時有遭非法傾倒廢液或水肥等行為,使得本縣河川水體環境承受極大負荷。因此,為嚇阻及監控不肖民眾及廠商丟棄垃圾及非法傾倒廢液或水肥於各流域內,以維護河川水質及河岸之清潔,推動執行「桃園縣河川流域防止廢棄物入侵及髒亂點清除計畫」。藉由本計畫巡查各流域可能遭棄置地點並進行分級列管,且評估選定後續設置監控儀器執行監控蒐證作業之適當地點,借助科技產品-監控攝影系統設置於流域區監視,執行監控蒐證作業,期望達到嚇阻非法業者並確實查獲非法傾倒之行為,再依所拍攝之影像作為取締之依據。 對於本計畫中之四個水質自然淨化工區的維護、操作、水質檢測及綠美化等工作,除了讓工區可以永續的經營與利用外,更使得縣內河川可以透過自然淨化工區的設置而達到水質淨化之目的,以維護河川水質及河岸公地之美化。改善河川污染現況,提供民眾優質的生活環境,長久以來一直是政府的施政重點。環保署將南崁溪及老街溪的水質改善治理列為近年的工作重點,在政府的投入與民間的配合下,使得上述兩條河川的治理已見成效。如沿岸的親水步道、公園,沿河設置的自行車道,嚴重污染河段的減少,水質的改善等等。讓本縣的河川水域環境逐步在邁向幸福水岸、優質生活的目標前進中,達到活水、親水及淨水的最終目標。


專案計畫編號 經費年度 099 計畫經費 7910 千元
專案開始日期 2010/06/23 專案結束日期 2011/06/22 專案主持人 黃兆君
主辦單位 桃園市政府環境保護局 承辦人 蔡美琳 執行單位 廣容綠化有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 桃園縣河川流域防止廢棄物入侵及髒亂點清除計畫-期末報告.pdf 75MB

Taoyuan County River basin to prevent the waste removal plan the invasion and dirty point

英文摘要 The investigation shows that in recent years the problems of water pollution in Taoyuan County such as garbage, illegal emission and raw sewage are still happening from time to time, which cause heavy burden of the rivers. The purpose of “Taoyuan water pollution prevention and reformation program” is to stop the public and enterprises polluting the rivers. According to the program, there will be several places being supervised, with the help of monitors we will take photos of illegal pouring and ban those crimes, hoping to maintain pure water quality and clean the river banks. The conservation, operation, examination of water quality, and embellishment of environment toward the four water purification industrial areas in this program will improve the water pollution problems, and lead to the sustainable development. EPA has dealt with Nan-Can Creek and Old-Street Creek in recent years, with the devotion and assistance from the government and society, the efforts have paid off, for example, the footpath, park and bikeway aside the river bank, and the polluted parts have decreased. To eliminate water pollution problems and build a high quality living is the ultimate goal of this program.