

中文摘要 本計畫為二年度計畫之第二年度,執行期間自民國99年3月起至99年12月止,主要目的為協助推動環保署報行政院核准之「營造永續優質環境衛生計畫」六年專案計畫,在過去清淨家園全民運動的執行基礎下,持續改善環境衛生並提升生活環境品質。持續推動並檢討辦理「建構清淨家園複式動員」、「全面提昇城鄉環境衛生」、「營造優質環保示範區」及「重塑清淨海岸風貌」等四項子計畫之獎勵補助申請審核作業,另以提升環境「整潔度」為本年度推動之目標,結合5S運動與文化,促進政府部門、縣市政府、鄉鎮市區、村里社區、學校、企業團體、志義工組織及民眾等共同參與,攜手整頓居家環境,營造永續優質環境衛生。本年度完成檢討研修相關作業及獎勵補助要點,並在環保署總經費8億1,018.1萬元補助下,全國已輔導成立清淨家園協巡組織,共251小隊;633個村里合計達成1,314項次環境衛生永續指標;25縣市清理240處觀光景點或髒亂點;補助於98年遴選之5處鄉鎮市區建設優質環保示範區,並遴選出台北市南港區、台中市西區及南屯區、台南市北區及高雄縣彌陀鄉等5處為100年度優質環保示範區推動單位。此外,動員環保志義工及企業團體等153,357人次,累計清理重點海灘17,538公里,清理海灘垃圾11,323公噸。
中文關鍵字 環境衛生;清淨家園;環保示範區


專案計畫編號 EPA-99-J101-02-104 經費年度 099 計畫經費 8400 千元
專案開始日期 2010/03/19 專案結束日期 2010/12/31 專案主持人 曹曼俊
主辦單位 環管處 承辦人 陳博生 執行單位 康城工程顧問股份有限公司


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期末報告 EPA-99-J101-02-104.pdf 31MB

2010 Establish sustainable and high quality Environment for Sanitation

英文摘要 This project, which constitutes the second year of a two-year project, is carried out between March 2010 and December 2010. The main objective of the project was to help promote the Environmental Protection Administration’s Six-Year Plan– “Creation of Sustainable, High-quality Environmental Sanitation”– which had been approved by the Executive Yuan. The Six-Year Plan will build on the foundations already laid by the “Clean Up Taiwan” initiative to bring about ongoing improvement in environmental sanitation and enhance the quality of life. The project further promoted the implementation of four sub-projects— “Clean Up Taiwan Multi-tiered Remobilization”, “Improvement in Environmental Sanitation in Urban and Rural Areas”, “Building Model Environmental Protection Districts”, and “Cleaning Up Taiwan’s Coastline”. The applications for the above sub-projects were reviewed. The other key objectives of this year’s project was the enhancement of environmental cleanliness and tidiness; emphasis were put on incorporating the “5S” methodology into our culture and encouraging the participation of central government agencies, county and city governments, communities, schools, businesses, volunteer groups and citizens, with the common goal of working together to improve living environments and achieve sustainable, high-quality environmental sanitation. This year, the review and revision of procedures and guidelines regarding incentive measures have been completed. With a total funding of NTD$810 million from the Environmental Protection Administration, the following results have been achieved: a total of 251 Clean Up Taiwan sub-teams have been established throughout the country; 633 villages accomplished an accumulated total of 1,314 items listed on the Environmental Sanitation Sustainability Index; 240 tourist sights and spots in particularly run-down condition have been cleaned up by 25 rural and urban communities. In addition to the five communities selected to establish high-quality environmental demonstration areas in 2009, the following 5 communities have also been selected for year 2011: Nangang District of Taipei City, Nantun District and West District of Taichung City, North District of Tainan City, and Mituo Village of Kaohsiung County. Equally as impressive, 153,357 people from volunteer groups and business organizations have cleaned up 17,538 km of Taiwan’s beaches, clearing a total of 11,323 tons of garbage.
英文關鍵字 Environmental Sanitation;Clean Up Taiwan;Model Environmental Protection Districts