

中文摘要 本計畫已針對民國98年移動源排放量加以推估驗證,並規劃推動移動源總量管理制度,擬定移動源管制策略,完成民國99年縣市移動源管理工作績效考評工作,辦理民國99年縣市環保局柴油車底盤動力計排煙檢測站評鑑,計畫主要成果摘述如下: 民國98年移動源排放量推估結果,柴油大貨車對PM10、NOx貢獻量最大;汽油自小客車、四行程機車則對NMHC、CO貢獻量比較顯著,整體移動源歷年排放量呈下降趨勢。以車載量測系統(PEMS)實車測試之成果初步驗證現行移動源排放量,其結果顯示除2004年ALTIS 車種的NOx排放較TEDS7.0為高以外,其他實測的排放量均低於TEDS7.0推估值。LPG車與同款汽油車道路測試結果,CO2排放量與燃料消耗多以LPG車較低。LPG車於行駛綜合型路徑時之HC排放較高,但行駛市區路徑及交通尖峰時段時HC排放明顯較低。經由2部機車道路測試結果,已確認其應用PEMS排放測試之可行性。 在移動源總量管理制度部分,已結合環保署近年來推動之空品區涵容總量管制計畫,以民國96年為基準年,估算民國105年移動源排放量目標,並分配至西部五大空品區,未來需積極擴大推動老舊車輛加速淘汰,提昇低污染車輛(例如電動車等)之佔有率,持續加嚴新車排放標準及推動油品管制,結合交通單位加強交通管理措施,進行既有柴油車污染管制……等措施,才可達到預期之排放量目標。 研擬國內移動源管制策略架構區分為:有捷運都會區、其它都會區、非都會區三類,並以運具排放改善策略及交通改善策略兩大主軸,據以擬定全國移動源短、中、長期管制策略。 已完成99年度縣市移動源管理工作績效考評,包括每季系統數量勾稽及現場查核工作,統計各考評項目縣市推動數量及分數計算成果;檢舉烏賊車、二行程機車汰舊補助政策問卷調查成果,民眾多表示正面評價,民眾得知烏賊車檢舉有獎勵金大都透過電子媒體;汰舊補助資訊則以機車行為主。考評項目建議納入機車定檢站及柴動檢測站品質管理,柴油車油品因採源頭管制,抽驗不合格率偏低,可考慮刪除該項目。 已完成99年度柴油車底盤動力計排煙檢測站評鑑,全國22個站列為C級有2站,其原因為動力站設置進度落後、人員訓練不足以及書面資料不全等。透過本計畫評鑑機制,提昇檢測軟體認證機制,針對標準試片、溫度及壓力計進行第三方公正單位校驗,建議未來推動「保檢合一」制度,柴動站可逐步由原本的稽查檢測轉變為保養服務性質。
中文關鍵字 移動污染源,交通運輸管理,污染排放減量


專案計畫編號 EPA-99-FA13-03-A121 經費年度 099 計畫經費 13900 千元
專案開始日期 2010/04/13 專案結束日期 2011/04/30 專案主持人 莊裕霖
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 徐淑芷 執行單位 鼎環工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA99FA1303A121.rar 31MB 99年度移動污染源排放總量推估、管制策略擬訂與縣市執行成效考評(定稿)

Estimate the Total Quantity of Automobile Emission、Plan the Strategy of Automobile Emission Control

英文摘要 This project accomplished: estimation and verification of mobile source emissions for year 2009; establishment and implementation of the quantity control scheme; development of the control strategies; review of the mobile source management and implementation status of states for year 2010, and the audit of cantonal dynamometer testing facilities for year 2010. The details of the accomplishments are as below: In 2009, the majority of PM10 and NOx emissions were from the heavy duty diesel engines; while the 4-stroke-engine motorcycles and gasoline sedans contributed more NMHC and CO emissions. The mobile source emissions have been decreasing by year. Testing vehicles with the portable emission measurement system (PEMS) which identified the actual emissions, showed much lower emissions than the estimated emissions from TEDS7.0 except for the 2004 ALTIS showed higher NOx emissions. In addition, the Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) vehicle exhibited less CO2 emissions and less fuel consumption than those of the gasoline sedans. The HC emissions from LPG vehicle were higher when tested in a route of mixed rural and city roadways. The HC emissions from LPG vehicle were lower than that of the gasoline sedan testing at rush hours. It was found feasible to use PEMS to measure the emissions of two motorcycles. To control the quantity of total mobile source emissions, EPA developed total emissions control scheme for the air quality regions by a base year of 2007 emissions and estimated emissions reduction in year 2016 and with the reductions distributed to five western air quality regions. The control strategies are: expedite and expand the retirement program for older vehicles; promote the market share of the low emission vehicles (i.e. electric cars); continue enforcing stricter emission standards for new vehicles and fuel oil standards; join the efforts of transportation agency for better traffic control measures; and enforce the pollution controls for diesel vehicles; etc. Three areas: MRT urban area, non-MRT urban area, and non-urban area, were established for the main frame control strategies. The short-term, mid-term, and long-term goals for these areas can be achieved by control vehicle emissions and improve transportation. The project titled “Year 2010 County/City Mobile Source Management Review” includes the review of seasonal audits of vehicles, on-site verification and a score report for the amount of the control actions implemented by county/city. The policies of the sanctions against squid vehicles (motor vehicles that generate excessive amounts of visible exhaust emissions) and the enforcement of the 2-stroke engine scooter retirement were supported by the public as evident through the surveys. Mainly, the residents were informed from the multi-media advertisement for reporting squid vehicles and the rewards. The enforcement of the retirement of the 2-stroke engine scooters was effective which was carried out by the motorcycle shops. Motorcycle inspection stations and a quality control program for cantonal dynamometer testing facilities were recommended. Since the control of diesel source was effective, testing diesel fuels showed very high rate of passing, therefore, it is recommended to remove the testing requirement. In 2010, 22 cantonal dynamometer testing facilities were audited and 2 stations were graded as class C. For class C stations, they were behind construction schedule, lack of well-trained operators, and producing erroneous records. Through this project, the identification software system was improved and a third party verification system is recommended to ensure the quality of the films, thermocouple and pressure gauge. Furthermore, an inspection/maintenance program and converting the testing facilities into maintenance and services were recommended.
英文關鍵字 Mobile Source, Management of Transportation, Emission Reduction