

中文摘要 中國石油化學公司台鹼安順廠之土壤與地下水污染案,土壤主要受到汞、戴奧辛與五氯酚之污染,且污染物之含量均遠遠超過管制標準;此種包含不同高濃度毒性物質之複合式污染型態,更為台灣及全世界所罕見。若以短時間內有效達到高污染物去除率為準則,熱處理技術應為極佳選擇,特別適用於高濃度局部土壤污染之整治,此方法亦為現階段中石化所提出整治計畫第一階段之主要方法。然熱脫附除了用於有效去除土壤汙染物外,汙染物受熱所造成的型態轉變,以及土壤性質受熱所造成的變化,均可能對後續土壤再利用產生直接的影響。本研究主要藉由中石化公司之熱脫附實驗室,以非直接式旋轉窯反應器進行土壤熱脫附實驗。首先以實驗室熱重分析儀快速獲得數種受汞及戴奧辛污染土壤之失重行為,藉由所得之熱重損失區段初步定義可操作之脫附條件(i.e., 脫附溫度),之後將該條件配合不同之脫附溫度、進氣量、以及延時,應用於旋轉窯反應器,以獲得於不同脫附條件下土壤中汞與戴奧辛殘量變化情形。除評估處理前後土壤中汞與戴奧辛殘量變化情形外,本研究並同時針對土壤基本性質進行分析以及針對汞物種進行序列萃取,瞭解汙染物熱處理後之再分配行為,期許所得結果能做為未來模廠與實廠建構與熱脫附參數選擇之依據。
中文關鍵字 熱脫附, 汞, 戴奧辛, 土壤, 熱重分析


專案計畫編號 EPA-99-GA103-03-A236-2 經費年度 099 計畫經費 940 千元
專案開始日期 2010/12/29 專案結束日期 2011/12/28 專案主持人 席行正
主辦單位 土污基管會 承辦人 尤衍翔 執行單位 國立台北科技大學/環境工程與管理所


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-99-GA103-03-A236-2期末報告.pdf 13MB

Effects of thermal desorption on soil structures, removal effectiveness of mercury and dioxin contam

英文摘要 China Petrochemical Development Corp’s (CPDC) Anshun site in Taiwan, which was highly contaminated with Hg, polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) and pentachlorophenol (PCP), has received the greatest concerns globely and barely been seen in other countries. Thermal desorption has been referred to as one of the best methods for soil remediation. This technique can decontaminate the soil on-site or off-site in a short time period and possesses large removal efficiencies for organic and inorganic pollutants simultaneously. Additionally, thermal desorption was also the Phase I approach proposed by CPDC for remediating highly contaminated soils. It is imperative to note that transformation of pollutants and changes in soil properties caused by thermal treatment, however, can directly influence the subsequent utilization of treated soils. This study examines the effectiveness of thermal desorption of CPDC’s contaminated soils using a benchscale rotary reactor. The tested desorption temperature, duration, and carrier gas rate are determined based on results from thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The contents of Hg, PCDD/Fs, and PCP of treated samples are further evaluated. We also evaluate the homologue amounts of PCDD/Fs and speciation of Hg using sequential extraction method to better understand the repartitioning of soil contaminants. The data from this study may optimize the thermal desorption parameters of soil decontamination as well as providing an insight into increasing the effectiveness of thermal treatment processes in pilot- and full-scale operation.
英文關鍵字 thermal desorption, mercury, dioxin, soil, thermogravimetry