

中文摘要 為推動環境責任法,對於本法草案、列管對象、相關保險細部與基金規模與財源分配,本計畫進行初步規劃與研擬。環境責任法之立法,斟酌解決環境責任問題之實際情況與政策目標之落實效果,建議草案共十章(總則、環境損害之賠償、強制人身財物損害責任保險、強制自然資源損害責任保險、人身財物損害補償基金、自然資源損害回復基金、跨境責任及氣候變遷之因應、環境責任爭議之處理、罰則、附則),計八十條。 對於環境責任風險條件,建議考量人口、基本特徵、位置特徵、排放或運作許可與環境管理五大面向。應用專家問卷調查法及統計方法,完成環境責任之風險條件指標系統,同時完成信效度確認。依前述指標系統,模擬10家事業單位之風險等級,以GIS方式呈現。運用關鍵少數原則分析空水廢毒許可資料庫,發現管制20%的許可事業至少可管制90%的排放或許可量;原物料的歧異度高,並不適合納為風險條件因素。依據國內外資料與標準行業分類,建議29項列管行業。公告事業的優先順序方面,可依據環境風險等級評比結果,分成五項等級,按照風險高低作為初步的公告對象依據。 環境責任法草案相關保險細部設計方面,強制人身財物損害責任保險與強制自然資源損害責任保險之保險合約規劃,除參考歐美日本等國家現行保險合約內容與本法草案,規劃未來強制人身財物損害責任保險與強制自然資源損害責任保險之合約內容。本研究採用純保險費法,運用可能損失頻率與幅度算出純保險費後,加入附加費用,計算總保險費。依據現有資料的完整與可行性,目前選定以SO2、O3及PM10計算空氣污染對人身傷害補償成本,及土壤污染對第三人財物及自然環境資源損害成本。台灣地區公害糾紛件數資料有限,且舉證責任由被害人轉換為當事人的責任,依現有資料計算,確有困難,故建議採由國外經驗來計算各給付項目之純保費及各項費率因子。未來本法推動後,逐步建置損失資料庫後,再行調整保險成本。環境責任險的落實,除保險業配合外,必須考量企業主是否可以負擔成本及過去已累積的污染是否會轉嫁至現有經營者,建議考慮分階段實施。第一階段可以突發或意外事故所致之污染責任,其發生時間明確,被保險人責任驅動也非常明確,賠償責任與對象比較明確,加以限額無過失責任的改變,受害者應可明確、快速得到理賠。第一階段逐漸成熟後,再行推動第二階段所謂漸進式的污染責任。 人身財物損害補償基金規模估算程序受限於歷史資料,本研究以「財團法人汽車交通事故特別補償基金」之設置理念作為參考;基金成立之初,應至少具備新台幣五千萬元至一億元的資金基礎,以支應因環境損害行為可能造成人身或財物的鉅額損失,達基金收支平衡之正常運作。建議強制人身財物損害責任保險費率結構中,可先行設定提撥總保費3%至6%的基金分擔額挹注至該基金,日後再根據基金規模與收支增減情況調整費率結構。自然資源損害回復基金方面,以「綠色國民所得帳編製報告」內容為依據,對於因空氣、水以及廢棄物污染所造成的環境品質質損以及因地下水超抽、濫捕、濫伐與濫採所造成的自然資源折耗之貨幣成本,進行研究分析。搭配財務管理領域常用的迴歸分析方法與約當年金概念,進行自然資源損害回復基金之基金規模估算。此外,已完成補償基金與自然資源回復基金管理辦法之擬定。本計劃應舉辦三場研商會、諮詢會或公聽會,已舉辦四場,符合計畫目標。
中文關鍵字 環境責任法、風險條件、保險、基金


專案計畫編號 EPA-099-K103-02-211 經費年度 099 計畫經費 3675.8 千元
專案開始日期 2010/08/26 專案結束日期 2011/12/31 專案主持人 余泰毅
主辦單位 管考處 承辦人 劉建中 執行單位 銘傳大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告RE.pdf 3MB 公開版

Control Facilities and Detailed Design of Insurance Programs for the Draft Law of Environmental Liab

英文摘要 In order to promote the law of environmental liability, this project drew up a preliminary plan about the draft of this law, managed object, the relevant insurance details, the fund size and allocation of financial resources. The legislation of Environmental Liability Law should consider carefully of resolving the real situation of environmental liability and the actual effects of policy objectives, therefore the recommendation draft includes ten chapters (general provisions, compensation for environmental damage, mandatory personal property damage liability insurance, mandatory liability insurance for damage to natural resources, personal property damage compensation fund, natural resource damage recovery fund, cross-border responsibilities and the response to climate change and the management, penalties, bylaw of environmental liability dispute) and eighty laws. As for risk conditions of environmental liability, we suggest to consider five factors: population, the basic characteristics, location characteristics, emissions or operation permits and environmental management. The expert survey method and statistical methods are applied to complete the risk indicator system of environmental liability, at the same time, and confirm the reliability and validity. Based on the risk indicator system, we simulated the risk level of 10 institutions and presented the results by GIS. Using the Pareto Principle to analyze the database of air, water, waste, toxic permission, we found that control 20% of the control facilities, at least 90% of emissions or licensed capacity can be controlled. Raw material is not suitable for inclusion as a risk factor, because of the high variations of chemicals compounds. According to the international and national data and standard industry classification, we hereby proposed 29 industries need to be managed. As for the priority of the announced industries, it can be initially announced by five levels based on their risk. The risk is divided into 5 levels according to the results of environmental risk evaluation. With the aspect of environmental liability insurance in the draft law, the detailed design of mandatory personal property damage liability insurance and damage to natural resources, mandatory liability insurance contract of insurance plan referred two sources. First, this project referred the current contents of the insurance contract of Japan and America, and the draft of this Law to plan contract terms of mandatory personal property damage liability insurance and mandatory natural resources liability insurance for the future. Second, this study adopted the pure premium method; calculating the possibility of frequency loss and magnitude for pure premium, and adding additional costs to calculate the total premium. Based on integrity and practicability of existing data, SO2, O3 and PM10 are selected to calculate the cost of personal injury compensation by air pollution and the cost of third party property and natural resources damage by soil pollution. It is difficult to calculate the premium based on the Taiwanese existing available data, because the number of pollution disputes in Taiwan is rare, and the burden of proof is transferred from the victim into the responsibility of the parties. Therefore we suggested calculating the pay items and the rates of net premium factor based on the foreign experience. After the Law to promote, in the future, and gradually build the database of the loss, the insurance costs can be re-adjusted. Besides the co-ordination of insurance industry, the practice of environmental liability insurance must consider whether the business owners can afford the cost and pollution of the past has accumulated will be passed on to existing operators. It is recommended to implement by two phases. The first phase focuses on the pollution liability which is caused by emergency or accident. The event time and insured driver are obvious, and the claim liability and objects are clear, in addition, due to the changes of limit in no-fault liability, the victim should be quickly to get claims. When the first phase is maturity, it is time to push forward to the second phase of the so-called gradual pollution liability. The estimation procedures of personal property damage compensation fund size are limited by historical data, this study referred to the concept of "Motor vehicle accident compensation fund." At the beginning of fund creation, it should have at least NT fifty million to one hundred million as a capital base to cope huge losses of physical and property which caused by the environment damage. In this case, the fund can reach a balance to a normal operation. We suggested that it can be first set aside 3-6% of total premium into the fund. In the future, the rate structure can be adjusted based on the Fund's size and situation of expenditure and revenue. With the aspect of natural resource damage compensation funds, according to “Report of Green National Income Account” we study two damage costs: 1) the loss of environmental quality air, water and waste pollution; 2) depletion of natural resources caused by excessive pumping of groundwater, fishing, deforestation and indiscriminate. With the regression analysis which is commonly used in financial management methods and the concept of equivalent annual annuity, we estimate the fund size of natural resource damage compensation funds. In addition, the rule of compensation fund and natural resources compensation fund has been completed. This research plans to organize three discussing meeting, consultation meeting or public hearing, and has been held four meetings, reached the project goal.
英文關鍵字 Environmental Liability law, Risk conditions, Insurance, Fund