

中文摘要 行政院環保署為落實「行政院環境保護署傾聽人民聲音推動實施計畫」,故辦理「99年下半年度環保共識會議計畫」。本計畫主要工作內容包括辦理「99年下半年度環保共識會議」與「環保共識會議檢討會議」。共識會議討論議題為「中部科學工業園區等環評審查案件,您是否贊成採行「『公眾參與,專家代理機制』審查制度」?」,藉由報名簡章、登報與網站等方式傳播會議訊息,參與報名成員共計97人,並由指導委員會篩選出25位共識成員。 四天會議於99年11月14日、21日、28日與12月5日四星期日辦理完成,共計21位成員全程參與。會議第一天主要提供成員建立背景知識,第二天進行成員與專家座談,拋出問題讓成員思考,並由成員提出問題,進行意見交流;下午則將討論議題分為(一)你是否贊成『公眾參與,專家代理制度』?專家會議在環評作業機制中是否需法制化?與(二)現行環評制度中,應如何強化專家會議制度?應如何健全公眾參與機制?兩項子議題進行分組討論。為利於形成初步共識結論,第三天,再於綜合討論中逐步進行達到初步共識,並於12月5日上午由發言人與成員一一確認並完成「99年下半年度環保共識會議結論報告」,當日下午進行結論發表。 共識會議結束後的一周內,召開檢討會議,邀請指導委員會、共識成員代表、環保署代表與工作小組,會議中針對「會議議題設定」、「會議議程安排」與「共識呈現方式」等提出建議,作為後續辦理會議之參考。
中文關鍵字 環保共識會議、環境影響評估、專家會議制度


專案計畫編號 EPA-99-E103-02-208 經費年度 099 計畫經費 431 千元
專案開始日期 2010/10/18 專案結束日期 2010/12/31 專案主持人 吳春滿
主辦單位 永續發展室(停用) 承辦人 楊峻維 執行單位 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會


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期末報告 正式報告.pdf 46MB

Environmental Consensus Conference in 2010

英文摘要 The purpose of the project was to hold an Environmental Consensus Conference and a review conference in 2010. The question, “Do you support the expert meeting system, which is carried out in the environmental impact assessment for the Central Taiwan Science Park” was put forth and discussed in the conference. Ninety-seven individuals applied to attend the conference and 21 were selected according to the selecting rules set up by the Conference Advisory Committee. The conference was held on four successive Sundays from November 11th to December 5th. On the first day, lectures were arranged to provide members with relevant background. On the following two days, a forum for experts was held to provide experience exchange. On the third day, two sub-issues were discussed in the group discussion, i.e.(I) Do you support the expert meeting system, which is carried out in the environmental impact assessment? Will it need further legalization process? (II) How to strengthen the expert meeting system and enhance public participation? The diverse comments gradually converged into a consensus during the panel discussion. After consensus results were checked by the panel of members, the “Environmental Consensus Conference Conclusion Report for the 2010” was accomplished and announced to the public on December 5th. According to the conclusion report, members proposed suggestions for the environmental protection administration:(I) Revise the expert meeting system for the further legalization process (II) Build up the expert resource pool and environmental issues pool, (III) Strengthen the public participation by holding the Consideration democracy operation. In order to evaluate the outcome of the consensus conference, the conference advisory committee members, panel representatives and the EPA representatives were invited to join the review conference held on December 20th. The conference has concluded suggestions for “setting the conference issue”, “setting the agenda” and “forming a consensus”, which are good references for future conferences.
英文關鍵字 Environmental consensus conference、Environmental Impact assessment、Expert meeting