

中文摘要 本計畫目標以評估高雄地區大坪頂特定區土壤及地下水品質,就其評估結果優先實地執行篩測調查,以避免影響民眾生活環境品質;並就篩測調查結果進行整體評析大坪頂特定區污染來源、潛勢及風險程度,規劃後續相關調查工作;進一步掌握大坪頂特定區之污染輪廓,並就經濟、技術、風險、法規等層面進行整體評估,研提相關管制策略,作為後續施政之參考。 本計畫完成大坪頂特定區3,281公頃區域的污染潛勢調查,經地貌變化區域比對,篩選出具非法棄置高污染潛勢區約442公頃,挑選其中5處進行確認調查證實皆掩埋事業廢棄物,有2處區域廢棄物屬含六價鉻、鉛、鎘、戴奧辛等有害事業廢棄物,長期堆置有污染土壤及地下水的疑慮。推估廢棄物體積約1,300萬立方公尺,採全數離場清理費用將達數百億元,現有處理設施能量不足以容納所有廢棄物,難以在短期間妥善清理,因此不能以傳統污染移除整治方式處理,必須重新進行全方位整體戰略思維考量。 建議後續管制策略如下: 一、短期的管制措施:立即採取管制高污染潛勢區域與降低污染擴散風險作為。 二、中期的管制措施:進行通盤檢討規劃,主動協助高雄市政府有效管制污染土地、增加土地利用並提高經濟效益。 三、長期的管制措施:完成場址的整治與建立永續生活社區。
中文關鍵字 健康風險;地下水;廢棄物;爐石;非法棄置場址


專案計畫編號 EPA-99-GA101-03-A206 經費年度 099 計畫經費 16000 千元
專案開始日期 2010/11/10 專案結束日期 2012/05/09 專案主持人 劉沛宏
主辦單位 土污基管會 承辦人 陳榆之 執行單位 財團法人工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告公開版.pdf 0MB

The development plan of soil and groundwater quality overall assessment and the follow-up control st

英文摘要 The project objectives are to evaluate the quality of soil and groundwater at the Dapingding Site, Kaohsiung. The evaluation results in the priority of the site screening in order to prevent the impact of the living quality in the region. The results of the screening would help overall evaluate contamination source, potential, and risk so that the later investigation could take place. The results would also help define the contamination situation, evaluate economy, technology, risk, and legal regulations of the site, and study the relative controls for the follow-up policy making. Within the Dapingding area, 3,281 hectares of the area were investigated for contamination potentials. After topological comparisons, 422 hectares of the area were marked as the candidates of high contamination potential. Among the 422 hectares, 5 locations were identified with burial industrial wastes; 2 of them contained chromate, lead, cadmium, dioxins, and other hazardous wastes. These toxic materials buried at the site may contaminate groundwater. The estimated wastes volume was about 13 million metric meters. If all the wastes were removed, the total cost would be as high as several tens of billions of dollars. Besides, the current facilities might have no enough space to accommodate the amount. Thus, a new concept of remediation was needed for this suite rather than traditional cleanups. The suggested control strategies are: A. Short term control: For the areas of high contamination potentials, immediate area control and limitations should be activated in order to reduce the risk of contamination spreading. B. Intermediate control: Overall evaluation of the site reclamation is needed. Consultation with the government of Kaohsiung City for the reclamation is necessary to better control contaminated lands, enhance land utilizations, and increase economic benefits. C. Long term control: Finish the site reclamation and build the sustainable communities.
英文關鍵字 Health Risk;Ground water;wastes;Slag;Illegal Dumping Site