

中文摘要 截至100年5月底止,臺南市總機動車輛數已達2,017,901輛,機車更達到1,431,709輛;而機動車輛雖然為人類帶來了許多的方便,使人類的生活文明得到了快速的發展,但也因為數量的急劇增加,產生了許多負面的影響,而其所排放的大量廢氣使空氣受到污染,不僅嚴重影響人類健康,也加速地球暖化現象,更對地球上的生物產生不利的影響。 由於機車相較於汽車是屬於高污染之交通工具,又不易加裝昂貴的防制處理設備,而一般車主對於自己的車輛多半是欠缺定期維護保養的觀念,僅注意性能而忽略了廢氣排放情形,若再加上車輛老舊,無形中更會加速空氣品質之惡化,因此數量一多,其所排放之CO與HC等各種污染物會影響到他人與自己的健康並破壞環境的清新。一氧化碳(CO)吸入過多會促使紅血球中之血紅素喪失輸氧能力,而造成一氧化碳中毒;碳氫化合物(HC)則可能提高癌症發生機率,因此,訂定一個可行的管制計畫,並積極實施,以有效控制機動車輛所造成之環境污染,實為空氣污染防制與管理範疇刻不容緩之工作。 目前國內為了改善機動車輛的空氣品質,環保署針對移動污染源方面的管制,除了依法規的要求執行新車型審檢,新車抽驗外,已全面實施機車排氣定檢制度。除了中央主管單位積極的管制之外,臺南市環境保護局運用空氣污染防制費,委託執行「移動污染源稽查管制計畫」,落實機車定期排氣檢驗及保養制度之推廣,透過平日的稽查作業與宣導活動,將定檢的的觀念及習慣帶入民眾的生活中,進而改善轄區內機動車輛的空氣品質。 本計畫因為是縣市合併前招標執行之計畫,故主要執行區域以原合併前之臺南縣31鄉鎮改制而成的臺南市31區區域為主。 一、計畫執行期程 本計畫執行期程自99年10月20日至100年6月30日止,執行期間共計8.3個月。 二、計畫工作項目進度 計畫執行至100年6月之主要工作進度項目如下表所示。均在期限內完成。 三、管制成果與績效 計畫執行期間,已完成計畫車辨、巡查、攔檢等稽查目標,以及稽查後續之催檢通知、未定檢篩選催檢通知等等的數量。各項應回檢比率亦已達成。 另外在定檢站管理上,也完成定檢站招牌之統一內容及形象招牌設置,並統一了100年度的評鑑方式及管理辦法。 在宣導上,在100年4月16日也完成一場電動車輛之補助宣導及遊行活動。100年5月9日完成建構電動車使用環境之電動車輛充電站及交換站設置宣導。 定檢通知419,728件及各項催檢、宣導寄發方面,也在計畫結束前全數完成寄發。 計畫執行已經讓執行區域內由原計畫開始時之到檢率71.3%,至計畫結束時已達到91.58%,有明顯提升績效,已達到數年來最高績效。 四、未來執行建議 計畫未來執行建議如下: 1. 加強未定檢與不合格處分 2. 計畫工作細分單純化與編列足夠人力 3. 計畫工作量制定與分配應合理 4. 計畫目標之定義應明確清楚 5. 定檢站管理精進 6. 青白煙管制 7. 二行程汰舊宣導 8. 分區管制建議
中文關鍵字 機車定檢


專案計畫編號 經費年度 099 計畫經費 9061.1 千元
專案開始日期 2010/10/20 專案結束日期 2011/06/30 專案主持人 萬民安
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 莊雅絮 執行單位 春迪企業股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 99年度臺南縣移動污染源稽查管制計畫.rar 11MB

Mobile pollution source auditing and control project of Tainan County, 2010

英文摘要 There are 2,017,901 motorized vehicles in Tainan City up to the end of May 2011, includs 1,431,709 motorcycles. Despite the convenience that the motorized vehicles bring to human life and the rapid development of civilization, the sheer number of them creates many negative impacts. The massive amount of exhaust coming out the tail pipes not only affects adversely human health, but also accelerates global warming, not to mention the impacts to every one living on this planet. Motorcycles are a transportation means that generate more pollution as opposed to cars, and it is difficult to install pollution control device on them. In general, motorcycle owners lack of the idea of regular maintenance. They pay attention only to performance instead of exhaust emission. Given the aging of these motorcycles, the deterioration of air quality is inevitable. Therefore, as soon as the number increases, the emitted pollutants, such as CO and HC, will weaken our health and devastate the good environment. The inhalation of carbon monoxide (CO) causes the blood cells to lose the capability to carry oxygen, leading to CO poisoning. Hydrocarbons (HC) may result in higher rate of cancers. Thus, to establish a feasible control plan and put it to implementation in order to control the environmental pollution caused by motorized vehicle is something that is urge in the scope of air pollution control and management. The Environmental Protection Administration has enforced the control on mobile pollution sources in order to improve the air quality of the motorized vehicles. In addition to the new vehicle type tests and random inspection on new vehicles as legally required, the regular motorcycle exhaust inspection system was launched in full scale. Apart from the active control efforts of central competent authority, the Environmental Protection Bureau of Tainan City Government puts the air pollution control fees to good use by employing external consultants for the implementation of the “Mobile pollution source auditing and control project” as the embodiment of regular motorcycle exhaust inspections and maintenance system. The intention is to infuse the idea and habit of regular inspection into people’s everyday life and in turn to improve the air quality of motorized vehicles in the jurisdiction. This project was entrusted before the merging of Tainan City and County, and, as a result, is carried out on all the 31 new districts of Tainan City that were formerly 31 townships of Tainan County. 1. Project duration The project started on Oct 20 2010 and ended on Jun 30 2011, totaling 8.3 months. 2. Progress of works The following chart shows the progress of works executed for the project up to June 2011. All the works were completed as shown in the table. 3. Control achievement and performance The auditing goals developed for the project, such as license plate identifying, inspection tours and roadside inspection, were achieved during the implementation of project. The number of follow-up notice for inspection and for failure to report to inspection met the requirements. The required percentages of reporting to inspections were reached. For inspection station management, the unified contents of inspection station signboard and the establishment of imaging signboard were completed, and the assessment methods and management rules were unified for 2011. For propaganda, a propaganda and parade event was held on Apr 16 2011 for the subsidy of electric motorcycles. The propaganda for the battery charging and exchange stations for electric vehicles was completed on May 9 2011 as part of the electric vehicle use environment 419,728 inspection notices were issued, and the number required for issuing follow-up inspection notice and propaganda materials was reached by the end of project. The percentage of reporting for inspection started at 71.3% within the project implementation area at the beginning of project, and by the end of project, the percentage reached 91.58%, indicating not only an increased but also the best performance in several years. 4. Suggestions for future implementation The following suggestions are provided for the future project implementation: 1. To increase the punishment on failures to report to and to pass the regular inspections; 2. Simplification of individual work items of the project and sufficient staffing; 3. The establishment and distribution of project workload should be more reasonable; 4. The definition of project goals should be more specific; 5. Improvement of regular inspection station management; 6. Control of bluish white exhausts 7. Propaganda of 2-stroke engine retirement; and 8. Suggestion for control in areas.
英文關鍵字 the embodiment of regular motorcycle exhaust inspections and maintenance system