

中文摘要 為鼓勵全體縣民自發減碳,將節能減碳行動化作所有縣民的生活習慣,由政府機關及學校率先辦理公部門節能減碳工作,將節能減碳落實於機關部門與學校日常活動中,藉由點、線、面之擴散,將節能減碳觀念由個人擴及至社區、鄉鎮市、縣市乃至全國,達到低碳家園之目標。   本計畫共完成20處機關學校節能診斷輔導,估計完成節能改善後,每年可減少1,869,503度電之消耗,可節省1,115萬元電費支出,減少1,331公噸-CO2e/年排放量;並協助2家示範單位,完成高效能燈具汰換,改善後較改善前每年可減少2,373.12度電之消耗,節省6,407元電費支出,減少1.452公噸-CO2e/年排放量。另完成10個社區節能診斷輔導,估計完成節能改善後,每年可減少845,957度電之消耗,可節省309萬元電費支出,減少527公噸-CO2e/年排放量。   建置本縣99年度溫室氣體排放量清冊,數據登錄率85%,99年溫室氣體排放量約69,241公噸-CO2e,直接溫室氣體排放佔總排放量24.19%,間接溫室氣體排放佔75.81%。   規劃於觀音鄉代會頂樓設置10 kW太陽能發電系統,於觀音鄉新行政園區東側停車場設置1kW風力發電系統,估計每年可以產生電力11,200度,每年可以減少6.854公噸CO2排放量。
中文關鍵字 節能減碳,溫室氣體減量,再生能源


專案計畫編號 經費年度 099 計畫經費 5800 千元
專案開始日期 2010/12/15 專案結束日期 2011/10/14 專案主持人 林文川
主辦單位 桃園市政府環境保護局 承辦人 許瓊方 執行單位 傳閔工程股份有限公司


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期末報告 991208088.pdf 23MB

The promotion of energy conservation and carbon reduction in Taoyaun County government branches and schools, and the facilitation of low-carbon community establishment project

英文摘要 In order to achieve the goal of establishment low-carbon homesteads, everyone in the county is encouraged to actively participate in carbon reduction and energy conservation and make it a part of his/her life. The branches of the government and public schools have led the way by taking the initiative to help spread the concept from person to person, community to community. This project has completed energy efficiency examinations of 20 government branches and schools in total. It is estimated that upon the completion of the energy efficiency upgrades, 1,869,503kW of electricity, $11,150,000NT and 1,331 tones of CO2e can be saved each year. The project has also assisted two demo institutions upgrade to high efficiency lighting fixtures that will in turn help reduce electricity consumption by 2,373.12kW, electricity expenditure by $6,407NT and CO2e emission by 1.452 tones per year. Ten other community energy efficiency examinations were conducted that all of the energy saving upgrades upon completion should help save 845,957kW in electricity consumption, $3,090,000NT in electricity expenditure and 527 tones in CO2e emission annually. In establishing the 2010 green house gas emission inventory, the statistics log in rate was 85%; the amount of 2010 green house CO2e emission was approximately 69,241 tones; the direct green house gas emission was 24.19% of total emission; indirect green house gas emission was 75.81% of total emission. The planned installation of a 10kW solar power generation system atop the Guangyin Township Council building and a 1kW wind power generation system on the east side of the parking lot of the New Guangyin Township Administration Park is estimated to produce 11,200kW of electricity and reduce CO2e emission by 6.854 tones per year.
英文關鍵字 energy efficiency and carbon reduction,reduction of greenhouse gas,renewable energy