

中文摘要 一、(1)完成異味污染源巡查作業467家次,其中專案巡查-溝皂里皮革廠222家次(47.6%)、專案巡查-璟美掩埋場64家次(13.7%)、陳情案件追蹤複查109家次(23.3%),一般性的夜間巡查72家次(15.4%)。針對異味污染源進行巡查作業,輔導業者改善或移除異味產生源。(2)進行大自然竹木業有限公司等23家之大事紀更新及恆家企業有限公司等10家之大事紀新增作業。(3)執行忠南畜場等10場次之周界氨濃度採樣分析作業,檢測結果皆符合法規標準。(4)辦理畜牧業環保評鑑10場次,以遴選3家本縣環保示範畜牧業者。(5)針對林旺皮革工業股份有限公司等20家,執行異味污染源減量協談及後續改善追蹤作業。 二、(1)完成餐飲業調查管制作業102家,調查結果油煙排放方式,直接排入大氣者佔24.0%,經防制設備排入大氣者佔76.0%,至於違法直接排入下水道之業者,皆裝設簡易吸附桶完成改善。(2) 選定斗六市民生南路為環保示範街道,進行優良環保餐廳評鑑作業,並製作「環保餐廳示範街道」餐飲地圖手冊。(3)辦理喜滿客等15場次餐飲業減量協談及後續改善追蹤作業。 三、(1)辦理1場次「畜牧業污染防制法令及技術講習說明會」,共發文通知89家畜牧業者,有69家參加,出席率77.5%。(2)辦理1場次「工業異味污染防制法令及技術講習說明會」,共發文通知91家公私場所業者,有54家參加,出席率60%。(3)辦理2場次「餐飲業污染防制法令及技術講習說明會」,出席率分別為28%及56%。(4)製作完成500份餐飲業空氣污染防制宣導手冊。
中文關鍵字 異味污染源,餐飲業,減量協談


專案計畫編號 經費年度 099 計畫經費 4200 千元
專案開始日期 2010/04/01 專案結束日期 2011/03/31 專案主持人 林宏斌
主辦單位 雲林縣環境保護局 承辦人 王志純 執行單位 理虹工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 99年度異味稽查管制計畫定稿本.pdf 35MB

The Controlling Plan for Odorous Pollution in 2010

英文摘要 1.(1) 467 cases of odorous pollution was inspected. The item of leather factories in Gouzao Village were inspected 222 cases (47.6%), the Ching-Mei Landfill Site was examined 64 times (13.7%), petitions were to double-check 109 times (23.2%), and non-specific night patrol was 72 times (15.4%). According to odor pollutants, we encourage practitioners to better or remove odorous sources. (2) To update events of 23 companies, including Nature Bamboo Industry Company Ltd. And to add events of 10 companies, including Heng-Chia Corporation Limited. (3) Taking samples which 10 sites around Chung-Nan Stock-raising Farm analyzed ammonia concentration, and the results of test is up to the legal standard. (4) The environmental assessments for livestock farming have been held 10 times, in order to select 3 paradigms on Yunlin County. (5) To hold odor pollutants reduction meetings and follow up the reformation of pollution situation on 20 companies. 2.(1) The inspection and management of foodservice has been executed 120 cases. The outcome of investigation shows that the caterers which exhaust cooking fumes directly into air are 24.0%, and with equipment are 76.0%. As the carters which exhaust into sewers illegally set up simply equipped to reform. (2) The carters on Min-Hseng South Road in Douliu City was selected as an environmental demonstration road. To evaluate the best eco-restaurant and print the eco-restaurants map. (3) To hold 15 reduction pollution meetings for foodservice and follow up the executions. 3.(1) Held a workshop on anti-pollution law and technology for livestock farming. Send public documents to 89 livestock farming. There were 69 practitioners attendance on the workshop, and the rate of attendance was 77.5%. (2) Held a workshop on odor pollution law and technology for manufacturing. Send public documents to 91 units. There were 54 practitioners attendance on the workshop, and the rate of attendance was 77.5%. (3) Held two workshops on antipollution law and technology for foodservice, and the rate of attendance were 28% and 56%. (4) To print 500 the foodservice anti air pollution guides.
英文關鍵字 Odorous pollution, foodservice, catering industry, the pollution reduction meeting.