

中文摘要 由於持久性有機污染物(Persistent Organic Pollutants,POPs)兼具生物累積性、高毒性、長距離遷移及在環境中難以分解特性,聯合國遂訂定全球性之「持久性有機污染物斯德哥爾摩公約」。行政院特於97 年7 月3 號核定我國「持久性有機污染物斯德哥爾摩公約國家實施計畫」,爾後環保署為因應公約COP4 最新發展,於98 年底又將國內對於公約新增9 種之POPs 管理現況納入,完成更新NIP,又環保署已於95 年起規劃建置「戴奧辛整合性資訊管理系統」(以下簡稱本戴奧辛整合系統),並於98 年依據環保署張副署長指示規劃環保署各類戴奧辛檢測數據整合方式,惟為系統化整合目前環保署署內各類檢測數據,本戴奧辛整合系統將需解析各處室既有戴奧辛資料庫,規劃資料匯入架構,並需與各處室相關系統委辦單位開會協調與討論相關細節使得完成。故基於上述理由,爰於99 年度賡續辦理「推動持久性有機污染物之管制及戴奧辛資訊整合計畫」,持續推動POPs 整體管制及戴奧辛資訊整合工作。本計劃之計畫目標如下:一、蒐集「斯德哥爾摩公約」持久性有機污染物(簡稱POPs)管制及執行現況,並研提管制分析及建議。二、辦理「持久性有機污染物斯德哥爾摩公約國家實施計畫」(簡稱NIP)推動事項及成果提報。三、建置持久性有機污染物及環境荷爾蒙相關資訊網站,擴充戴奧辛資訊整合系統功能。
中文關鍵字 持久性有機污染物;戴奧辛;呋喃


專案計畫編號 EPA-99-J1074-02-102 經費年度 099 計畫經費 3280 千元
專案開始日期 2010/01/28 專案結束日期 2010/12/31 專案主持人 李宜欣
主辦單位 環管處 承辦人 王律之 執行單位 中興顧問工程股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 6667C-摘要詳細版(定稿).pdf 0MB

The Environmental Information of Persistent Organic Pollutants and the Integration of Dioxin Data

英文摘要 The problem of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) has been addressed through the many years of hard work by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), which resulted in the drafting of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants by the UN. POPs are chemical substances that resist degradation, accumulate in living organisms, and can cause irreversible reactions in the human body and the environment. While Taiwan is currently not a party to the Stockholm Convention, it has specially drafted the "National Implementation Plan of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants" in order to serve as a basis for domestic implementation work. The objectives of this project: (1)To ensure that POPs management in Taiwan conforms more closely to international development trends and prepare for the listing of new POPs in the future.(2)To establish monitoring systems for POPs in the environment and biological matrix, reduce environmental pollution risk, establish a nontoxic living environment, and ensure the safety of the public's food supply. (3)To implement POPs management mechanism, monitor pollutant dispersal in the environment, implement pollution control strategies, and emphasize Taiwan's willingness to abide by international conventions.
英文關鍵字 POPs;Furans;Dioxins