中文摘要 | 系統整合部分,本計畫已與「清淨家園顧厝邊綠色生活網」進行整合並擴充相關功能,藉由強化互動平台功能及透過網站結盟豐富網站內容等方式,提供包括資源回收網訊息整合發布、資源回收戰鬥力積點、回收組織建立及資源物交換資訊公布等九項功能。 系統維護部分,包括「資源回收網」、「基管會行政業務與外部推廣宣導管理系統」、「地方環保機關成果管理系統」、「回收處理作業管理系統」、「責任業者管理系統」等功能。 本計畫為達成系統推廣之目的,針對責任業者、地方登記、受補貼機構及一般民眾共計約1,600家,每月進行「資源回收電子報」發送作業。 資訊安全管理作業部分,除了自然人憑證登入驗證機制、例行弱點掃描、資料庫每日備份、資料庫每月光碟備份與資訊安全演練作業外,配合環保署機房共構政策進行相關主機搬遷相關作業。 本計畫依照本年度的4項指導方針,「整合」、「維護」、「加值」及「安全」來建置、維護,確實達成包含三個層面績效指標:決策速度、紙張減量及人力成本。確實達到環境保護之目的,希冀以資訊科技造就「瞬間」、「零距離」、「資料連動性管理,資料一次輸入全程使用」、「資源回收申請/申報作業,邁向全 e化」的優質服務。 | ||
中文關鍵字 | 資源回收管理資訊系統(RRMS)、回收處理作業管理系統、受補貼機構管理子系統、資源回收網、地方環保機關成果管理系統、責任業者管理系統 |
專案計畫編號 | EPA-99-HA14-03-A043 | 經費年度 | 099 | 計畫經費 | 5900 千元 |
專案開始日期 | 2010/01/29 | 專案結束日期 | 2010/12/31 | 專案主持人 | 倪雅惠 |
主辦單位 | 回收基管會 | 承辦人 | 苑守成 | 執行單位 | 環資國際有限公司 |
類型 | 檔名 | 檔案大小 | 說明 |
期末報告 | 資源回收管理資訊系統書面報告(公開).pdf | 0MB |
Resources Recycling Information Management System (RRMS) Function Integration and Maintenance Projec
英文摘要 | Under the project, the Resources Recycling Information Management System (RRMS) was integrated with the Eco Life website and related functions were expanded. Nine functions were offered through enhanced interactive platform and alliance with other websites, including integrated RRMS message release, and the provision of information on resource recycling cumulative points, establishment of resource recycling organizations, as well as resource exchange. System maintenance was conducted for RRMS, Recycling Fund Management Board Administration and Promotion Management System, EPB Performance Assessment System, Resources Recycling Process Management System, and Responsible Vendor Management System. Approximately 1,600 copies of the “Resources Recycling E-Paper” were sent every month to responsible vendors, local registered and grantee agencies, and the general public to encourage use of RRMS. The work conducted for the management of information security included Digital Citizen Certificate login verification, regular vulnerability scanning, daily database backup, monthly database backup to CD/DVD, and information security exercises. Server relocation was also carried out under EPA’s server consolidation policy. According to this year’s four guiding principles, that is, “integration”, “maintenance”, “added value”, and “security”, the project undertaken to construct and maintain the system effectively met the three performance indicators: decision-making speed, paper reduction, and human resources cost and achieved the purpose of environmental protection. It was hoped that the quality services featuring “instantaneity”, “zero distance”, “data entry once for all”, and “resources recycling e-application/e-declaration” were made possible with information technology under the project. | ||
英文關鍵字 | Resources Recycling Information Management System, Recycling Fund Management Board Administration and Promotion Management System, Resources Recycling Process Management System, EPB Performance Assessment System, Responsible Vendor Management System. |