

中文摘要 行政院環境保護署法制化地推動廢棄物資源回收處理工作,至今已十餘年。86年成立「資源回收管理基金管理委員會」,建構「資源回收四合一」之回收機制,依法徵收「回收清除處理費」成立「資源回收管理基金」,藉由「回收處理補貼」之政策積極獎勵,有效防止回收廢棄物因不當處理衍生二次污染問題,更讓國內「資源回收處理產業」蓬勃發展。然而補貼制度也對生產營運造成負面影響,例如並非以競爭、效率為考量,而仰賴近乎齊頭式補貼,扭曲回收市場正常發展。歷年來環保署透過相關研究計畫之執行,以探討法規面、制度面、技術面與經濟面等問題並研擬各項改善或配套措施,以穩固整體資源回收工作之發展。但過去各年度計畫內容大多以廢棄物管制角度思考,著重管理措施之嚴謹與落實,缺少從產業角度出發,以思考現行資源回收制度下所衍生相關產業之發展現況、作業成效、所面臨瓶頸與未來願景等。 本計畫著重在產業面的觀察,希望了解國內因推行廢機動車輛回收處理工作後,相關業者因應環保署各項規定所產生生產、營運行為之概況、影響與績效,從而找出能在環保要求下兼顧經濟面之代表性廠商,再進一步依其所表現之企業特質據以提出檢討、修訂現行環保署管理規範之可行建議。本計畫得到以下結果,國內廢車回收處理機構產業訊息調查與分析;藉由產業訊息探討代表性廠商之營運行為;依調查結果分析並研擬體系架構檢討與建議。
中文關鍵字 廢車回收清除處理體系、回收拆解商、粉碎分類廠、最適營運模式


專案計畫編號 EPA-99-HA14-03-D148 經費年度 099 計畫經費 950 千元
專案開始日期 2010/08/13 專案結束日期 2010/12/31 專案主持人 鄭日賢
主辦單位 回收基管會 承辦人 徐伊亭 執行單位 財團法人環境永續發展基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 提升廢車資源化產業專案研究計畫期末報告-定稿-110219.pdf 23MB

A study on strategies to improve the resource recycling industry for end-of-life vehicles

英文摘要 Since 1997, the Environmental Protection Administration has established the Four-in-one resources recycling scheme for domestic resources recycling system which has been proven to be effective and has achieved significant improvement on the waste management and resources recovery performance. Under the resource recycling scheme, the Resource Recycling Fund has been founded to collect fees from manufacturing or consumption of designated items, which provide essential financial supports to encourage resources recycling and recovery business for recycling, cleaning, and treatment of wastes/resources through administrative processes as subsidies to the industry. Business participating in the scheme is subject to more frequent supervision to ensure adequate operation and demonstrates better willingness in regulatory compliance. The scheme not only helps in development of domestic recycling business but also reduces the possibilities of secondary pollution caused by handling and treatment of all kinds of material. Although the positive influences have been observed through the above efforts, in the past dozen years it is considered that most of research projects and programs implemented by the authorities emphasized on studying such issues from the aspects of governmental regulations, management systems, technological improvement, and economical factors in order to improve resources recycling performance. And most of the previous projects dealt with the issues in the views of waste treatment and waste management. It is believed that business and industry for resource recycling and recovery can be grown more strongly and stably if the market follows the rule of free competition. That is, subsidies may be necessary in the startup stage but may distort the market in the long run. Therefore, this study tries to looking at the current status of recycling and treatment of end-of-life vehicles through business operation in the industry. Some representative business can be used as study models to give better knowledge on production, operation, and performance of the industry which are compared under the effects of the government environmental management strategies. It is proposed that characteristics of the recycling business of ELV can be identified and then suggestions can be given to the competent agencies for further improvement in government policies and strategies. In this study, information on domestic collection, treatment, and recycling and recovery of end-of-life vehicles, including motorcycles, has been investigated and examined. Data collected from site-visits to the business and official database was analyzed. Representative business was selected and the business behavior, such as the operation and management patterns, and their performance was discussed. Finally, it is concluded with suggestions and discussions on existing government strategies in hope that the resource recycling and recovery business and industry can be further improved.
英文關鍵字 ELV recycling system, dissembler, shredding plant, optimal business model