

中文摘要 環保署為改善國內空氣品質,加強柴油車污染管制,自民國83年起,積極於各縣市持續推動動力計之設置,至目前全國25個縣市中,已有22個縣市完成設置柴油車動力計排煙檢測站,負責執行柴油車不定期檢驗業務。透過目視判煙及民眾檢舉等到檢來源,通知有污染之虞車輛到站接受檢驗,倘經檢測不合格即現場告發,惟大部分車主為使污染排放符合法規標準,以非法調整馬力比規避檢測,致使柴油車污染改善受限。 為有效降低柴油車排氣污染及黑煙排放,改善我國空氣品質,本計畫除執行全國排煙站品保品管(相關性測試),以及柴油車排煙檢測資料庫系統操作維護等延續性計畫外,另針對使用中柴油車管制策略,擬著重於檢驗前之維修保養制度,自污染源頭予以列管,輔以後端檢驗確認車輛維修保養成效;期透過保檢合一(Inspection /Maintenance,以下簡稱I/M)制度,逐步建構我國保養廠維修保養暨檢驗能力,協助使用中柴油車達到實質污染減量之目的。 此外,本計畫為使柴油車污染管制策略與先進國家接軌,今年度擬蒐集歐美日等國使用中柴油車管制策略,包括檢測方式、檢測項目(PM及NOx)、檢測儀器,以及最新污染控制技術發展等,並依據國際間發展趨勢,持續推動我國使用中柴油車污染管制及檢驗制度建置工作。
中文關鍵字 移動污染源管制、保檢合一、相關性測試


專案計畫編號 EPA-99-FA13-03-A039 經費年度 099 計畫經費 9000 千元
專案開始日期 2010/02/11 專案結束日期 2010/12/31 專案主持人 林忠宏
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 張和中 執行單位 春迪企業股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-99-FA13-03-A039(公).pdf 0MB

Established in use diesel vehicles pollutant improvement and examination system plan

英文摘要 Mobile pollution source is the main cause for the urban air quality decline, the diesel vehicle exhaust emission is concerned by both environmental and transportation departments as control priority. In order to control the issue of diesel vehicle exhaust, the EPA has set up diesel vehicle emission inspection station in each local authority and together with public reported the emission fact and visual inspector to inform those may contain high level of pollutant vehicles to take. Above all is to reduce the diesel vehicle smoke emission situation. For better inspection quality in every counties and cities, the EPA in order to has improve quality on diesel vehicle exhaust emission inspect station, and to strengthen diesel vehicle database system each function. The EPA to execute as the demonstrative the current year’s in-use diesel vehicle I/M, the examination of archive in every diesel vehicle exhaust emission inspect stations, the diesel vehicles database system has been relaunched, to gather the diesel vehicles’ relevant control policies, including the countries such as the EU, USA, Japan and so forth, the latest foreign diesel vehicles’ pollution control technology, and to evaluate of executing the NOx pollutant discharge inspection on operating diesel vehicles under non-idle, and opacity smoke meter have replace reflection type smoke meter feasibility comparison tests. Moreover, EPA has consideration only our country using reflection type smoke meter of the world, it will confront smoke meter unable maintain or to lack expendables, this project brought up 6 programs, final recommendations to the program 3(cancel 3 full-load testing point, retaining only checking horsepower ratio) as "Method of test for exhaust smoke for diesel vehicle" the draft change direction in this year. Other related works include the arrangement of various meetings and the publication of promotion materials. The results will be presented in the report in detail.
英文關鍵字 mobile source control、inspection/maintenance、proficiency testing