

中文摘要 依據空氣污染防制法,第六條第二項及第三項規定:二級及三級防制區內,新增或變更之固定污染源污染物排放量達一定規模者,其污染物排放量須經模式模擬證明不超過污染物容許增量限值;以及第八條第二項亦規定:符合空氣品質標準之總量管制區,新設或變更之固定污染源污染物排放量達一定規模者,須經模式模擬證明不超過該區之污染物容許增量限值等規定。空氣品質模式的發展與應用,必需包括不同專業領域的科技知識與資訊、相互整合與交互支援才能達成其任務。空氣品質模式相關資料分散在各學術與技術顧問機構中,造成資源分散、重複建置、品質不一及資訊屏障等缺點。因此空保處在民國91年推動空污法裡面「容許增量限值」的管制工作,以及環境影響評估相關的空氣品質模式的法制化標準化需求,支援「空氣品質模式支援中心」的成立,實質上屬於決策技術支援的定位性質,以橫向整合產官學相關的人力人才與數據資源。本年度完成之各項工作及相關成果依據計畫目標順序分別敘述於後: 二、本年度計畫目標 (一) 配合推動空氣品質模式申請認可及協助模式認可審查作業 (二) 協助縣市環保局辦理模式模擬技術審查與技術諮詢 (三) 辦理容許增量限值模式模擬所需相關資料更新與公告 (四) 協助評估空氣品質模式相關法規對空氣品質改善之有效性 (五) 空氣品質模式支援網站維護管理及諮詢服務 (六) 運用空氣品質模式協助進行新興計畫之空氣品質影響評估 (七) 辦理AERMOD模式所需地表特徵、氣象資料之處理建檔與公告 (八) 境外特定區域污染長程傳輸對台灣空氣品質之影響分析 三、執行結果 本計畫各項工作結果依據計畫目標順序分別敘述於後。 (一) 配合推動空氣品質模式申請認可及協助模式認可審查作業 (1)模式認可申請所需使用之文件及資料庫已大致建置完成,並由主管機關完成發佈作業,部份資料項目在本年度亦完成更新,並持續進行資料之維護更新及執行成效檢討,相關資料經由網路系統提供模式使用者下載。 (二) 協助縣市環保局辦理模式模擬技術審查與技術諮詢 (1)調閱2008~2009年,地方或代核許可(工業局、科管局)等機構之原始資料,了解目前「容許增量限值」制度的執行狀況,並提出改進建議。本年度篩選51件的申請個案,所有案件均有資料回覆。 (2)於2010年10月29日及2011年3月17日完成二場次空氣品質模式研習會之辦理。 (三) 辦理容許增量限值模式模擬所需相關資料更新與公告 (1)依據「空氣品質模式模擬規範」第七條規定及「行政院環境保護署審查開發行為空氣污染物排放量增量抵換處理原則」第八條規定,已分空品區篩選並公告臭氧及懸浮微粒之案例日及年、季、月等三種案例。 (2)以MM5氣象模式完成2007年全年氣象之模擬及校驗分析﹐溫度年平均標準化偏差量及標準化絕對偏差量均低於15%,高屏、雲嘉南、竹苗等空品區的風速年平均標準化偏差量及標準化絕對偏差量超過15%、35%的規範建議值,宜蘭、竹苗及北部空品區的風向仍有改善空間。 (3)已依據各目標測站計算出2007-2009年之ISCST3氣象資料並進行校正及驗證。 (四) 評估空氣品質模式相關法規對空氣品質改善之有效性 (1)比較評析美國與台灣於空氣污染物模式模擬及容許增量限值相關規範差異性顯示,管制架構大致相同;美國除應用模式於容許增量限值外,亦規範SIP之模式使用原則。此外,相關規範內容皆包含適用規模、模式選用、模式輸入資料原則、模式參數設定原則及容許增量限值。 (2)國內規範使用之模擬範圍不若美國廣闊,但國內環境複雜,合理模擬範圍需要更進一步研究討論;此外,總增量效應案例分析結果顯示合併後最大增量濃度雖仍未超過容許增量限值現行標準,但多個污染源總增量確實會產生著地濃度疊加效應。 (五) 空氣品質模式支援網站維護管理及諮詢服務 (1)本年度的網站持續進行資料更新,主要更新內容有:增加資訊安全驗證機制、網頁主頁增加<資料下載與公布事項>乙區、更新美國環保署常用空氣品質模式。 (2)採取後台管理方式進行網頁的維護管理,透過後台管理,可使網站的維護管理、操作介面更符合使用者親切原則以及彈性。 (六) 運用空氣品質模式協助進行新興計畫之空氣品質影響評估 (1)協助環保署針對環境影響評估案件中關於空氣品質模式使用方面之技術提出相關審查建議,以使用高斯擴散模式而言,自2010年1月至2011年3月止,已協助完成提供76個環評案之建議。 (2)相較於1998-2003年,2004-2009年北部及高屏空品區的臭氧污染事件日數有下降的趨勢,而中部及雲嘉南空品區則有上升的情形。 (3)1998-2009年間,台灣臭氧污染控制物種傾向以VOCs為主。其中雲嘉南空品區在2004年後,其VOCs主控之日數比例有逐年上升的趨勢,且增加幅度明顯高於其他空品區。 (七) AERMOD模式所需地表特徵及氣象資料之處理、建檔與公告 (1)由文獻回顧及測試結果顯示,AERMOD在複雜地形模擬的準確度遠優於ISC3,對於ISC3模擬過於保守的情形已經有大幅的改善,有利於執法的正確性及正當性。 (2)AERMOD前處理程序與相關輔助程式的使用方式均較ISC3複雜甚多。如果要正確使用AERMOD作為模擬工具,則必須大幅修改現有規範中「高斯模式使用規範」,增訂AERMOD前處理程序的使用規定,而模式中心也必須要提供支援這些前處理程式所需的資料(全台灣網格化的土地使用分類及地形高度)。 (八) 境外特定區域空氣污染長程傳輸對台灣空氣品質之影響分析 (1)根據2007年5月及10月之臭氧模擬分析結果,2007年東亞境外傳輸對台灣每日最大臭氧濃度平均之影響,台灣整體影響約18.8 ppb,各空品區平均最大影響為北部空品區24.4 ppb;由於東亞排放量將持續增加,至2020年在最嚴重情況下,台灣各空品區將再增加4~6 ppb之影響。 (2)全台灣PM10受到境外長程傳輸影響之平均濃度為19 mg/m3,約佔29%;而PM2.5受到境外長程傳輸影響之平均濃度為18 mg/m3,約佔37%。 (3)推估未來(2020年)海西經濟區石化基地、火力電廠及高速公路等三種主要污染源可能增加之排放量結果顯示:TSP﹐SOx﹐NOx﹐THC總排放量分別為44509﹐60632﹐491548﹐116635公噸/年。 (4)以月平均地面流場進行分析結果發現,除5月值季風交換時期,風速較弱且風場凌亂,海西地區與台灣有機會藉由背風渦流及中尺度擾動進行相互的氣流傳輸外,其他月份由於台灣海峽的狹管效應,不論是東北季風或西南季風,都不容易相互傳輸。而以垂直環流分布來看,以4~8月的水平風場較小的時候,垂直方向的環流會在850 hPa左右的高度向東(台灣)方向傳輸,其餘月份之空氣污染物則較難由海西向台灣傳輸。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質模式、容許增量限值、環境影響評估、固定源排放許可


專案計畫編號 EPA-099-FA11-03-A079 經費年度 099 計畫經費 8900 千元
專案開始日期 2010/04/19 專案結束日期 2011/04/18 專案主持人 張艮輝
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 梁喬凱 執行單位 國立雲林科技大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告定稿-全文.pdf 40MB

A supporting to air quality modeling and control strategy (二)

英文摘要 Introduction According to Article 6, Paragraphs 2 and 3 of the Air Pollution Control Act, those newly added or modified stationary pollution sources within Class 2 and Class 3 of air pollution prevention regions in which air pollutant emissions quantities reach a certain regulatory scale is required to perform air quality simulation by suitable air quality model and verify the influence will not exceed allowable increment limits of air pollutant concentrations. As Article 8, Paragraph 2 stands, within a total quantity control district that meets air quality standards, those newly installed or modified stationary pollution sources for which pollutant emissions quantities reach a certain scale is required to perform air quality simulation by suitable air quality model and verify the influence will not exceed allowable increment limits within the district. The scientific and technical knowledge and information that the development and application of air quality models need to accomplish their missions spread in all kinds of academic and advisory organizations, which result into the decentralization of resources, duplicate constructions, various qualities, and barriers of information. Taiwan Air Quality Modeling Center (TAQMC) actually is a policy and technique supporting organization with a combination of experts and data resources in the industry, the government and the academics. In 2002, Taiwan EPA enforced the allowable increase limits of air pollution in the air pollution control act, and the standard requests of air quality modeling in the procedure of environmental impact assessment. Therefore, Taiwan EPA supported to establish “air quality model supporting center”. In fact, it belongs to the role of technical supporting for policy determination in order to laterally integrate the knowledge of production and official related to talent and data resource. The tasks accomplished and relative productions are shown as follows according to the sequence of objectives for this year in the project plan. Objectives for this year in the project plan (1) Cooperate in the application and examination of air quality models to be approved. (2) Assist the Environmental Protection Bureaus (EPB) of counties and cities in technical examinations and consultations of air quality modeling. (3)Update and pronounce the relative data for the simulations of allowable increment limits of air pollution concentrations. (4)Assess the benefits of air quality modeling related laws on the air quality improvement (5)Maintain and update the TAQMC website and consultation service (6)Evaluate the influence of new development programs on air quality using air quality models (7)Prepare the input data of meteorology and land surface characteristics for use of AERMOD modeling system (8)The analysis of impact on Taiwan air quality from the air pollutions emitted in specific abroad areas through transboundary long-range transport. Execution results The tasks accomplished in this project are shown as follows according to the sequence of objectives in the plan. (1) Cooperate in the application and examination of air quality models to be approved (a)The application form and database for model approval has been substantially completed. These documents will be issued by the competent authority in the next stage. Part of the information in the database has been updated, and the task of maintenance of updating data and the performance review was also implemented in this year. All the relevant information is provided in the web for the users. (2) Assist the EPB of counties and cities in the technical examinations and consultations of air quality modeling (a)Application data of emission credit for stationary pollution sources during 2008-2009 were screened to verify the situations of “allowable increase limits” and improvements of such regulation were also suggested. Fifty-one application cases were approved and reviewed in this year. (b)Two workshops of air quality model simulation and application were held in October 29, 2010 and March 17, 2011. (3) Update and pronounce the relative data for the simulations regarding allowable increment limits (a)Four periods of air pollutants’ episodes for PM10 and ozone over seven air quality basins were cited and announced according to two related regulations. (b)MM5 simulation was completed and evaluated during 2007. The annual standard mean bios (ME) and mean absolute bios (MAE) of temperature are less than 15%, but the ME and MAE of three air basins of Kou-Ping, Yun-Chai-Nan and Chu-Miao exceed over the recommended benchmark values, say 15% and 35%, and also the simulation results of wind direction in I-Lan, Chu-Miao and Northern air basins need to be improved. (c)The meteorological input files of ISCST3 for all target stations form 2007 to 2009 have been calculated, calibrated, and verified in this year. (4)Assess the benefits of air quality modeling related laws on the air quality improvement. (a)The frame and concept of regulations on air quality modeling and PSD between U.S. and Taiwan are quite similar. USEPA developed several guidelines for modeling work in attainment demonstration and development of SIP. These regulations and guidelines cover several topics including the applicability of emission, preferred air quality models selection, input data preparation, and allowable increase limits. (b)The case study on maximum incremental concentration shows a significant effect of superposition from several emission sources. These results indicate that the regulation and guidelines in Taiwan should be refined to control the cluster emission sources. (5) Maintain and update the website of TAQMC and consultation service (a)The database and contents of TAQMC website have been updating during the past year. There are three parts have been added on the website including information security mechanism, functions of download and announcement, updated information of air quality models in USEPA. (b)The maintenance and management of the website can be executed in the background management system of the website. (6) Evaluate the influence of new development programs on air quality by air quality models (a)Compared to the period of 1998-2003, the number of ozone episodes decreased in Northern and Kao-Ping air basins but increased in Central and Yun-Chia-Nan air basins during the period of 2004-2009. (b)In general, the ozone pollution in Taiwan is tended to VOC-limited over the period of 1998-2009. The number of VOC-limited O3 episodes was increasing in Yun-Chia-Nan air basin, in which the increasing trend is more significant than those in the other air basins. (7) Prepare the input data of meteorology and land surface characteristics for use of AERMOD modeling system (a)From the literature review and the tests therein, AERMOD is more accurate than ISC3 in the simulation of dispersion in complex terrain. This is helpful to correct the conservative prediction of the highest concentration by ISC3. (b)From the experience of preprocessing meteorological data and land surface parameters, we find that the use of AERMOD is much more difficult than ISC3 for common users. To adopt the full advantage of AERMOD, the existing modeling guideline has to be largely revised and the database of necessary raw data for preprocessing the input of AERMOD is required to be prepared in advance. (8) The analysis of transboundary long-term of air pollutions in specific areas transported on Taiwan air quality. (a)Based on the simulation results of May and October in 2007, the impact of transboundary long-range transport on the period average of daily maximum ozone concentration in Taiwan is 18.8 ppb. The maximum effect occurs on Northern air basin and is 24.4 ppb. Owing to the continuous increase emission in East Asia, the most severe situation in 2020 will increase 4 to 6 ppb for various air basins in Taiwan. (b)The impact of transboundary long-range transport on PM10 for the period averaged concentration in Taiwan is 19 g/m3 (29%), while that on PM2.5 is 18 g/m3 (37%). (c)Based on the three major sources including petrochemical industries, thermal power plants, and highways in the economic area of western side of Taiwan Strait, the increase emission in the future of 2020 is estimated. The increased emissions of TSP, SOx, NOx, and THC are 44509, 60632, 491548, and 116635 tons per year respectively. (d)Analysis of monthly mean surface flow shows that May is the most significant month. The air parcel could transport into Taiwan with the interaction of lee-side vortex and mesoscale disturbance from western Taiwan Strait area, since the wind speed is weak and the wind direction are variable during this month. Due to the strait channel effect, transportation across the Taiwan Strait is difficult during the other months even with different monsoon (southwesterly in summer or northeasterly in winter). In vertical circulation analysis, it implied from Spring to Summer (April to August) westerly wind in 850 hPa would bring the pollutants into Taiwan, the possibility is quite small during the other months.
英文關鍵字 air quality model, allowable increment limit, environmental impact assessment,