

中文摘要 為瞭解民眾對我國環境品質之感受、環保施政措施認同度及對各級環保機關公害陳情處理之滿意程度,以供釐訂政策及提升服務品質之參考,除於本專案期間內辦理2次環保施政意向調查(以下簡稱意向調查)及1次公害陳情處理滿意度調查(以下簡稱公害陳情調查)外,本(99)年底另增辦環境品質民眾滿意度調查(以下簡稱環境品質調查)。 本次環境品質調查目的在瞭解五個直轄市及桃園縣準用直轄市(升格前)年滿20歲的民眾對所居住地環境品質之感受及對地方環保機關執行環保績效的滿意程度,於99年12月14日至100年1月2日進行電話訪問,採分層隨機抽樣法抽取樣本,各都完成有效樣本數至少各為1,068份以上,在95%的信賴水準,抽樣誤差在3.0%個百分點以內,計完成樣本數為6,424份,調查結果顯示: 一、對於「戶外空氣品質」、「居家生活安寧(噪音)品質」、「環境水體水質」、「土壤及地下水」、「垃圾清運與處理成效」、「環境整潔與綠美化成效」、「節能減碳之成效」、「對縣市環保局過去一年推動環境保護工作的績效」等8項指標的整體滿意度平均分數,各都民眾的評價皆達69分以上,其中以臺南市民眾的評價較佳(72.09分),以臺中市民眾的評價較差(69.12分)。針對8項指標評價上,各都民眾皆以「垃圾清運與處理成效」評價較佳,以「戶外空氣品質」和「節能減碳之成效」評價較差。 二、在各都民眾的看法中,臺北市、臺中市、臺南市和桃園縣民眾對「垃圾清運與處理成效」評價較佳,對「節能減碳之成效」評價較差,而新北市和高雄市民眾則對「垃圾清運與處理成效」評價較佳,對「戶外空氣品質」評價較差。 三、民眾希望縣市環保局未來一年優先加強辦理的環保工作,各都皆則以「維護環境清潔與綠美化」居首,以「改善戶外空氣品質」次之,其次則依六都特性分別為「加強噪音防制」、「加強資源回收宣導」與「查核及整治污染河段」。
中文關鍵字 環境品質、滿意度調查、環境保護署


專案計畫編號 EPA-099-E102-02-259 經費年度 099 計畫經費 1890 千元
專案開始日期 2010/03/15 專案結束日期 2011/01/31 專案主持人 謝懷恕
主辦單位 統計室 承辦人 吳玉棋 執行單位 華威行銷研究股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 99年環境品質民眾滿意度調查(核定版).pdf 9MB

Survey on Public's Response to Survey on Public's Response to Environmental Policy Implementation &

英文摘要 This survey aims to understand public satisfaction toward the residence’s environmental quality and the environmental performance executed by local environmental protection agencies, and the samples of this survey are collected from persons above 20 years old living in Taipei city, Kaohsiung city and the three cities including Taipei county, Taichung city, Tainan city before upgraded to the municipalities and quasi-municipality ― Taoyuan county. This survey period was from Dec. 14 in 2010 to Jan. 2 in 2011, and the interviewers in this survey were at least 1,068 respondents successfully in each municipalities. Under 95% confidence level and 3% sampling error, the total completed interviewers were 6,424 respondents. During this survey, CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interview) system is applied to survey the data and employed the stratified random sampling method. The results are described as follows: 1. All the average satisification scores in the eight indicators are 69 or more in the six cities. Among them, people in Tainan city give the better evaluation(72.09) and people in Taichung city give the worse evaluation(69.12). For the evaluation of eight indicators, all the people living in the six cities give the better evaluation to "the performance of waste disposal and treatment " and give the worse evaluation to "Outdoor air quality"and"the performance of saving energy and reducing the carbon dioxide ". 2.Among the six cities, people living in the Taipei city, Taichung city, Tainan city and Taoyuan county give the better evaluation to "the performance of waste disposal and treatment " and give the worse evaluation to "the performance of saving energy and reducing the carbon dioxide ". And people living in the Kaohsiung city and Taipei county give the better evaluation to "the performance of waste disposal and treatment " and give the worse evaluation to "Outdoor air quality". 3..Among the environmental affairs that people want local environmental protection agencies to execute for the coming year, the first priority is "maintaining clean environment and greening , " and followed "improving outdoor air quality", "strengthening noise control","enhancing resource recovery advocacy" and "check and river pollution remediation".
英文關鍵字 Environment quality、Post-Satisfaction Survey、Environmental Protection Administration