

中文摘要 本計畫執行期程為期一年自99 年6 月23 日至100 年6 月22 日止,其成果 統計進度皆符合合約要求,相關工作成果分述如下: (1)固定污染源逸散性場所查核件數達480 件,未列管逸散性場所清查達120 件, 安平商港污染巡查件數達121 件;架設在四鯤鯓管制站之車輛辨識系統,車輛 辨識系統巡查量達7,540 件。本計畫執行初期固定污染源既有列管家數為44 家,其初期符合管理辦法符合率為70.7%,輕微缺失比率為9.8%,嚴重缺失比 率為19.5%;於計畫期間經法規查核輔導改善作業後,符合管理辦法法規符合 率提升為91.9%,仍有輕微缺失者為8.1%,但已無嚴重缺失情形。 (2)港區檢測作業,24 小時空氣品質檢測執行12 點次,每月落塵量檢測執行36 點次,檢測濃度皆符合法規標準。作業機具或車輛油品檢硫含量及芳香烴檢執 行油品硫含量成分檢測運輸車輛共計10 件,工廠鍋爐抽測10 件次,另也同時 檢測4 件油品芳香烴含量,已完成檢驗的24 件抽測油品符合法規標準值者為 23 件,1 件超過標準值,已告發。 (3)針對符合「固定污染源逸散性粒狀污染物空氣污染防制設施管理辦法」規範行 業別進行說明會,計畫期間截止日共辦理1 場次,以利提升相關業者對於現行 法規之規範熟知度。 (4)計畫期間辦理港區污染防治協調會兩場次,一場次主要針對港區船舶抽油進行 相關協商,另一場次因港區砂石量銳減,造成港區相關作業減少,本計畫經環 保局同意後將此協調會擴大辦理為港區及臺南市逸散性粒狀污染物防治管理 說明會。 (5)統計99 年6 月22 日至100 年6 月23 日環境稽查檢驗科移交處理案件共計1,201 件,污染源類型餐飲佔723 件次、工廠異味佔518 件次、噪音佔6 件次,整體 而言以餐飲異味居多;陳情案件定點巡邏作業共計809 件次,工廠定點巡邏佔 258 件次,餐飲定點巡邏佔552 件次。本計畫針對上述工廠及餐飲業依異味場 址分類巡查外,更針對重大案件辦理相關委員輔導並定期追蹤,以提升業者改 善效率。 (6)周界異味官能測定作業共計完成30 件,其中1 件(99 年10 月4 日大橋箱碳烤- 營業中)超出法規標準10,予以告發處分,其餘4 件次皆符合法規標準。 (7)於99 年8 月12 日召開「公害陳情案件協商會」,訂定3 個陳情案件標準處理 作業程序。相關現階段執行進度如表1.4-1 所示。 (8)於計畫期間針對屢遭陳情案件陽光彈簧、國民瀝青、安南瀝青、欣瀛科技、豐 年豐和、物阜生化、廣政皮革、台灣紙業等八家污染源進行改善輔導作業,會 中各邀請兩位專家家者進行輔導,輔導並要求限期改善。


專案計畫編號 經費年度 099 計畫經費 8107 千元
專案開始日期 2010/06/23 專案結束日期 2011/06/22 專案主持人 陳信源
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 邱燭輝 執行單位 理虹工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 99 年度臺南市固定污染源逸散性粒.rar 88MB
英文摘要 The project began on June 23, 2010 and ended on June 23, 2011, lasting for one year. The execution achievements and schedule met the contract requirements. The related achievements are as follow: (1) 480 instances of stationary sources of air pollution was checked; 120 instances of fugitive emissions were inspected and 121 instances of pollution inspections were checked. A vehicle identification system which established at Szu-Kunshen checkpoint inspected 7540 cases. In early implementation there are 44 controlled instances of stationary sources, and 70.7% are in line with management regulations. The minor defect rate is 9.8% and the rate of serious deficiency is 19.5%. After assistance the compliance rate of regulations rises up to 91.9%. The minor defect rate is 8.1% but there is no serious defect. (2) The 24 hour air quality monitoring had been implemented 12 times, and monthly amount of dust fall inspection had been implemented 36 times. The result of concentration measurement fully complaints with regulatory standards. Examination of sulfur content and aromatic hydrocarbons in fuel had been examined 10 vehicles. The boiler inspection operation implemented 10 instances, and aromatic hydrocarbons in oil had been examined 4 instances. The oil sampling tests have 24 instances, 23 instances complaints with regulatory standards. One sample exceeded the standard value, and it had been denounced to authorities. (3) Held a workshop for related industry which corresponds with management regulations for stationary sources of air pollution. The purpose is to help related industry have a better understanding of existing environmental regulations. (4) We held two pollution prevention and control coordination meetings. One held to consult and discuss with marine pumping industry, the other held to introduce management regulations for fugitive particulate emissions. (5) The environmental inspection section handed 1,201 cases over to us from June 22, 2010 to June 23, 2011. 723 cases of pollution sources are from catering, 518 odorous cases are from factories. Noise pollution has 6 cases. One the whole the majority cases are odorous pollution from catering. The patrols for petitions at the specified sites were implemented 809 times. We patrolled factories 258 times and catering 552 times. We also helped serious cases to reduce pollution and regular follow-up. (6) 30 olfactometer tests were implemented. One case exceeded the standard value, and it had been denounced to authorities. (7) The three standard operation procedures for petition were established on the meeting which held on August 12, 2010. At the present stage of the implementation schedule is as shown in table 1.4-1. (8) We invited two experts to help 8 manufacturers that were denounced again and again to make better in deadline.