

中文摘要 固定空氣污染源管制為我國污染防制之主要施政重點,為因應各階段固定污染源管制策略之推動,環保署陸續依據不同之管制策略目的開發與建置不同之管理系統,現行固定空氣污染源相關資訊管理系統包括:固定空氣污染源管理資訊系統、空污費網路申報及查詢系統、營建工程污染管制及收費系統、營建工程污染管制及收費系統、逸散源系統、有毒污染物質(戴奧辛及重金屬)資訊管理系統、自動連線監測管理系統(CEMS)、石化業VOC離線申報系統、空氣品質改善維護計畫網站、空水廢毒管理資訊系統…等。然這些子系統分散獨立,系統管理重複,基本資料待整合,系統資料缺乏勾稽連結,個別物種重複申報,廠商原始資料與定檢、CEMS無法比對,可能重複審查相同資料,資料查詢僅侷限於各系統。就各級主管機關管理角度而言,在資料使用上有其應用之疑慮,就公私場所而言,存有重複申報之擾民疑慮。 為解決上述問題,環保署透過本計畫之推動,規劃及建置一整合性之固定空氣污染源資訊管理系統,依據各管理制度現況所發展而成的管理系統進行檢討、整合,強化行政管制資料應用及查詢,落實固定空氣污染源管制措施之執行及提升決策之效益與品質,並提供公私場所、學術研究單位、環保服務業者及一般民眾參與及落實環境保護工作所需之資訊,力求管制資訊應用成效及便民服務成效最大化之目的。本計畫分為兩個年度辦理,98年度「整合固定空氣污染源相關系統」,99年度為第二年之計畫,以健全查詢勾稽功能,強化資訊應用為標的,然因第一年度執行團隊未繼續執行第二年計畫,且制度面亦有更動,因此第二年(本年度)工作內容已不能侷限於原甄選須知範圍,而必須重新規劃。
中文關鍵字 固定污染源、資訊系統


專案計畫編號 EPA-99-FA12-03-A212 經費年度 099 計畫經費 9300 千元
專案開始日期 2010/12/03 專案結束日期 2011/12/02 專案主持人 黃義芳
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 邱品智 執行單位 環資國際有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 固定污染資訊整合及應用管理系統開發與建置計畫(上傳).pdf 38MB

Stationary sources of pollution information management systems integration and application developme

英文摘要 Control of stationary sources of pollution has being the main focus of our environmental protection policies.In order to improve the decentralized situation of the related information management systems.This project builds an integrated information management system for control of stationary sources of pollution. An integrated platform has been established with a unified portal provided. Development of the integrated system has been oriented by user business functions. Authorization of the system functions and data useage depends mainly on user roles. Information regarding permission control, reported air pollution fee, reported air pollution emissions, environmental impact assessment,construction and oven source, and data of has been integrated provided to strengthen application and search functions. The Stationary Pollution Source Permit Inspection System allows for audit of the reported emissions quantities that are more or less than the amount recorded on the permit, audit of the amount of sulfur contained, as well as audit and search of raw materials and product reporting.The system displays the reporting data on the regulated stationary pollution sources and industrial areas in multi-layered horizontal images to support decision making and effective control of pollutants.The search results can provide information as to the pollution emissions at different time in a fixed geographical area, Air Pollution Control Fees, the number of inspection cases, and the amounts of fines.A single reporting system to integrate both air pollution emissions and air pollution fee has been established. This program/project is dedicated to create a management system that can solve the problem of gas leakage during petrochemical process. The system allows engineers to mark the problematic areas with a sign wherever gas leakage is detected, improving the control and maintenance of possible pollution.
英文關鍵字 air pollutant、 Stationary Pollution、GIS system