

中文摘要 台灣經濟起飛,環境污染與生態破壞問題隨之而來。淡水河沿岸是台灣最早現代化的地區,也是最早嚐到現代化所帶來的污染副作用的地方。大量的工業廢水、家庭污水、垃圾滲出水、養豬廢水等污染流入淡水河,造成嚴重污染。從民國77年開始政府推動10年淡水河先期整治工程開始,接著持續推動污水下水道家戶接管計畫,一直到河川兩岸綠美化、濕地整治工程,以及嚴格取締污染源等多管措施後,淡水河已經是30年乾淨的水質。 淡水河整治計畫的初步成果是一群人共同努力結果,走過30年,這些人,這些故事,都值得記錄下來,為歷史留下見證。 本計畫參考政府公文書,透過採訪重要人物,掌握來龍去脈,製作紀錄片腳本與故事書內容。紀錄片以分三大段落,第一段落:美麗與生機(10分鐘),第二段落:黑水溝的年代(20分鐘),第三段落:淡水河的重生(15分鐘)。內容採取口述歷史手法專訪相關當事人,並向公共電視、中視及相關單位等購買或使用相關新聞影片帶,將淡水河流域污染整治30年,以環境紀錄片說故事方式呈現,增加閱聽效果,同時製作淡水河流域污染整治30年故事一書,以口述歷史為主。
中文關鍵字 環境紀錄片、淡水河、河川污染


專案計畫編號 EPA-99-G103-02-240 經費年度 099 計畫經費 980 千元
專案開始日期 2010/08/16 專案結束日期 2011/02/28 專案主持人 呂理德
主辦單位 水保處 承辦人 汪士鈞 執行單位 國立中央大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 淡水河正式報告.pdf 6MB
英文摘要 Taiwan’s economy has grown rapidly during the last 30 years, resulting in a corresponding increase environmental pollution and ecological damage. Tamsui River is the first to experience the pollutions that came with modernization in Taiwan. The vast amount of industrial wastewater, domestic wastewater, solid waste leachate water, and piggery wastewater being dumped into Tamsui River has caused heavy pollution. In 1988, the government launched the 10-year restoration project of Tamsui River, followed by efforts such as sewage system, riverbank vegetation, wetland treatment, and the strict enforcement on pollution sources. Thirty years later, the water-quality of Tamsui River has been gradually restored. The success of the Tamsui River restoration effort is the result of team work. The people involved and their stories in the 30 years of hard work deserve to be recorded and studied. In this documentary, the stories of the key figures responsible for the restoration of Tamsui River are narrated, complete with news footage. The estimated run-time of the film is 45 minutes, consisting of three sections: 1. Beauty and Life (10 minutes), 2. the Years of the Dirty River (the Sewage Pipeline), and 3. the Restoration and Rebirth of Tamsui River. This study refers to official government data/information (the historical environmental pollution dispute events recorded by Environmental Protection Administration and the data from Control Yuan), follow the event track to produce the documentary film and story. Adopting oral history report and to interview the party concerned. Purchasing films from Taiwan Public Television Service and Taiwan Television Enterprise and returning the story back to its original status. Regarding ChaoLiu story, it starts from self-exertion relief, ChaoLiu event itself and end up with the lesson it brings. This project has produced environmental documentary film to take down Chaoliao event. As for strengthen the result, it will be presented by a story-telling way. The project will also publish knowledge-dominated story book, also a feature book.
英文關鍵字 Environmental Documentary, Tansui River, River Pollution