

中文摘要 一、 環境負荷及變化趨勢 統計至100年底,臺南市人口數為187.6萬,密度為855人/km2,人口數在五都直轄市中排名第五;工廠約8,462家,密度為3.9家/km2,高於全國平均2.18家/km2,自91年後有減少之趨勢,以金屬製品製造業、機械設備製造業及塑膠製品製造業較多,南部科學工業園區自89年以來家數逐年增加,但98年開始趨緩,目前進駐273家;在主要工業區部分以新營工業區總排放量最高,約2,256.3公噸/年,其次為保安工業區、山上工業用地及官田工業區。 在營建工地方面,本市營建工地數自90年起營建工地數大幅增加,93到達7,743件為10年來次高,之後則快速減少,至96年達到10年最低之6,266件,之後又逐年上升,99年底止營建工地數達8,282件,為10年來最高,100年營建工地數為7,315件。 本市目前總車輛數為200萬輛,其中以機車數最多,約141萬輛,且每年持續成長,其次為小客車約48萬輛,柴油車於96年後成長已停滯。另外,柴油發油量及加油站設站數皆呈增加之趨勢,汽油發油量自90年851,139公秉增加至100年889,253公秉,成長4.48%;柴油發油量自90年265,488公秉增加至100年387,788公秉,成長46%,加油站設站數則由90年222站增加到100年301站,成長35.6%。 100年陳情件數達6,981件且呈現持續增加之情形,其中異味陳情件數以工廠陳情最為頻繁,就行業別區分的話,以皮革業及塑膠製品製造業較易有異味產生之問題,非異味方面,大部分是露天燃燒之陳情。 二、 空氣品質現況及問題分析 臺南市空氣品質不良比例,自95年7.62%下降至100年1.16%,改善幅度高達85%,而100年PSI>100比例不但達成本市100年度之空氣品質目標(2.9%, 42站日)且低於全國平均,更創下歷年最佳空品記錄,顯示本市近年各項管制措施之成效。 依各測站污染特性分析,善化站與臺南站之臭氧與懸浮微粒之不良日數相當,顯示臭氧污染仍佔有一定之比例,推測除了境外臭氧污染傳輸影響之外,鄰近之科學園區開發污染排放導致生活圈整體環境負荷之增加,及臺南市區之生活形態(如移動污染源密集)亦可能是善化及臺南站近年臭氧仍會發生不良的原因;安南測站與新營測站地處郊區,歷年皆是以懸浮微粒為主,除了受境外長程傳輸之污染影響外,與當地原生性之粒狀物污染,如營建工地、裸露地表等有相當程度之關係。 以季節性污染特性變化來看,本市懸浮微粒不良以秋末至春季(11~3月)較易發生,臭氧則以春季(3~5月)及秋季(9~11月)較易發生不良,此與本市所處之地理環境與氣候條件有關。 目前本市各項空氣污染物之濃度,皆呈現逐年下降之趨勢,其中臭氧小時平均第八大值已連續四年低於法規標準值,因此臭氧已為二級防制區;另外,目前懸浮微粒年平均值及日平均第八大值則仍未符合法規標準值,顯示未來本市空氣污染防制工作重點仍以懸浮微粒為首要改善目標。 三、 分析各類污染源排放結構 依據TEDS 7.1排放量資料庫及本計畫檢討更新結果,本市98年點、線、面源之排放清單已更新,各類污染源之排放狀況如下表所示: TSP PM10 SOx NOx NMHC CO 點源(公噸/年) 5,977 3,672 5,931 6,279 9,038 3,995 面源(公噸/年) 31,422 9,559 330 1,695 38,932 4,134 線源(公噸/年) 2,992 2,153 82 21,921 14,854 33,054 總排放量(公噸/年) 40,391 15,384 6,343 29,895 62,824 41,183 四、 檢討修正本市空氣污染防制策略 本計畫協助研擬100年版空氣污染防制計畫,其中規畫了100~101年度之空氣污染防制計畫目標、地方特色或創新做法及研擬短程管制策略。本計畫追蹤檢討100年度空氣污染防制計畫目標與實際達成狀況,多數皆達成預期目標,少數未能達成者則納入下年度計畫中持續追蹤改善。而在100年度空氣品質管制地方特色或創新做法,本計畫協助規劃提出包括「定檢汰舊送大金」、「申報無界限民眾好方便」及「揚塵零專案」等三項專案。另外,在短程(100~101年)管制策略方面,因臺南市合併升格後,城鄉差異仍大,為使資源能有效運用,本計畫規劃依區域特性採取分區分級管理策略,執行架構包括固定污染源管制、移動污染源管制、逸散污染源管制、民眾感受度及低碳生活。目前短程策略規劃是以因地制宜的方式推動各項管制措施,以減少城鄉差異的衝擊及民眾的反彈,中長程則是提升行政效率,施行全面一體適用之策略 五、 追蹤檢討空污防制計畫辦理成效 (一) 擬訂「100年度臺南市空氣改善維護計畫管理及考核評分辦法」,針對各空污計畫分為重點及非重點計畫,考核項目包含進度查核、品質查核、成效查核,並據此對各計畫實施管理及考核評分。 (二) 100年度考評結果 截至100年12月考評結果,在重點性計畫以「柴油車動力計排煙檢測計畫」得分最高86.38分,其原因為資料時效性、完整性及工作進度達成率皆符合規定且計畫掌握度良好,整體表現優秀;在非重點性計畫以「PM2.5管制對策及健康風險評估計畫」得分最高87.33分,由於該計畫工作內容執行較為單純,較不易出現延宕或出現困難的情形。 (三) 環保署考評成績檢討分析 99年度環保署所公佈之考評成績,本市實際獲得之分數為90.55,評等屬於特優,顯示本市各項工作獲得委員及環保署普遍之肯定。而100年度本計畫亦逐月掌握各計畫考評自評成績,若有執行不佳之工作皆於每月工作檢討會提出檢討及改善做法。 六、 空污管制工作之民眾滿意度調查 依據本計畫99年度之問卷調查結果顯示,近八成九(88.6%)的民眾表示住家附近沒有工廠或餐廳排放異味或惡臭等污染之情形;九成(89.8%)的民眾表示住家附近沒有因營建或道路工程施工而造成路面污染之情形;八成二(82.2%)的受訪者覺得臺南市街道乾淨;八成五(85.4%)的民眾願意配合紙錢集中焚燒工作及一爐一香的政策;六成九(68.9%)的民眾願意支持廟宇停止燃燒紙錢政策;八成一(80.9%)的民眾支持「以米代金」及「使用大面額足百紙錢」。 而在烏賊車排放黑煙情況有近七成五(74.5%)覺得此污染情形有改善;僅五成二(52.1%)的民眾知道臺南市政府有加碼補助市民買電動機車;而民眾認為電動機車公共充電站的適合地點,以「便利超商」(37.4%)、「加油站」(34.9%)及「機車行」(8.1%)居多。 九成四(93.8%)的廠商對環保局相關人員服務態度表示滿意,也有九成三(93.4%)的廠商對環保局整體服務態度或服務品質感到滿意,絕大多數廠商對環保局人員持正面滿意的評價。 四成三(43.3%)的受訪者覺臺南市空氣品質有改善;顯示仍有相當比例之受訪者未感覺臺南市空氣品質較去年有改善,但是有超過六成七(67.1%)以上的比例肯定改善空氣污染之整體成果,可見多數人肯定環保局近年來的努力。 七、 空氣品質淨化區維護及管理 縣市合併升格後,大臺南市的空品淨化區基地數由15處增加至171處,本計畫協助環保局修訂「100年度臺南市空氣品質淨化區維護管理考核要點」,並進行152處次平時考核,將淨化區分為「環保公園」(含祼露地綠美化及污染場址綠美化)、「環保林園大道」(道路綠美化)、「學區種樹/社區綠帶」三組,每組擇分數最佳之前5名,由專家學者進行年終考核決選出4處績優單位並予以表揚;本計畫亦召開1場次淨化區經費補助說明會及1場次維護管理技術研習會。 八、 其他相關事項 協助維護本市「綠網」部落格之節能減碳資訊等工作,並獲得優等佳績;辦理2場次節能減碳宣導活動,包括「低碳低卡健康餐」健康飲食推廣活動及「補助區里執行節能減碳宣導活動辦法及經費核銷原則」說明會;配合其他科室的宣導活動辦理5場次節能減碳宣導。 於「第十四屆海峽兩岸環境保護研討會」配合辦理「臺南市低碳城市論壇」,由環保局張皇珍局長發表「大臺南低碳城市經驗分享與未來展望」,與會對象包含海外、大陸及台灣的教授專家;辦理一場次「空氣污染防制業務工作座談會」,邀請學者針對未來PM2.5標準制訂與目前國內外發展趨勢及臺灣空氣品質趨勢及污染特性進行專題演講;辦理一場次「低碳城市觀摩會」,藉由觀摩方式與其他縣市互相交流在低碳城市這方面所做的成果。


專案計畫編號 經費年度 099 計畫經費 4310 千元
專案開始日期 2010/12/07 專案結束日期 2011/12/06 專案主持人 許浩洋
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 黃文成 執行單位 立境環境科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 99年度臺南市空氣品質考核暨室內空氣品質改善計畫.pdf 36MB

2010 Tainan City AQMP

英文摘要 1. The Environmental Load and the Trend The population of Tainan City according to the statistics of the end of 2011 is 1.876 million. The population density is 855 people per km2 which is in the fifth place among five municipalities. There are about 8,462 factories in Tainan City, and the density is 3.9 factories per km2, which is higher than the national average, 2.18 factories per km2. The numbers of factories has been decreasing since 2002. The industrial structure in Tainan is mainly composed by the manufacturing of metal products, mechanic equipments, and plastic products. The numbers of factories in Southern Taiwan Science Park have been increasing year by year since 2000, but slowed down since 2009. There are currently 273 industries in the park. The total emission of Shinying Industrial Park is the highest among all main industrial parks, which is about 2,256.3 tons a year, followed by Paoan, Shanshang, and Quantian Industrial Park. The numbers of construction sites in Tainan City has been greatly increased since 2001. In 2004, the number reached 7743, which is the second high record in recent decade, and it decreased rapidly afterwards. Until the number reached its lowest point of the recent decade in 2007, 6266, and it started to increase once again in the following years. In the end of 2010, the numbers of construction sites has reached 8282, which is the highest point in the recent decade. The number dropped to 7315 in 2011. There are 2 million cars in Tainan City. Most of them are motorcycles, which are about 1.41 million, and the number is increasing yearly. Small vehicles follow, which are about 480,000. The growth of diesel vehicles has stopped since 2007. Besides, the gasoline consumption of diesel and the numbers of gas stations are both under a growth. From 2001 to 2011, the general gasoline consumption increased from 851,139 KL to 889,253 KL. The increase rate is 4.48%. During the same period, the gasoline consumption of diesel is from 265,488 KL to 387,788 KL, the growth rate is 46%. The numbers of gas stations has been increasing from 222 to 301 during 2001 and 2011, the growth rate is 35.6%. The numbers of petitions has reached 6,981 in 2011, and the cases keep increasing. Among the petitions, the compliant about odor are more frequently associated with factories. To classify the petitions by industries, manufacturing of leather and plastic products tend to produce odor. As the non-odor related petitions are most about open burning. 2. Current Situation of Air Quality and its Analysis The proportion of poor air quality has been decreased from 7.62% to 1.16% from 2006 to 2011. The improvement has reached 85%. Furthermore, Tainan City has reached its annual goal of 2011, the proportion of PSI>100 is 2.9% during 42 days, which is also lower than the national average. Tainan City broke the record of the best air quality, showing the effectiveness of the city’s measures and regulations. According to the analysis of the pollution characteristics in each surveillance station, the ozone and suspended particles in Shanhua station and Tainan station have been the same, which shows there are still a sizable proportion of the ozone pollution. Except for the influences from the ozone pollution transported out of the city, the pollution and emission of nearby industrial park is estimated to be also the reason increasing the environmental load. The living style; for example, the intensive mobile sources of air pollution, in the downtown of Tainan could be the reason why the proportion of poor ozone still go on in Shanhua and Tainan station. Annan and Shinying Station are located in suburbs. The inspection reports are mainly about suspended particles over the years. Except for the influences from the pollution of long-distance transportation, the air around the area is also influenced by the primary particulate matters, such as the construction site and bare soil surface, are greatly related. In terms of seasonal pollution characteristics, the proportion of poor suspended particles tends to be found from November to March. On the other hand, the proportion of poor ozone tends to happen in spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November). These results are related to the city’s geographical and climate conditions. The concentration of each air pollutant in Tainan City keeps decreasing year by year. Of which the eighth largest hourly average of ozone has been lower than the legal limit for four years. Therefore, the ozone has become level 2 control region. However, the average proportion of suspended particles and the eighth largest hourly average of ozone still exceed the legal limit, which will be the main point for Tainan City to improve in the future. 3. The Analysis of the Emission Structure of Each Pollutant Based on TEDS 7.1 Emission Database and the review and update of the project, the list of emission has been updated and showed in three aspects: point, line, and area sources, in the chart below. TSP PM10 SOx NOx NMHC CO Point Source (ton/year) 5,977 3,672 5,931 6,279 9,038 3,995 Area Source (ton/year) 31,422 9,559 330 1,695 38,932 4,134 Line Source (ton/year) 2,992 2,153 82 21,921 14,854 33,054 Total amount of emission (ton/year) 40,391 15,384 6,343 29,895 62,824 41,183 4. The Review of the Precaution Strategies of Air Pollution in Tainan City This project assists in coordinating 2011 Air Pollution Precaution Project. In this project, the goal had been set for 2010 to 2011, also, the local characteristics, innovative measures, and short-period regulation strategies were included. The project tracked and reviewed the air pollution precaution goal in 2011 and its actual completion. Most of them met the expectation. There were few under the expectation would be brought into the plan next year to track and improve. In terms of local characteristics and innovative measures, three programs were promoted in the 2011 Air Pollution Project. First one is “Reward on motorcycle check and the elimination”. Second one is “Pay your AP (Air Pollution) fee so simple and easy!” and the third one is “Zero flying-dust”. Furthermore, on the short-period regulation strategies from 2011 to 2012, considering the rural-urban development divide is still obvious even after the merger, to make the best use of the resources, the project conducts separate management strategies according to regional characteristics. The operating structure included the regulations on fixed pollutants, mobile pollutants, effusive pollutants, and the feeling of people and low carbon life. Currently, the short-period strategies are designing the most appropriate measures suitable for local environment, to reduce the impact of the rural-urban development divide and the public opposition. The mid-term and long-term strategies will be to enhance the efficiency of the administrative and to apply the strategies to all. 5. Track and Review the Effectiveness of Precaution Project of Air Pollution A. Conducting ”The Assessment Guidelines and the Project of the Air Quality and the Indoor Air Quality Improvement and Maintenance in Tainan City 2011”, the city government separate each air pollution projects into major and minor projects. And the items for assessment include the progress, the quality, and the effectiveness, in the end, to undertake and to score each project. B. The result of 2011 assessment Until December 2011, on the major projects, Tainan City got 86.38 points based on the inspection of diesel vehicles dynamometer smoke emission. Tainan City was praised by meeting the expectation of the information timeliness and information completeness, and also the smooth progress and the well-management of the project. On minor projects, the city government won its 87.33 points with “PM2.5 Regulation Strategies and the Assessment of the Health Risk Project”. Because the project itself is simpler, it is less to be postponed or be difficult to undertake. C. The analysis and review of the assessment of Environment Protection Administration In 2010, Environment Protection Administration announced the assessment result; Tainan City got 90.55 points and was rated as A plus, which means Tainan City has won the affirmation from the Administration and the committee. Also, the project will pay attention to the assessment result monthly, to review and try to improve on every month’s review meeting.   6. The Satisfaction of People on Air Pollution Regulation Measures According to the survey of the project in 2010, there were almost 88.6% of people claimed that no factories or restaurants produce bad smells or strong odor near their homes. 89.8% of people said no road surfaces being polluted by constructions near their homes. And 82.2% of people thought Tainan’s streets are clean. 85.4% of people are willing to comply with the policies of centralized burning the paper money and one incense in one pot. 68.9% of people agreed with the policy of stopping burning the paper money. 80.9% of people supported the idea to greet the Gods with food, instead of paper money, and to use bigger par value and environment-friendly paper money. Also, 74.5% of people thought there are fewer high-emitting vehicles. Only 52.1% of people were aware of Tainan City Government providing subsidies for citizens to buy electric auto bikes. There were 37.4% of people thought convenient stores would be good places to charge auto bikes, followed by gas stations and motorcycle store, which were 34.9% and 8.1%. 93.8% of companies were satisfied with the attitude of the staff of Environmental Protection Bureau. Also, 93.4% of companies were satisfied with the service quality and the attitude of Environmental Protection Bureau. Most companies gave positive comments to the staff of Environmental Protection Bureau. 43.3% of interviewers noticed the improvement of the air quality in Tainan City, which indicated that there were still half of citizens who did not feel the air quality had been improved than last year. But there were more than 67.1% of people who are positive to the effort and the result of Environment Protection Bureau. Most people were still affirmative to the Bureau’s efforts in recent years. 7. The Maintenance and Management of Air Clean Zone After the merger of cities, the bases of Air Clean Zones have been increased from 15 to 171 in the Great Tainan City. This project was playing an assistant role in helping Environmental Protection Bureau to amend “The Assessment Points of Maintenance and Management of the Air Clean Zones in Tainan City 2011”, also to have usual assessment in 152 areas; moreover, to separate the Zones into three groups, one is “Eco-park” with green on the bare surfaces and polluted area, the other is “Eco-road” which means to green the road, and the last group is “Green Schools/Communities”. In each groups, the best fives will be picked and to compete in the assessment in the end of the year. The experts and scholars will select four excellent organizations and to award them. The project will also hold one info session about funding the Air Clean Zones and one seminar about the technology of maintenance and management. 8. Related Matters This project has assisted with maintaining the information of energy saving and emission reduction on Tainan City’s “Ecolife” blog and to be awarded excellence, and to raise two advocacies about energy saving and emission reduction, which include the healthy diet of “low-carbon and low calories diet” and one info session about “the Guidelines of Subsidizing the Communities for Executing the Energy Saving and Emission Reduction and the Principles for the Write-off of the Fund”. Also, this project cooperated with other departments with five advocacies of energy saving and emission reduction. On the 14th Cross-Strait Environmental Protection Conference, the “The Forum of the Low Carbon City—Tainan” was held under the cooperation with the government. The secretary for the Environmental Protection, Chang Huang-zhen, delivered a speech about “How Tainan Becomes a Low Carbon City and the Future Development”. Many professors and experts from overseas, mainland China, and Taiwan attended the conference. A seminar about the business of preventing air pollution was held. Scholars were invited to deliver specific speeches about the future PM2.5 standard, the development at home and abroad, the air quality of Taiwan in the future and the pollution characteristics. A “Low Carbon Cities Demonstration” was held in order to exchange the experiences and skills through the demonstration between cities.