

中文摘要 本計畫收集分析國內外空氣品質策略及進展,研擬國內固定污染源、移動污染源管制方案、區域性空氣品質管理架構,配合空氣品質模擬評析改善情境,規劃台灣空氣品質管理近程實施方案,研提民國105年台灣清淨空氣計畫綱要,民國110年台灣清淨空氣計畫中程架構;研析HAP及PM2.5未來政策先期架構。 民國105年固定污染源管制方案,針對四種空氣污染物(硫氧化物、氮氧化物、粒狀物、揮發性有機物)研訂管制對策;管制對策以加嚴行業別排放標準、最佳可行控制技術、指定削減、提升逸散源削減率、推動消費性產品管制等方式為之。擬訂SOx、NOx、PM10及NMHC減量對策,預估減量分別為60.9千噸/年、104千噸/年、53.9千噸/年及257.1千噸/年。民國105年移動污染源管制方案針對機車、汽油車、柴油車研析管制方案,以維持車輛低污染水準、加速淘汰高污染車輛、加強車廠責任、提昇新車潔淨度、推廣清潔車輛等主。另納入車隊管理方案,以維持車隊車輛低污染水準、使用低污染車隊服務、區域性管制、提昇車隊清潔車輛比例;規劃清潔燃料與低碳交通控制對策,擬訂控制對策預估PM10、NOx及NMHC可分別減量9.3千噸/年、129.1千噸/年及90.9千噸/年。 推動區域性空氣品質管理藉由空氣污染防制區制度及總量管理制度推動,優先推動中部、雲嘉南、高屏空氣品質區總量管理計畫;推動策略以中央地方分工合作與部會共同承擔責任為主軸,依各空氣品質區特徵分別推動重點對策。 依據前述三項核心管制方案,推動各項管制對策於民國105年可有效降低空氣污染物排放量,臭氧與PM10微粒逾越空氣品質標準比值、頻率與範圍皆有顯著改善,居住於符合空氣品質標準地區民眾比例亦顯著提昇。 為落實各項管制對策,105年計畫綱要亦規劃各項配套措施,包括:增修訂法規、標準、強化建構支援配合系統、部會分工、地方政府合作分工等。 計畫研提台灣清淨空氣計畫綱要110年中程架構可提供環保署後續推動空氣品質管理參考。
中文關鍵字 台灣清淨空氣計畫、固定污染源管制方案、移動污染源管制方案


專案計畫編號 EPA-99-FA11-03-A098 經費年度 099 計畫經費 6150 千元
專案開始日期 2010/03/05 專案結束日期 2011/03/04 專案主持人 蔡俊鴻
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 郭孟芸 執行單位 財團法人成大研究發展基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 TCAP定稿-公開版.pdf 1MB

Development of Taiwan Clean Air Plan and Control Programs

英文摘要 This project has been conducted to develop air quality strategy in Taiwan in order to attain the air quality standard. The stationary source/mobile source control programs and regional air quality management program had been developed, respectively, as part of Taiwan Clean Air Plan for 2016 and 2021. Preliminary strategy of HAP and PM2.5 also had been studied. Stationary source control program for 2016 aims at SOX, NOX, PM10 and VOC. Various control measures, such as emission standards, permit program, BACT, emission reduction allocation, fugitive emission abatement, and consumer products control had been developed. The emission reduction potential of SOx, NOx, PM10, and NMHC from stationary soures are approximate 60.9, 104, 53.9, and 257.1 thousands tons per year, respectively, after implementation of this program. Mobile source control program for 2016 aims at motorcycle, automobile, diesel vehicle, and fleet control measures. The program includes:keep new vehicle cleaner, maintain low emission level of in-use vehicle, reinforce responsibility of manufacture and fleet operator, promote new clean vehicles, and retirement of high polluter. The emission reduction potential of NOx,PM10,and NMHC from mobile sources are approximate 129.1, 9.3, and 90.9 thousands tons per year, respectively, after implementation of this program. Air basin program for 2016 aims at emission cap system, emission reduction allocation, and enforcement. All significant emission sources, such as industrial complex, refinery, and port within the air basins in the southern west Taiwan have reduce more emission in the first phase. By means of the three control plans, air pollutant emission can be effectively reduced by 2016. PM10 and O3 level would be improved, and the percentile of population in attainment regions also increase by means of modeling demonstration. To enforce control plans, infrastructure has been also developed, including rule making , revising/adopting emission standards, strengthening infrastructure for measure development, enforcement and compliance, and cooperation with local governments and disciplinary government departments. This project provides guiding reference for future air quality management in Taiwan to improve the air quality and toward the goal of air quality standard attainment.
英文關鍵字 Taiwan clean air plan, Stationary source program, Mobile source program