

中文摘要 環保署鑒於國家環境衛生需要全面更進一步向上提昇,必需由政府機關以宏觀視野整體規畫,並結合中央地方與民眾群力積極推動;因此在既有「清淨家園、全民運動計畫」執行成果基礎下,於是提出「營造永續優質環境衛生計畫」,期望整合政府各部會能量,共同打造國際環保示範城市,並提昇城鄉生活環境的衛生品質。 本計畫將以建構複式動員系統、全面提昇城鄉環境衛生、營造優質環保示範區、重塑清淨海岸風貌為首要目標,期望達成與國際接軌、市容整潔與旅遊景點環境衛生之實質成效。計畫內容除持續擴大以公帶私之官民合作策略改善環境衛生外,並將誘發民間社會力量,輔以獎勵措施,鼓勵企業認養及志工參與;建立村里社區志工機制;強化公德心、落實村里總動員;清理風景點、政府機關(構)所轄辦公廳舍、沿線道路及自家週遭環境;引進永續社區整頓(structurise)、整理(systematize)、清掃(sanitise)、清潔(standardize)及教養(self-discipline)的5S 運動等事項。另以環保團體執行評比活動,讓民眾參與並了解居住環境現況,共同關心環保議題,並展望未來期望台灣環境能更加美好。


專案計畫編號 經費年度 099 計畫經費 150 千元
專案開始日期 2010/08/12 專案結束日期 2010/12/31 專案主持人 陳紹奎
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 何佳蓉 執行單位 花蓮縣深耕公益發展協會


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期末報告 990735.pdf 14MB
英文摘要 In view of the national environment sanitation need to be comprehensive promote. And it supposed to be overall planning by Government in macro-view, active promote including the central Government and local people. Therefore, the EPA proposed the "construction sustainable use high Quality environment sanitation project” by the achievement of “all of the people clean up homeland campaign ", and hoping combine the whole department's energy of the government to become the international environment model city and increase the quality of whole country. The primary goals of this project are build multi-mobilization system, fully boost the environment sanitation, construction high-quality environment demonstration area, remodeling the coastlines into clean. We expect to reach global dimension, urban amenities clean and tidy, real results of travel sites hygienic condition. The project is continues to extend the device of corporation between the government and people to improve the environment sanitation. And it including to induce the power of civil society and supplemented with incentives to encourage enterprise adoption and volunteer participation, building the volunteer mechanism of village, neighborhood and community, strengthening civic-minded and implement village neighborhood general mobilization. And all of the mobilization of people and government would clean up travel sites, the office building jurisdiction within government, along the roads and home environment. Furthermore, it recommend sustainability community structurise, systematize, sanitise, standardize and self-discipline, the 5S movement and so on. In addition, the environment groups will to execute the rating. For the people to participate and knowing the status of living environment, and they will together concern with environment topic. We prospect the future, hoping that the environment of Taiwan would be better.