

中文摘要 本計畫執行期程自99年2月23日至100年2月22日止,各項工作均於預計期程內完成。由蒐集彙整之濁水溪圖資中,98年雖因「八八水災」導致濁水溪揚塵潛勢區由717公頃增加至1,503公頃,但99年則降為895公頃。濁水溪揚塵潛在區面積縮小,也直接反應在空氣品質現況:崙背站因濁水溪揚塵所導致的事件日由98年的11站日降為99年1站日,空氣品質大幅改善。99年完成預警通報資訊平台的建置,此平台於東北季風盛行時節,共計自動通報達17次,有效預先告知民眾,作好自我防護的工作。此外,本計畫也加強民眾宣導及中央地方各單位橫向聯繫會議,共計辦理5場次的民眾宣導會議及8場次的橫向聯繫會議。同時為了落實民眾照護工作,於大同國小試作防風柵,並於楊賢社區進行綠美化工作。為瞭解濁水溪揚塵對雲林縣懸浮微粒濃度的貢獻量,於計畫期程內,完成8次的例行性採樣與2次密集性採樣工作,並以模式模擬推估濁水溪揚塵之貢獻。在2月17日辦理完成「2010濁水溪揚塵防制研討會」,會議中邀集專家學者研析濁水溪揚塵未來之管制策略。


專案計畫編號 經費年度 099 計畫經費 2425 千元
專案開始日期 2010/02/23 專案結束日期 2011/02/22 專案主持人 陳昭忞
主辦單位 雲林縣環境保護局 承辦人 黃泓銘 執行單位 昱山環境技術服務顧問有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 99-006.DOC.pdf 12MB

Promotion and control dust emission from Zhuoshui river Plan

英文摘要 This plan began in February 23th,2010, Until February 22th,2011, all of the work finish in time .We collected the aeronautical chart of Zhuoshui river. We found that sand area increased from 717 hectare in 2008 to 1,503 hectare in 2009 because of“Flood of August 8”,and then decrease to 895 hectare in 2010. So we compare the air quality data at Lunbei air quality monitoring station, and it show the reduction of the sand area that make the air quality better. The unhealthful days because of the suspended river sand have be counted 11 days in 2009, but only 1 day in 2010. We had finished the warning system in 2010,and applied to notice the people make self-protection. The system had worked 17 times in this year. Furthermore, we had finished 5 promotion meetings for people and 8 integrating meetings for local and center government. To protect the people from the suspending sand, we made windproof grid on TA-TUNG elementary school, and made plant area on YANG-XIAN Community by demonstration. We did eight routine sample work and two filled sample work to understand the particle ingredient, and in addition, apply the data and CMB model to see the contribution from sand suspending. We invite experts to provide more opinions for the issue on “2010 Zhuoshui River sand suspending controlled Conference”in February 17th,2011.
英文關鍵字 Zhuoshui river, Suspended particulates, Air pollutants