

中文摘要 本計畫在國小自99年4月9日、國中自99年7月1日開始監測,至100年3月31日止共完成國小356天8,551小時的紅外線連續監測作業,總計收集110,633筆數據(圖譜),其中有效數據為102,588筆,有效率達92.73%;國中自99年7月1日開始監測到100年3月31日止,共完成274天6,576小時的紅外線連續監測作業,總計收集78,292筆數據(圖譜),其中有效數據為72,938筆,有效率達93.16%;兩個測站的監測數據有效率均超過計畫要求的90%有效監測率。 量測期間,當地之盛行風向基本上分為兩個季節,10月至隔年3月為冬季型氣候,盛行風向以西北、北和東北風為主,4月至9月為夏季型氣候,盛行風向以西南、南和東南風為主。除了夏季颱風季節之外,平均風速在2 m/sec以下(含靜風)的比例都在80%以上的量測時間,但8、9兩個月的高平均風速(>3 m/sec)比例因受到颱風季節的影響而較其他月份高。 國小356天的量測共收集110,633筆數據(圖譜),其中可供定性定量分析之有效數據為102588筆,數據有效率為92.73%;國中274天量測共收集78,292筆數據,其中有效數據共72,938筆,數據有效率達93.16%;兩個測站的監測數據有效率均高於合約要求之90%數據有效率。 國小共測得包括氨氣、甲醇、乙烯、乙酸乙酯、乙醇、丁烷、2-甲基戊烷、氯二氟甲烷、二甲基甲醯胺、環己烷、乙炔、丙烯、丙二醇甲醚、六氟化硫、氯仿、四氯化碳、1,1,1,2-四氟乙烷、氯乙烯、醋酸乙烯酯、三氟甲烷、三氯氟甲烷、甲苯、二氧化硫、戊烷、甲基丙烯酸甲酯、甲酸甲酯、異丙醇、環氧乙烷、二甲醚、二氯甲烷、二氯二氟甲烷、溴三氟甲烷、丙烯腈、丙酮、丁酮、丁二烯、1,1-二氯-1-氟乙烷和1,1,2,2-四氟乙烷等38種可供定性定量分析的人為污染物,另外還有兩種僅可定性的污染物 – 二甲氧甲烷和三聚甲醛(GC/MS確認結果);其中僅氨氣、甲醇、乙烯和乙酸乙酯四種污染物在356天超過102,000筆數據監測中累計超過1.0%的數據其測值大於偵測極限,每月均測到的污染物包括氨氣、甲醇、乙烯、乙酸乙酯、氯二氟甲烷、乙炔和乙醇。 國中共測得包括氨氣、甲醇、乙醇、乙酸乙酯、二氧化硫、氯二氟甲烷、乙烯、醋酸乙烯酯、乙炔、丙酮、丁酮、三氟甲烷、三氯氟甲烷、丙烯、丙二醇甲醚、異戊間二烯、氯化氫、環氧乙烷、氯乙烯、六氟化硫、異丁醇、二氯二氟甲烷、2-甲基戊烷、丁二烯、三氟乙烷、甲苯、四氫呋喃、丙烷、丙二醇甲醚酯、乙酸正丁酯、二甲基甲醯胺、甲基丙烯酸甲酯、丙烯酸甲酯、異丙苯、異丙醇、汽油、甲醛、丙烯酸乙酯、二甲醚、二氯甲烷、環己烷、氯仿、四氯化碳、丁烷、溴三氟甲烷、丙烯腈、醋酸、1,1-二氯-1-氟甲烷、1,1,2,2-四氟乙烷和1,1,1,2-四氟乙烷等50種污染成份,及僅可確認成份的三聚甲醛;其中有氨氣、甲醇、乙烯、乙酸乙酯、乙炔、氯二氟甲烷和醋酸乙烯酯等7種污染物在274天超過72,938筆數據監測中累計超過1.0%的數據其測值大於偵測極限,每月均測到的污染物包括氨氣、甲醇、乙酸乙酯、乙醇、氯二氟甲烷、乙烯、丙二醇甲醚、三氯氟甲烷、二氯二氟甲烷和六氟化硫等10種。 在有害空氣污染物方面(測值超果周界標準),國小共有氨氣、環氧乙烷、氯乙烯和丙烯腈等四種污染物,其中氨氣僅有3筆測值(總共102,588筆數據)超過周界標準(1000 ppb),其來源為學校西北方的一家生產氨水的工廠,氯乙烯僅在99年6月出現4筆超過周界標準的測值,其來源為學校南邊之林園工業區內的工廠,丙烯腈僅在99年12月測到1筆濃度超過周界標準的測值,依風向分析可能來源為學校附近經過的化學品運輸槽車的貢獻,至於環氧乙烷,其來源為學校北北東方向的一家消毒針頭的工廠。國中僅有環氧乙烷和丙烯腈兩種有害空氣污染物,環氧乙烷的來源和國小的來源一致,均為北北東方向的一家消毒針頭的工廠所貢獻,至於丙烯腈,也同樣僅有零星幾筆數據超過其周界標準,其來源仍以學校附近往來的槽車為主要貢獻。 在異味污染物方面(測值超過嗅覺閾值),國小主要的異味污染物為乙酸乙酯、甲基丙烯酸甲酯和甲苯,但各種異味污染物的出現頻率都只有零星幾筆數據,乙酸乙酯和甲苯的來源包括國中南邊的廣告招牌工廠和東北方的一家事業廢棄物處理廠,甲基丙烯酸甲酯則為附近化學品運輸槽車經過時的逸散。國中的異味污染物種類較國小多,但超過嗅覺閾值的數據比例也只有零星的幾筆,異味污染物包括甲苯、乙酸乙酯、醋酸、丙烯酸乙酯、丙烯酸甲酯和乙酸正丁酯,其中甲苯、乙酸乙酯和乙酸正丁酯的來源為學校南邊之廣告招牌工廠的噴漆作業,醋酸的來源以附近的往來的槽車逸散為主,丙烯酸乙酯和丙烯酸甲酯的來源則為附近噴灑除草劑的有機溶劑逸散。 追蹤監測共執行超過1,118小時的追蹤監測(不含canister-GC/MS),達合約要求時數的225%;總計針對大發工業區內12家工廠及地區以OP-FTIR/CC-FTIR進行調查。追蹤監測結果確認環氧乙烷來自北北東方向的一家消毒針頭的工廠排放管道,學校西北方的氨氣主要來自生產氨水的工廠排放管道,五金專業區內包括事業廢棄物處理廠等工廠為東北方向之有機溶劑(甲苯、乙酸乙酯、乙醇、甲醇、丁酮)的主要來源。學校西北至西北西方向的有機溶劑成份為工業區外學校西北方之工廠(乙酸乙酯、甲苯、異丙醇、乙醇等)的貢獻。學校西北方過溪村民宅之OP-FTIR和兩所學校OP-FTIR測站的上、下風監測結果顯示,乙烯、醋酸乙烯酯和二甲基甲醯胺在上風測線(過溪村民宅)的測值高於下風的國中/國小測線的測值,說明這幾種污染物在西北方向的來源位於上風測線更遠處(指向仁大工業區);部分丁二烯同樣指向西北方向的來源。 本計畫自開始量測至今,國中/國小共計發生10次異味污染事件(扣除國中在99年4月以前兩次),其中國中8次,而國小僅有2次。異味發生時間以上午8點至11點之間(共8次)最多;來源風向以西北至北北西最多(7次),其次為東北風3次,南風2次;異味特徵以燒焦味最多、其次是農藥味、酸味及甜味。 國中/國小10次異味事件中,除了即時的OP-FTIR和氣象資料分析之外,總共採集10個canister樣品,所有樣品均以最迅速的方法送回工研院GC/MS實驗室進行分析。 國中/國小異味事件中僅國中在99年11月30日10:45通報“塑膠燒焦味及農藥味”,並造成國中20名師生因身體不適送醫;事件發生當時現場除OP-FTIR量測結果之外,並以canister-GC/MS採樣分析,環保局稽查人員和巡守人員也針對學校及附近環境調查後發現學校西邊林地台糖人員噴灑除草劑,本事件經環保局調查後召開記者會說明結果,全案進入公害糾紛調處程序。其他多件異味事件和露天燃燒或附近工廠的鍋爐操作有關,經由多方數據解析而獲確認。 監測結果顯示國中/國小環境中主要的空氣污染物包括:二氧化硫、環氧乙烷、氯化氫、氯乙烯、甲醇、異丙苯、乙酸乙酯、甲苯、甲醛、醋酸、丙二醇甲醚、丙酮、氨氣、二甲基甲醯胺、丁二烯、苯乙烯、丙烯酸甲酯、丙烯酸乙酯、甲基丙烯酸甲酯和丙烯腈等,依據國中和國小的監測結果顯示,絕大部分的污染物之出現頻率低(<1.0%),顯示這些污染物並非常態地逸散,應為瞬間的異常狀況,但部分污染物的瞬間測值仍會造成空氣污染和異味物染問題。地區的監測也顯示部分污染物如氯乙烯、乙烯和丙烯等污染物的部分來自地區的南邊工業區(林園工業區);而部分乙烯、醋酸乙烯酯和二甲基甲醯胺更可能由西北方向的仁大工業區擴散飄送過來。 嗅覺感官對於異味的認知並不侷限於有機成份,而部分污染物即使是現有量測技術(FTIR、GC/MS)仍無法涵蓋所有異味污染成份,例如柴油或重油不完全燃燒時的煤煙(soot),因此針對設有鍋爐的工廠,仍應特別注意鍋爐的操作,尤其是重新啟動時將會因為不完全燃燒而產生大量的煤煙而造成學校的異味事件(已有數次異味陳情紀錄)。 建議後續應針對轄區內的大型工業區加強稽查管制,同時對於燃燒行為更應加強稽查,以有效地維護地區的空氣品質。
中文關鍵字 紅外線連續監測;周界標準;嗅覺閾值;數據有效率;數據有效率


專案計畫編號 經費年度 099 計畫經費 12600 千元
專案開始日期 2010/04/16 專案結束日期 2011/04/15 專案主持人 張寶額
主辦單位 高雄市政府環境保護局 承辦人 龐心佩 執行單位 工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 99年特殊敏感區監測業務期末報告定稿-第六章_公開版.zip 6MB

Air Pollution Monitoring at Specific Air Quality Control Zone

英文摘要 This project is a continuum of two previous air quality monitoring projects conducted at ○○ primary school and ○○ junior high school in 2009. The objectives of this project are to set up two air quality monitoring stations at ○○ primary school and ○○ junior high school for continuously monitoring the air quality of these schools, to provide real-time air pollutants and meteorological data to the regulatory personnel when an odor complaint is filed by teachers and students from these two schools, and to help analyze the root cause of the odor nuisance and the potential source of the odorous pollutants. The OP-FTIR monitoring station of ○○ Primary School started collecting first infrared spectrum (data) in April 9, 2010 till March 31, 2011. A total of 356-day (8,544 hours) of OP-FTIR monitoring has been operated. A grand total of 102,588 valid spectra out of 110,633 spectra were collected and analyzed. The data collection effectiveness of ○○ Primary School OP-FTIR monitoring station is 92.73%. The OP-FTIR monitoring station of ○○ Junior High School started collecting data from July 1, 2010 till March 31, 2011. A total of 72,938 valid data out of 78,292 spectra were collected and analyzed in a period of 274-day of monitoring. The collection effectiveness of ○○ Junior High School OP-FTIR monitoring station is 93.16%. Excluding calm wind (wind speed<0.5 m/sec) condition, northerly wind (covering NW, N and NE) prevailed in colder months from October till next March, while the southerly wind predominated during the hot months from April to September. The average wind speed of 0.5~2.0 m/sec covered nearly 80% of the monitoring period. Nevertheless, the wind speed was higher during the typhoon months of August and September. Thirty-eight anthropogenic pollutants were identified and quantified from 102,588 spectra collected from ○○ Primary School OP-FTIR monitoring station. These air pollutants were ammonia, methanol, ethylene, ethyl acetate, ethanol, butane, 2-methyl pentane, chlorodifluoromethane (R-22), N,N-dimethyl formamide (DMF), cyclohexane, acetylene, propylene, propylene glycol monomethyl ether (PGME), sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane (R-134a), vinyl chloride, vinyl acetate, trifluoromethane, trichlorofluoromethane (R-11), toluene, sulfur dioxide (SO2), n-pentane, methyl methacrylate (MMA), methyl formate, isopropanol, ethylene oxide, dimethyl ether, dichloromethane, bromotrifluoromethane, dichlorodifluoromethane (R-12), acrylonitrile, acetone, 2-butanone, 1,3-butadiene, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoroethane and 1,1,2,2-tetraflurorethane (R-134b). In addition, methylal and paraformaldehyde were also identified but no quantitative spectrum available. Seven out of 38 pollutants were detected in each month’s monitoring. They are ammonia, methanol, ethylene, ethyl acetate, chlorodifluoromethane, acetylene, and ethanol. Ammonia, methanol, ethyl acetate, and ethylene were the only pollutants with detected frequency higher than 1.0%, which indicates that these compounds were the major anthropogenic air pollutants in the atmosphere of ○○ Primary School. Fifty anthropogenic air pollutants were detected and analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively from ○○ Junior High School OP-FTIR monitoring station. They are ammonia, methanol, ethanol, ethyl acetate, SO2, R-22, ethylene, vinyl acetate, acetylene, acetone, 2-butanone, trifluoromethane, R-11, propylene, PGME, isoprene, hydrogen chloride, ethylene oxide, vinyl chloride, SF6, isobutanol, R-12, 2-methyl pentane, 1,3-butadiene, trifluoroethane, toluene, tetrahydrofuran, propane, propylene glycol monomethyl ether acetate (PGMEA), n-butyl acetate, DMF, MMA, methyl Acrylate, isopropyl benzene, isopropanol, gasoline, formaldehyde, ethyl Acrylate, dimethyl ether, dichloromethane, cyclohexane, chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, butane, bromotrifluoromethane, acrylonitrile, acetic acid, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoroethane, R-134b, and R-134a. Methylal was also identified in ○○ Junior High School OP-FTIR monitoring station. Seven out of 38 pollutants were detected in each month’s monitoring. They are ammonia, methanol, ethyl acetate, ethanol, ethylene, R-22, PGME, R-11, R-12, and SF6. Ammonia, methanol, ethyl acetate, ethylene, acetylene, R-22 and vinyl acetate were the only pollutants with detected frequency higher than 1.0%, which indicates that these compounds were the major anthropogenic air pollutants in the atmosphere of ○○ Junior High School. During 356 days of monitoring in ○○ Primary School, the concentrations of ammonia, EO, vinyl chloride and acrylonitrile were found to be over their existing ambient standards. There are 3 measurements of ammonia were found to be over its ambient standard of 1000 ppb. High concentration of ammonia is coming from an ammonium hydroxide manufacturer located in northwesterly direction of the school. Ethylene oxide is the contribution of a medical equipment disinfection company located in NNE of the school. Vinyl chloride was detected only in June when the southerly wind prevailed. There were only 4 measurements of concentration higher than 200 ppb of ambient standard. There are two emission sources of vinyl chloride located in Lin-yuan industrial park which is about 6 kilometers down south of school. Acrylonitrile has a ambient standard of 40 ppb. There were only three measurements of acrylonitrile with concentration greater than 40 ppb from two OP-FTIR monitoring stations. The potential source of the handful detected acrylonitrile was possibly contributed from the pressure relief valve of the driving-by tanker trucks carrying acrylonitrile. Ethyl acetate, MMA and toluene were three odorous pollutants detected in ○○ Primary School. The majority of Ethyl acetate and toluene were coming from a chemical container cleaning company located in northeast direction of school. Part of ethyl acetate was the contribution of the commercial sign company located 100 meters south of the campus during its paint-spray operation. MMA was possibly coming from the pressure relief valve of the driving-by tanker trucks carrying MMA. Ethyl acetate, toluene, acetic acid, ethyl Acrylate, methyl Acrylate, MMA and n-butyl acetate were found with measured concentrations higher than their odor thresholds in ○○ Junior High School. However, there were only few measurements of these odorous pollutants with detected concentrations greater than their odor thresholds. The commercial sign company next to south boundary of school campus contributed most of ethyl acetate, toluene, and n-butyl acetate during its spraying operation. Acetic acid was also coming from the pressure relief valve of the driving-by tanker trucks carrying acetic acid, a small portion of acetic acid was coming from A company. Methyl acrylate and ethyl acrylate were used as organic solvents in manufacturing herbicide and pesticide. These two odorous pollutants detected in ○○ Junior High School were the residues of herbicide from local farmers. In order to further verify emission sources of major pollutants (both hazardous and odorous), additional investigation program named source-tracking program using OP-FTIR, CC-FTIR and/or bag-GC/MS was executed. A total of 1100 hours of FTIR monitoring (excluding number of GC/MS samples) at 12 factories and areas within Da-Fa industrial park and its surrounding area. This is 125% more of the investigation time required by the project. The results verified the major emission sources of ethylene oxide, ammonia, ethyl acetate, toluene, ethanol, methanol, and 2-butanone. The upwind/downwind OP-FTIR simultaneous measurement from January 31 to February 9, 2011 conducted in the northwest of two schools. The results indicates that ethylene, vinyl acetate, DMF, and part of 1,3-butadiene were coming from sources located upward of the upwind beam. This concludes that the petrochemical industrial park located 20 kilometers northwesterly of ○○ area is the only emission source of these pollutants.
英文關鍵字 OP-FTIR;ambient standard;source-tracking;CC-FTIR;GC/MS