

中文摘要 今年度本專案為三年延續性計畫的最後一年,為履行合約規定及符合相關環保單位需求,將合約內容區分成四大工作項目進行,以期能完成各級環保單位所交付的任務。首先在系統建置及擴充作業部份,建置飲用水空間新聞、地號位於保護區批次查詢、地理資訊環域分析、行動查報系統座標及高程資訊擴充等功能,旨在提供更快速、更便利、更精準的服務給使用者。在圖資搜集及匯整作業部分,除了完成五十一處簡易自來水設施定位及數化作業外;同時更新全國近一千四百多萬筆的地籍圖層,以上成果可增加土地判定的精確度。在業務協助及推廣作業部分,今年度總共舉辦一場次全國飲用水管理業務檢討會、六縣市地方環保局業務需求訪談、三場次全國系統操作說明會外,也多次協助環保署及地方環保局進行相關土地判別作業及災後保護區範圍套疊作業。最後,在資訊安全及維護作業部分,不僅每月提供資安檢測報告外,並藉由資安測試以維護系統各項功能正常性,同時配合監資處完成機房共構所交付的各項工作。綜觀今年計畫推動及執行成果,目前保護區管理單位對於土地判別技術上已有顯著提升。
中文關鍵字 飲用水水源水質保護區;現地探勘;地理資訊系統


專案計畫編號 EPA-99-J105-02-203 經費年度 099 計畫經費 1900 千元
專案開始日期 2010/03/10 專案結束日期 2010/12/31 專案主持人 胡秉軒
主辦單位 環管處 承辦人 黃明輝 執行單位 振興發科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 2010WSFP.pdf 16MB

The Integrated Establishment and Upgrade Project of Drinking Water Source Protection Area GIS

英文摘要 This is a three-year project and this year is the last year of entire period. In order to execute the contract and meet the needs of central and local environmental protection agencies, the project team implemented following four tasks. In the system establishment and upgrade operations, many functions were added for providing faster, better, and higher accuracy services for users, which included drinking water spatial information, batch query service, buffer area analysis, coordinates/elevation function upgrade. In the geographic data collection and integrated operations, the project team located and digitized 51 simple water supply facilities and collected approximately 14 million cadastral geographic data. The results could raise the accuracy on land use permit and operations. In the business assistance and operation instructions, various training programs or meetings were held, including nationwide drinking water management reviewing conferences, local environmental protection agencies business requirement interviews, system operation training programs, land use permitting and post-disaster areas analysis. In the information securities and maintenance, the project team not only provided monthly information security reports, but also carried out simulated attacks on information security for maintain functioning; meanwhile, the project team also completed the data center consolidation operations. Based on the results in this year, the government has been improved to raise the accuracy on land use permit.
英文關鍵字 Drinking Water Source Protection Area;On Site Survey;Geographic Information System