

中文摘要 執行成果摘要 有關「台南縣空氣污染防制宣導訓練計畫」執行階段自民國99年06月18日起,截至99年12月31日止,於99年12月20日展延至100年04月30日止。期末報告統計期間自99年10月18日至100年04月30日止。依照契約之規定達成各項工作項目,工作進度表如表2.3工作進度表(甘特圖)所示。 計畫執行期間,除了持續配合主辦單位辦理清新空氣宣導活動(配合變更執行時間及辦理方式)外,並順利進行第二場環保義(志)工訓練觀摩活動,同時持續辦理環保政策宣導說明會(配合變更成1場南瀛環保創作家),亦進行環保宣導品製作確認及協助辦理環保義工及社區、團體成果彰顯等工作項目,相關重點陳述如下: 一、清新空氣宣導活動 1.配合主辦單位業務之需求更改活動內容為: 建國百年 台南低 碳動起來-低碳宣示暨行動論壇。 2.活動已於100年4月22日執行完成。 二、環保義(志)工訓練 1.第一場次已於10月13-14執行完成 (1)參加人數為40人 (2)訓練活動行程為: 彰化縣鹿港南勢社區發展協會(環保小學堂)白木屋品 牌文化館大溪慈湖嘉義縣頂菜園發展協會(環保小學 堂) 2.第二場次已於12月12-13執行完成 (1)參加人數為40人 (2)訓練活動行程為: 劉力學蔬菜-臨海農場半日遊彰化市福田社區參訪興 隆毛巾觀光工廠 三、環保政策說明會 1.主辦單位來文變更為一場南瀛環保創作家。 2.於99年11月24日進行作品截稿。 3.於99年12月05日進行初選作品公布。 4.於99年12月11日進行作品決選作業。 5.於99年12月12-19進行作品展示。 四、宣導文宣及環保品製作 1.第一款環保宣導品-綠色標章清潔劑已於99年11月15日送局完 成點交。 2.第二款環保宣導品-環保筷已於99年12月07日送局選擇完成點交。 五、協助辦理環保義工及社區、團體成果彰顯 1. 依主辦單位之需求進行更新;網站也定期更新並下載主辦單位 官網之環作訊息。 2.每週進行週誌用以紀錄網站之工作內容。


專案計畫編號 經費年度 099 計畫經費 1858.07 千元
專案開始日期 2010/06/18 專案結束日期 2011/04/30 專案主持人 郭瑞益
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 邱玉萍 執行單位 卉紘公關行銷有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 台南市政府環境保護局空氣污染防制宣導訓練計劃99101-定稿本.pdf 15MB
英文摘要 Abstract of the Execution Result Report The execution of the "Tainan County’s Air Pollution Control Promotion and Training Project" was planned for the period from June 18, 2010 through December 31, 2010. There was an extension starting from December 20, 2010 to April 30, 2011. The statistic data collection of the final report was made from 18 October, 2010 through April 30, 2011. Each work item was accomplished based on the contract’s stipulation. The work schedule was showed as in the Table 2.3 (Gantt Chart) below. During the project execution period, in addition to continuing organizing promotional activities of air purification (with changes in execution time and execution methods) with the organizer, we also smoothly carried out the second session of environmental protection volunteers’ training and observation activities, while continuing performing environmental policy advocacy seminars (with changes to offer one Nanying environmental protection creation contest) , as well as confirming production of environmental protection advocacy materials, assisting environmental protection volunteers, communities and groups to present the result of their work. Focused presentation follows: I. Promotional activities of air purification 1. Meet the needs of the organizer and change the activities content as: Republic of China Centenary Cheer up for low-carbon emission in Tainan-Assert and carry out low-carbon emission forum 2. Activities were accomplished on April 22, 2011 II. Environmental protection volunteers’ training 1. The first session was accomplished on October 13-14 (1). number of participants was 40 (2). training program’s itinerary was: Nanshih Community Development Association, Lukang, Changhua County (Environmental protection primary school)->White-Wood-House Brand Culture Showroom ->Daxi Cihu ->Dingcaiyuan Development Association, Chiayi County (Environmental protection primary school) 2. The second training plan has been accomplished on December 12 and 13. (1) Number of Participants: Forty (2) The Training Plan Includes: A Half Day Tour of the Pierre Organic Coastal Farm A Visit to Futian Community in Changhua SL Towel Industrial Tourism & Explore Factory III. The Environmental Policy Council A. The official document received from the organizer said that one show featuring environmental artists from Tainan was needed. B. The Deadline: November 24, 2010 C. Announcement of Candidates: December 5, 2010 D. Determination of Nominees: December 11, 2010 E. The Period of Exhibition: from December 12 to 19, 2010 IV. Promotional Leaflets & Environment Products A. The green-mark detergents- the first item of tool used to promote environmental protection were delivered to the Bureau and accepted on November 15, 2010. B. The reusable chopsticks- the second item of tool used to promote environmental protection were delivered to the Bureau and accepted on December 7, 2010 V. Assist Environmental Volunteers, Communities & Associations to Show Their Achievements A. Updates will be made in accordance with the request of the organizer. The website information will be updated regularly and messages about environmental art works can be downloaded from the organizer’s official website. B. Website activities will be entered in the log every week.