

中文摘要 本計畫主要協助環保署進行電動輔助自行車及電動自行車補助申請案件之審核、查核等相關工作,99 年1 月統計至12 月31 日,已完成電動輔助自行車補助申請案件之審核及建檔作業共計12,282件,撥付補助款8,640件;電動自行車補助申請案件之審核及建檔作業共計13,128件,撥付補助款5,946 件,現場查核共417件。 本計畫免付費專線電話(0800-050- 058)來回覆民眾關於低污染車輛相關問題及設置低污染車輛補助資訊網頁(http://mobile.epa.gov. tw/LowPoll/index.aspx)供民眾及廠商查詢補助進度及相關文件下載。 本計畫電動輔助及電動自行車補助申請案件之資料庫系統建檔,包含申請文件資料建檔、審核及查核作業資料建檔、撥款作業資料建檔,為避免案件有重複申請狀況,於資料庫系統中設定警示功能,申請人身份證、車架號碼若重複鍵入,則系統自動跳出訊息視窗,同時強制該案件無法存檔,提醒建檔人員注意。 本計畫協助環保署進行台北捷運車站電動機車充電站之管理維護,以及電費繳納工作,統計99 年度之電費共已繳納7,056元,竹圍站、石牌站及明德站等3 站損壞部份,均已完成修復。
中文關鍵字 電動輔助自行車、電動自行車、充電站


專案計畫編號 EPA-99-FA13-03-A022 經費年度 099 計畫經費 4600 千元
專案開始日期 2010/01/11 專案結束日期 2010/12/31 專案主持人 陳家修
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 歐育豪 執行單位 振興發科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 99年度低污_期末報告(定稿本).rar 17MB

Subsidy Applications for Low-Pollution Vehicles

英文摘要 The major target of the project was to verify the subsidy of the electrical assisted bicycles and electrical bicycle application. Accumulated the applications from Jan. to Dec31 2010, 12282 electric assisted bicycle subsidy cases had been proved and filed, 8640 subsidy cases had been accomplished; 13128electrical bicycle subsidy cases had been proved and filed, 5946subsidy cased had been accomplished, 417 on-site examinations were accomplished. This project provided toll-free number (0800-050-058)to serve for people as information center. The web-site is http://mobile.epa.gov.tw/LowPoll/index.aspx which provided the application procedure status and FAQ ,and the download function of application documentation. The management information system of the project included the application information, examination and verification information, subsidy management information. In order to except the duplication of applications, the automatic alarm function was designed in the system, the occurrence of applicant identification, bicycle plate number duplication, the system will deliver the alarm message , and the data will not be accepted in the beginning of data input step . This project also provided the maintenance of Taipei Metro-Line electricity charge stations and the electricity fee, the annual electricity fee is NT$7,056 dollars, and during the project also was responsible for the repair of the charge stations(Zhuwei, Shipai, Mingde) .
英文關鍵字 Electric assisted bicycle, Electric bicycle, Charging station