英文摘要 |
In order to upgrade our national greenhouse gases accreditation and verification management system to be able to link with international societies, the project followed relevant management mechanism in international GHGs accreditation and verification such as the UNFCCC, EUETS, RGGI and IAF as the main axis and at the same time acquired the latest development in international GHGs accreditation and verification to facilitate domestic applicability analysis and to formulate suggestions for our national greenhouse gases accreditation and verification management system strategies.
Through holding the latest development trend in greenhouse gases accreditation and verification management among international organizations and other countries, the project brought suggestions for our country’s future management strategies to continue building the completeness of mechanism for the review and supervision of our country’s accreditation bodies, verification bodies and verifiers; as well as establishing the integrity of laws and revisions to the GHGs verification related technical specification and guidance for relevant operation, so as to form the rules for implementation after the GHGs Reduction Act (draft) becomes effective. In response to our national GHGs reduction strategies, the project also conducted analysis of the techniques and specifications for international product carbon footprint verification as well as implemented the testing for product carbon footprint, so as to establish the drafted rules for the verification of product carbon footprint in our country taking into consideration the special situation and needs in our country to assure the adoption of the most appropriate GHGs accreditation and verification management model.