

中文摘要 桃園航空城空氣監測預警系統整體規劃案係透過感測網監測空氣品質的概念,應用於桃園航空城以監測空氣品質狀況,並透過感測網的佈建,配合空氣品質模式,對空氣污染物的排放及擴散進行監控與預警,提供管理單位控管空氣品質之參考,亦可提供決策單位向民眾發佈空氣品質不良警訊之依據。研究方法上,本計畫透過文獻回顧探討可能造成桃園航空城空氣品質下降的各項因素並進行機場空污量推估、空氣品質監測技術掌握、空氣品質模式的選用及分析,並應用網格式空間分析方法於監測器設置選點之決策分析。在感測網佈建的硬體設備規劃上,首先確認監測目標(包含排放源及受體),再根據監測點位熱點分析的結果,擬訂階段性的監測站設置規劃、及提出相關監測站的硬體規格需求及預算範圍,並同時提出空氣品質監測預警系統之雛型軟體建置規劃及畫面展示,最後亦探討了空氣品質決策之源資訊的需求、建置規劃及發布的方式。對於後續的規劃建益則於結論與建議章節中提出。
中文關鍵字 航空城,空氣品質,監測預警,感測網,熱點分析,模式分析


專案計畫編號 經費年度 099 計畫經費 1430 千元
專案開始日期 2010/06/01 專案結束日期 2010/12/31 專案主持人 梁偉文
主辦單位 桃園市政府環境保護局 承辦人 于雅琪 執行單位 財團法人台灣地理資訊中心


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 航空城_0110(定).pdf 28MB

Air Pollution Emission and Environmental Resource Analysis for Industry in Taoyuan County:The Planning of Air Monitoring and Early Warning Systems in Taoyuan Aerotropolis

英文摘要 The main goal of this planning is to propose an integrated air quality monitoring and early warning system for Taoyuan Aerotropolis,using the concept of sensor web. Coupling with the air quality dispersion model,the proposed system can quantify the spatial distribution of air pollutants through the deployment of the sensor web.and further provide air quality information to corresponding administrations.In this proposed systems,decision makers are capable to send an early warnning for poor air quality to the public based on the information.As for the research methods,this project integrates numerous techniques to explore the possible factors lead to the potential decline in air quality of Taoyuan Aerotropolis due to the future growth,and to quantitatively simulate the air pollution events/episodes in the study area.Furthermore,the air quatity monitoring technology,and air dispersion models are systematically evaluated in this project.A grid-based spatial analysis was utilized for the sensor-allocation planning.For the development of sensor web hardware,this project first determine the potential monitoring objects(including emission sources and receptors),then identify the monitoring hot spots based on the aBovementioned spatial analysis result.Next,a multi-stages deployment plan was established with detail information on hardware and budget.Inaddition,this projects develops the prototype of an integrated air quality monitoring and early warning system.Finally,to strengthen the scheme forthe air quality decision-support system,the system-based demands are fully investigated and analyzed.All the details are comprehensively demonstrated in the report.
英文關鍵字 Aerotropolis,Air Quality,Monitoring and Early warning,sensor network,hot-spot analysis,modeling analysis