

中文摘要 雲林縣環保局為回應「98年度沿海地區空氣污染物及環境健康世代研究計畫」計劃畫之建議,於99年經公開招標甄選台大公衛學院進行「99年度沿海地區空氣污染物及環境健康世代研究計畫」。本計畫由台大職業醫學與工業衛生研究所詹長權教授擔任總計畫主持人進行文獻回顧、資料整合分析及生物標記之分析,並由台大醫院雲林分院社區及家庭醫學部主任洪壽宏進行世代的健康檢查、高敏感世代、世代追蹤調查及血液生化指標分析,台大預防醫學研究所李永凌助理教授進行世代的取樣方法及問卷設計、調查等,另外,委託工研院進行六輕附近鄉鎮空氣的實地採樣。 本計劃畫透過台大雲林分院醫療團隊為基礎,透過結合社區基層醫療網與農會,成功建立一個流行病學世代調查模式。總和兩年度流行病學調查計畫,自2009年11月截至2011年4月止,本研究在麥寮鄉、臺西鄉、褒忠鄉、四湖鄉、東勢鄉、崙背鄉、二崙鄉、莿桐鄉、元長鄉、虎尾鎮等10個鄉鎮,共執行21場次健康檢查活動,總共蒐集問卷世代個案完成蒐集問卷世代個案2613人、肺功能2587人、健康世代2613人、世代追蹤736人、孕婦及寶寶樣本152人、尿中1-OHP樣本1636人及尿中重金屬樣本1156人。 從流行病學世代資料裡我們初步發現五個結果:(一)問卷調查中,大多數基本資料、環境變項與個人健康行為在鄉鎮區域間基本人口學與環境相似度高,具有可比性。(二)在五項肺功能指標(FVC預測百分率、FEV1預測百分率、FEV1/FVC、FEF25-75%預測百分率與PEF預測百分率)檢測分析結果顯示,距六輕十公里至二十公里內區域與二十公里外的區域沒有差異,但此兩個區域的肺功能指標皆優於距六輕十公里內的區域。(三)健康世代分析結果依據國立臺灣大學醫學院附設醫院雲林分院所訂定的檢測值正常範圍,可發現理學檢查中的高血壓前期、高血壓,與血液生化指標中的血小板、天門冬胺酸轉胺酶、丙胺酸轉胺酶、總膽固醇這四項指標異常率,在距六輕十公里內區域的異常率最高、再者為距六輕十公里至二十公里內區域,距六輕最遠的二十公里外區域異常率最低。(四)使用高效率液相層析儀及螢光偵測器測定尿中多環芳香烴(PAHs)的代謝物1-羥基芘(1-OHP)分析結果顯示,距六輕十公里內區域的1-OHP濃度最高,次高為距六輕十公里至二十公里內的區域,離六輕二十公里以上區域的1-OHP濃度最低。(五)使用感應耦合電漿質譜儀(ICP-MS)測定尿中重金屬濃度,結果顯示尿中釩與錳這兩種重金屬濃度在距六輕十公里內區域的濃度最高,且皆大於另外兩個區域。 我們以矽塗層真空不鏽鋼採樣筒進行揮發性有機氣體採樣,以哈佛衝擊器加鐵氟龍濾紙採集懸浮微粒及多環芳香族物質,透過在四湖國中、東勢國中、崙背國中、麥寮高中國中部、臺西國中、褒忠國中、虎尾國中、二崙國中、莿桐國中、元長國中等十個國中進行四個季節的現場空氣採樣;再以氣相層析質譜儀(GC/MS)進行VOCs及PAHs分析,以感應偶合電漿質譜儀(ICP/MS)分析重金屬。在整合雲林縣環保局其他監測計畫及資料發現:(一)揮發性有機物方面,偵測到六輕工業區製程中的指標性污染包括乙烯、丙烯、1,3-丁二烯、丙烯腈、氯乙烯、1,2-二氯乙烷與苯,平時就發現到會污染鄰近六輕工業的麥寮鄉與臺西鄉附近的學校,在六輕發生工安事故時更會大量的排放這些污染物,且當順風從六輕吹向內陸,對於麥寮鄉及臺西鄉附近學校與居民影響更嚴重,我們也發現這些污染的物質中,包括氯乙烯、苯與1,3-丁二烯為人類確定的致癌物,長期暴露之下會有增加癌症風險之疑慮。而六輕石化工業大量的乙烯污染物排放,除了對人體健康有危害之外,一般估計空氣中乙烯濃度在5-80或10-100ppb下,即會對當地農作物造成衝擊,產生作物葉片脫落、花朵老化與果實後熟等影響。(二)透過兩年來雲林縣十鄉鎮國中以PM2.5的微粒進行16種多環芳香烴採樣分析結果顯示,以Benzo(b)fluoranthene為濃度最高的汙染物,出現次數最高的污染物為Indeno(1,2,3-cd) pyrene。而環保局的有害物計劃畫中,多環芳香烴分析結果發現在這16種中,可發現鄰近六輕工業區的氣態多環芳香烴比例較高,濃度較高的多環芳香烴為Naphthalene與Phenanthrene,以麥寮鄉的豐安國小所收集到濃度最高。(三)針對20種重金屬目標污染物中,本計劃畫採樣與其他監測計畫共同偵測到的主要重金屬有鎂(Mg)、錳(Mn)、鉛(Pb)、鋇(Ba)、鍶(Sr)、銅(Cu)、砷(As)、鉻(Cr)、銣(Rb)、硒(Se)、鎘(Cd)等11種金屬污染物,而兩邊環境監測皆於沙塵暴期間發現鈹(Be)與鈾(U)濃度有較高的趨勢。另外從PM2.5與PM10粒徑比例(PM2.5/PM10)中可發現,粒徑比例大於0.8以上的金屬主要有硒(Se)、鉈(Tl)、砷(As)、鎘(Cd)、銫(Cs)、鉛(Pb)、釩(V)、銣(Rb)8種,顯示這些金屬的主要來源來自PM2.5。 由2006年至2010年雲林縣空氣品質測站監測資料的分析結果可以得知,全年小時平均的SO2的濃度在臺西測站顯著高於崙背與斗六測站,且在受影響風向時及距離六輕離島工業區較近的地區其所受到的影響程度特別明顯,而SO2的主要來源為燃煤發電,少部分為汽機車的排放,因此可以做為工業化的污染指標。本研究在環保局今年新增設於麥寮國小海豐光化學移動測站的監測結果中,發現光化測站對於石化製程中烯、烷與芳香族有低的偵測極限,可有效監控石化的空氣污染。 以上結果顯示六輕工業區對附近鄉鎮空氣品質、居民尿液中的1-OHP、尿中重金屬及居民健康與肺功能有影響,至於這些環境影響和個人暴露對於居民個人健康衝擊的大小,則可以藉由本計劃畫所建構的流行病學世代調查模式持續追蹤來進一步確認。


專案計畫編號 經費年度 099 計畫經費 9380 千元
專案開始日期 2010/07/20 專案結束日期 2011/07/19 專案主持人 詹長權
主辦單位 雲林縣環境保護局 承辦人 徐尉晏 執行單位 台灣大學公共衛生學院職業醫學與工業衛生研究所


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 01-99年期末報告-定稿-正式版.pdf 9MB

Air pollution and health among residents near a petrochemical complex in Yunlin County:a cohort study

英文摘要 In order to long-term follow-up Yunlin residents’ health, a cohort study is necessary. With community-level support from the local health service and support from National Taiwan University Hospital Yunlin Branch, we have begun to establish an epidemiological model for an environmental cohort study this year. From November 2009 to July 2011, we have conducted 21 community-based health screenings across 10 towns and villages, including Baojhong, Taisi, Sihhu, Dongshih, Mailiao, Lunbei, Erlun, Citong, Yuanchang and Huwei. In these screenings, a total of 2,613 area residents completed survey questionnaires: 2,587 completed pulmonary function tests, and 2,613 completed physical examinations. We also collected and tested 1,636 residents’ urine sample for 1–OHP and 1,156 resident’s urine samples for heavy metal. We have followed-up 736 cohort residents as well as 103 women who were pregnant and 49 of their babies. Our initial study divided these towns and villages into 3 geographic areas (A, B, and C), according to their distance to the No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Complex, for comparison. Area A includes Mailiao and Taisi which are within 10km of, and nearby, the No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Complex. Area B includes Baojhong, Sihhu, Dongshih and Lunbei, which are also within 10km of, but not nearby, the No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Complex. Area C includes Erlun, Citong, Yuanchang and Huwei, which are located more than 10km from the No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Complex. This study compared variables in these three areas. Our preliminary findings are these (1)The demographic information, health behaviors and living environment of residents in the study sample are not different among the three areas, (2)Five lung function test results (FVC percent predicted, FEV1 percent predicted, FEV1/FVC, FEF25-75% predicted and PEF percent predicted) were similar between Area B and C , but the lung function of residents from the two areas was significantly better than of residents from Area A, which is located right next to the No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Complex. (3) The abnormal rate of five biomarkers, including blood pressure, platelet, GOT(AST), GPT(ALT), and cholesterol(CHOL) were the highest in Area A, followed by Area B and then Area C. ( Abnormal rates were compared to the standard normal values provided by National Taiwan University Hospital Yunlin Branch. (4)Using HPLC to test urinary metabolites of PAH showed that the 1-hydroxypyren(1-OHP) concentrations were highest in samples from Area A followed by those from Area B and then those from Area C (5) Using ICP-MS to test urinary metabolites of heavy metal showed that the concentrations of metal Vanadium(V) and Manganese(Mn) were higher in samples from Area A than the other areas. In this study, air samples of VOCs were collected using canister, and samples of PM and PAHs were collected using Harvard impactor and Teflon filters (PTFE). The analysis methods employed for VOCs and PAHs and for heavy metals detection were the GC/MS method and the ICP/MS method respectively. This study incorporate data from an environmental monitoring study by Yunlin EPA, and found that:(1) The concentration of VOCs, including Ethylene, Propene, 1,3-Butadiene, Acrylonitrile, Ethene, Ethane, 1,2-dichloro- and Benzene, was higher at schools in Mailiao and Taisi, which are nearest the No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Complex. Long-term exposure to Ethene、Benzene and1,3-butadiene could increase cancer risk. Ethylene released from the No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Complex could also affect local agriculture in Yunlin. (2) The concentrations of PAHs (Benzo(k) fluoranthene, Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene, Naphthalene and Phenanthrene) and heavy metal (Magnesium(Mg), Manganese(Mn), Lead(Pb), Barium(Ba), Strontium(Sr), Copper(Cu), Arsenic(As), Chromium(Cr), Rubidium(Rb), Selenium(Se) and Cadmium(Cd)) were higher at sites downwind of the complex. (3) Eight heavy metals, including Selenium(Se), Thallium(Tl), Arsenic(As), Cadmium(Cd), Cesium(Cs), Lead(Pb), Vanadium(V) and Rubidium(Rb) were the major source of PM2.5. Further analysis of data from air quality monitoring stations showed that the average annual hourly SO2 concentration in Taisi from 2006 to 2010 was significantly higher than Lunbei and Touliu. The main source of SO2 is coal-fired power generation, and we intend to use SO2 as an indicator of industrial pollution in an upcoming study. In conclusion, our data showed that the No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Complex would have affected ambient air quality. It has also affected health and pulmonary function and increased the concentrations of 1-OHP and heavy metals in urine samples of residents living nearby. We will need continuous monitoring of these environmental factors to investigate health effects in a more detailed manner.