

中文摘要 依據監理單位提供柴油車輛數資料顯示臺南市柴油車總數約42,741輛,其中大型客、貨車登記總數約達14,254輛,小型柴油客貨車約28,487輛。因此臺南市政府環境保護局自88年度起執行柴油車動力計排煙檢測計畫委託具專業能力之顧問公司代為操作,藉此來督促柴油車主、駕駛人真正注意車輛保養之重要性以提昇臺南市的空氣品質。 92年12月環保署修正公告檢測方式增加馬力比未達車輛最大額定馬力退驗條款後,早期較多的轉速不足退驗情形已經減少,但93年開始實施馬力退驗,馬力比不足退驗車輛數就開始逐漸增加,實施多年至今因馬力比退驗條件未加嚴依舊有約19%到檢車輛遭退驗,可見不當調整情形至今仍然存在。 本年度實施之路邊攔檢工作,持續進行車輛攔下後試踩油門進行目視判煙篩選作業,針對有污染之虞車輛進行檢測,檢測不合格車輛逕行告發處分,對於車輛到動力計檢測時不當調整之車輛有極大赫阻效果,故本計畫利用有限檢測數,發揮最大檢測效益。另外;也針對車輛使用柴油油品加強稽查,以杜絕使用非法高含硫量之柴油,防止燃燒後硫化物污染空氣。 本市之柳營動力計檢測站自90年申請通過CNLA認證,均維持良好之檢測品質,有效提高檢測公信力。並於98年9月再次通過全國認證基金會(TAF)之監督評鑑,99年7月通過三年一次展延評鑑,未來也將在品質持續努力,讓檢測品質能繼續受到肯定。
中文關鍵字 摘要


專案計畫編號 經費年度 099 計畫經費 3150 千元
專案開始日期 2011/01/01 專案結束日期 2011/05/16 專案主持人 萬民安
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 蘇暉升 執行單位 春迪企業股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 南市99年柴油車計畫擴充期末.rar 6MB

99 year Tainan diesel dynamometer smoke test station test program (follow-up to expand)

英文摘要 Abstract According to the data of diesel-fueled vehicle provided by Motor Vehicle Offices, there are 42,741 diesel-fueled vehicles registered in Tainan City, and 14,254 of them are large passenger and cargo vehicles, while 28,487 are small passenger and cargo vehicles. From 1999, Environmental Protection Bureau of Tainan City Government initiated the inspection of exhaustion on diesel-fueled vehicle and commissioned professional consulting companies to execute the inspection. The Bureau hopes the owners and drivers of diesel-fueled vehicle to be aware of the importance of keeping vehicles properly maintained and thereby to improve Tainan City’s air quality. In December 2003, Environmental Protection Administration (E.P.A.) amended old inspecting rules and announced new provisions, Inspection of maximum horsepower. According to the provisions, vehicles with a horsepower ratio that does not reach to the vehicles’ maximum horsepower will be disqualified and rejected. Disqualification and rejection due to rpm below par commonly seen earlier are lessened. However, from 2004, the number of vehicles disqualified and rejected by such criterion began to escalate. After years of implementation, the percentage of vehicles disqualified and rejected by horsepower inspection, which has been lagged in renewal for years, still reaches up to as high as 19%. Such number suggests that the situation of illegal adjustment continues to exist. The inspection in which drivers are demanded to pull over on the roadside is kept carrying out this year. During the inspection, drivers are asked to step on the gas pedal and a visual inspection of exhaustion is conducted. Vehicles which seem suspicious are examined particularly. Vehicles that failed the inspection will be punished. Such inspection is successful in deterring those who illegally adjust their diesel-fueled vehicles before having dynamometer inspection. Thus, the program optimizes the efficacy with limited number of cases tested. In addition, the audition of diesel-fueled vehicles was strengthened to prevent the using of diesel containing excessive sulfur, which, as it is incinerated, pollutes air. Certificated by CNLA in 2001, Liuying Dynamometer Inspection Station in Tainan City has being kept good quality in inspection, and the credibility of inspection is improved as well. In September 2009, the Station passed the supervision assessment done by TAF; in July 2010, again passed the extension assessment, which is conducted triennially. The Station will continue the efforts in quality improvement and make the inspection quality recognized time and again.
英文關鍵字 英文摘要