

中文摘要 9年11月30日止,包括執行機車定檢通知單設計、機車定檢車籍篩選、通知資料庫建置與明信片通知單印製、廢死車輛郵簡退件資料庫建置及宣導品提供。本計畫工作團隊統計至99年5月至99年12月應定檢之車輛數共計525,409輛,經篩除98年度死車建檔資料9,308件後,共計印製516,101件;另申請退件專用信箱:豐原郵局第820號信箱,定期領取明信片退件資料,確實將退件資料庫建置,彙整遷移地址不明、原址查無此人、遷移新址不明、查無地址、門牌已改編、車主不在(含出國、當兵)、拒收、關閉歇業等車輛明信片退件,共計有4,436件,其中以遷移地址不明2,270件及原址查無此人1,146件為最多;為鼓勵民眾響應定檢,本計畫工作團隊亦製作簡單、實用性高及配合機車定檢宣導作業之宣導品2式,共1,000份之環保餐盒用餐具袋,並於宣導品上印製『機車保修再定檢 空氣清新一整套』之宣導標語,以傳達其宣導效益。
中文關鍵字 機車定檢通知單、郵簡退件資料庫、餐具袋、宣導效益


專案計畫編號 經費年度 099 計畫經費 568.888 千元
專案開始日期 2010/04/09 專案結束日期 2010/11/30 專案主持人 江嘉凌
主辦單位 臺中市政府環境保護局 承辦人 余純旻 執行單位 思維環境科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 99年度臺中縣定期檢驗通知工作計畫.rar 2MB 99年度臺中縣定期檢驗通知工作計畫
英文摘要 The Guidance Plans for the notice to periodic inspect was executed on eight month contract from April 4, 2010 to November 30, 2010. Work Project in the Plan included the notification not only designed but also printed the postcards with regard to periodic inspection of motorcycles、the data of motorcycle to sieve out which are inspect for periodic, And our group to established the two database management systems. One of the systems is the notification and another one is the vehicles for scrap. Furthermore, our group also prepared the bag for tableware by give to the public to publicize the benefit of periodic inspection. By the end of December in 2010, our group had summed up about 525,409 motorcycles which needed to inspect for periodic. At the same time our group to sift out about 9,308 wasted motorcycles from the database that to printed postcards. In the meanwhile, our group rented a mail box which for the return mail. And this mail box is in the post office of Feng-yuan. On the other hand, our group certainly checks the mail box with regular time and also analyzed the reason for the return mail. The reason could divide into seven reasons. After our group to put things in order, we could found the seven reason is the address unknown for the owner of vehicles, the address of owner could not found, the vehicle of owner go to abroad or to bear arms, the doorplate had re-arranged before we sent the postcard, the vehicle of owner who rejected accepted the postcard, the store that was closed up already. Among those reasons, the vehicle of the owner who was moved to the new addresses, but not registers yet that were 2,270 people and the vehicle of owner could not be found were 1,146 people. Moreover, the Environment Protection of Bureau hope that the people periodic to inspect their motorcycle who live in the Taichung County. Our group in response to periodic inspection, we created a total of 1.000 bags for tableware with two styles that are simple and practicability. Simultaneously, these 1,000 bags for tableware which printed the slogan are “The motorcycles which are not only to check but also to inspect regularly.”