

中文摘要 巨大廢棄物包括廢沙發、床鋪、桌椅、櫥櫃、腳踏車及修剪庭院的樹枝等,這些廢棄物由於體積龐大,不易定點定時收集清除,以往國內普遍缺乏完善的回收再利用體系,故多以焚化或掩埋處理,未能有效利用資源。廢家具、腳踏車等巨大廢棄物如具有修繕價值,可加以修復後再使用,其實這些廢棄物如果完整的檢視時,可以發現有些廢棄物只是破損一小部份,甚至無法用肉眼辨視出來,只要稍為檢修一下即可,而如果真的無法修復,可以經由專業的處理將有用的物品整理出來再利用;無修繕價值的,經過分類、破碎、選別後,回收其中的塑膠、金屬、木料等物質再利用,不僅可減少巨大垃圾產生及其處理費用,亦可節約自然資源使用,減輕環境負荷,有助於達成垃圾「全分類、零廢棄」的目標,建立資源永續利用的社會。巨大廢棄物再利用更對於創造就業機會,以及倡導珍惜資源的環保教育上,具有極正面的意義,尤其是在協助民眾清運巨大廢棄物,以及修繕堪用家具上獲得民眾普遍之好評,可謂是近年來廣受民眾支持之環保政策之一。 桃園縣境內每日巨大廢棄物產出量約41公噸,其中各鄉鎮市清潔隊每日清運巨大廢棄物量約21公噸,家具行每日產出巨大廢棄物量約20公噸,桃園縣目前家具回收之家(桃花園)位於大園鄉沙崙村,雖桃園縣設立了家具回收之家,但並非各鄉鎮市皆把巨大廢棄物運送至當地,桃園縣於98年度首度辦理『桃園縣巨大廢棄物多元再利用宣導計畫』設立巨大廢棄物修繕展售物流據點,本計畫『桃園縣98年度巨大廢棄物多元再利用宣導暨修惜站設置計畫』更是延伸修惜站的概念,本計畫透過鼓勵縣內再生物品修繕展售站加入考評及獎勵制度,透過考評的作業流程,針對較佳的據點,併入本縣修惜站行列,以利獎勵優良再生物流據點,本計畫截至目前為主共計輔導7處修惜站,透過在地文化,將巨大廢棄物再利用觀念直接灌輸到社區及民眾身邊,加速桃園縣修惜站的政策概念的推動。
中文關鍵字 巨大垃圾;修惜站;資源回收


專案計畫編號 經費年度 099 計畫經費 1270 千元
專案開始日期 2010/06/08 專案結束日期 2010/11/30 專案主持人 陳英欽
主辦單位 桃園市政府環境保護局 承辦人 許雅筑 執行單位 威陞環境科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 巨大廢棄物多元再利用宣導計畫.pdf 8MB

Tao-Yuan County Bulky Waste Recycling Guidance Project

英文摘要 The bulky wastes include couch, bed, table and chair, closet, bicycle and tree branches left after garden-trimming. Those wastes are not easy to collect or clean up at fixed time and location since their sizes are gigantic. Taiwan does not have well-found recycling system; therefore, the local governments usually bury or incinerate the garbage directly, which leaded to waste of precious resources. Sometime the bulky waste, such as furniture or bicycle, are barely seen any breakage on their exterior; hence, it is acceptable to continue using them. If the quality is definitely below people’s standard, there is a professional system to collect valuable parts from the waste for regeneration; on the other hand, those useless things will be classified and shredded first. Secondly, the plastic, metal and wooden materials in them will also be collected for regeneration, which will greatly minimize the size and cost of waste processing. Moreover, it will save the abuse of natural resources and alleviate the burden we cause to the environment. Eventually, we hope to reach the goal of “All Classified, Zero Waste” and establish a society with sustainable resource regeneration system. The regeneration system also means positively on the issue of decreasing social unemployment rate and the education of environmental protection. In recent years, the bulky waste shipping and valuable furniture maintenance and fixing services provided by the environmental protection bureau have been deeply appreciated by citizens; it becomes one of the most citizens supported policies The Tao-Yuan County is producing 41 tons of bulky wastes daily. About 21 tons come from sweeping team’s collection and other 20 tons are from furniture company. The Tao-Yuan County regenerated station is currently located at Sa-Lun Village, Da-Yuan. Unfortunately, not every town or city in Tao-Yuan County ship their bulky wastes to the station, which is not efficient. In the year of 98, the Tao-Yuan County, under the bulky waste regeneration policy guidance project, established its debut bulky waste repairing and selling station. This project, under the guidance of Tao-Yuan County bulky waste recycling and set up of regeneration station, further extended the concept to better level; we established achievement inspection and rewarding system on private regeneration stations in Tao-Yuan County. Through the inspection system, we select good site private stations to join us. Currently the project supports seven regeneration stations and will be able to educate community citizens the concept of bulky waste regeneration, which for sure will enhance the policy of regeneration station establishment.
英文關鍵字 Bulky waste;regenerated station;recycling