

中文摘要 本年度「公害鑑定與蒐證調查技術推廣專案(第3年)工作計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫)之執行過程中,為使現有公害糾紛處理資訊系統時常更新,並以歷史公害糾紛事件為借鏡,避免公害糾紛之發生,本計畫已完成項目包括(1)分析8個國內司法判例及4個外國司法判例,並針對83至98年裁決案件進行鑑定面與行政配合面之分析;(2)已蒐集光污染、水產生物、畜產動物等環保鑑定技術,並邀請專家學者確認正確性;(3)今年度已邀請16位專家學者加入本計畫之人才資料庫,目前本服務團人才資料庫已有103位專家學者。且藉由公害鑑定蒐證技術諮詢服務團之成立,協助提供四件國內公害事件之建議;(4)已完成包括資料庫線上備份及還原功能、公害糾紛處理程序管理者功能、分類檢索、環保署督導資料管理、媒體監控資料管理等公害糾紛處理資訊系統功能;(5)已編訂「環保人員公害糾紛處理與鑑定參考手冊」及辦理環保人員公害鑑定及判別能力提升講習會;(6)已辦理99年度全國性公害糾紛處理工作檢討會。期望藉由本計畫提升環保人員的公害鑑定技術,並減少公害糾紛的發生。
中文關鍵字 公害;公害糾紛;公害鑑定


專案計畫編號 EPA-99-K105-02-207 經費年度 099 計畫經費 3500 千元
專案開始日期 2010/01/01 專案結束日期 2010/12/31 專案主持人 溫志超
主辦單位 管考處 承辦人 陳建中 執行單位 國立雲林科技大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末正式報告(全文)_991221.pdf 30MB 期末正式報告(全文)

Special Case Work Plan (3-Year Plan) to Promote Technology for Appraising Public Nuisances and Gathe

英文摘要 In order to update the public nuisance dispute information management system in Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), six working frames were performed in this project. First, the juridical precedents of the public nuisance dispute were collected and utilized to update the database of the public nuisance dispute information management system. The cases included 8 domestic juridical cases and 4 foreign ones. Besides, we analyzed the reasons why each case been judged to get compensation successfully or not. In addition to analyze the juridical cases, we also analyzed some ruling case to discuss the appraising and administrational faces of each case. Second, we collected some public nuisance appraising technology about light pollution. Third, we invited 16 experts and scholars in the scope of the public nuisance identification and evidence collection for the use of a talent poll establishment and made the total experts of the consulting pool to 103. This year, we supplied some suggestions for four domestic cases to relative government organizations. Fourth, some functions of public nuisance dispute information management system had been completed, including database online backup and reduction, public nuisance process managers and classification and search. Fifth, we edited the “public nuisance managing and appraising conference for environmental protection officer” to local environmental officers to use. And we held “The course to upgrade the public nuisance appraisal capability for environmental protection officer”. Sixth, we held the “2010 nationwide public nuisance management evaluation meeting”. We expected that the achievements of this project would enhance the environmental workers’ capability in the aspect of public nuisance identification and evidence collection, and reduce the events of the public nuisance dispute.
英文關鍵字 Public Nuisance;Public Nuisance Disputes;Public Nuisance Appraising