

中文摘要 發展再生能源是全球普遍作為溫室氣體減量之重要對策之一,德 國自2000 年4 月1 日起正式實施「再生能源法」,立法明定實施風力、 離岸風力、太陽能、水力、地熱能、生質能、沼氣等再生能源饋網電 價制度,同時課予輸配電業併聯躉購再生能源電能義務,使再生能源 因此得以進入電力市場。 德國自此再生能源蓬勃發展,其成功經驗成為全球競相學習模仿 之典範。我國再生能源發展機制方起步,可以藉由德國經驗據以檢討 改進,是以,本計畫深入研析德國再生能源饋網電價及其發展環境、 經濟誘因與配套措施,探討電價決定因素及費率調整設計之投資誘 因、風險保障、融資等財務特色,同時蒐集國際最新再生能源發展趨 勢及其推動再生能源饋網電價制度之策略,做為規劃「溫室氣體減量 法草案」管理辦法與配套措施等運作機制之重要參考。 經由本計畫之執行,亦邀請德國國際學術組織及智庫之學者專家 訪問研討,藉由合作計畫了解德國官方機構間合作模式,不同部會在 發展再生能源所扮演的角色為何,並評析台灣官方可行的配合機制, 並期進一步建立我國與德國節能減碳之可行合作機制。此外,藉由針 對再生能源躉購機制公共議題,召開相關專家諮詢會議進行討論,據 以建立共識,以達成再生能源發展與溫室氣體減量之政策目標。 綜合言之,本計畫研究目標如下: 一、評析德國再生能源饋網電價制度進展。 二、進行德國再生能源饋網電價制度發展經驗及財務設計特色評析。 三、因應溫室氣體減量法及相關法規進程,規劃相關運作機制與執行。 四、我國與德國建立節能減碳合作機制之可行性評析。
中文關鍵字 再生能源饋網電價、溫室氣體減量法、節能減碳合作


專案計畫編號 EPA-99-FA11-03-A202 經費年度 099 計畫經費 4700 千元
專案開始日期 2010/10/14 專案結束日期 2011/12/31 專案主持人 楊豐碩
主辦單位 溫減管理室(停用) 承辦人 王俊勝 執行單位 台灣經濟研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 Revised 期末報告2012 109-德國再生能源更新版 0220rev.pdf 7MB
英文摘要 The development of renewable energy is one of the important strategies to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions. Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) was taken into effect in Germany since 1st April 2000, in which feed-in-tariff (FIT) for onshore wind, offshore wind, solar radiation, hydropower, geothermal, biomass, landfill gas, sewage gas, mine gas and etc were set while at the same time power transmission and distribution enterprises were obligated to purchase electricity generated from renewable energy. All these enabled renewable energy to be adopted into the German power market. Since then, renewable energy in Germany has developed prosperously and its successful experience has become the role model to the world. The mechanism of renewable energy development in Taiwan is in the initial stage and has a lot to learn from the German experience. Therefore, this study is expected to probe into the FIT mechanism in Germany and its development in relation to environmental policies, economic incentives, and supporting measures, and to explore the investment incentives, risk securities and financing of tariff decision factor and adjustment design. Moreover, the latest international trend of renewable energy development and the strategies to promote FIT in other countries are also included in this study. The results of all the research in this study are important references to set up an operation mechanism of Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction XVI Act (Draft) related regulations and supporting measures. During the implementation of this study, we collaborated with experts from international research institutes and German think tanks to build a feasible bilateral cooperation mechanism on energy conservation and carbon reduction between Taiwan and Germany. In addition, through the expert consultation, we expect to make the consensus and achieve our policy goal of renewable energy development and greenhouse gas emission reduction.
英文關鍵字 feed-in-tariff(FIT)for renewable energy、Greenhouse Gas