

中文摘要 1 成果摘要 環保局為加強各時段空氣污染陳情案件處理,並強化處理效率,提昇為民服務的績效,透過本公司擁有之專業經驗、技術與專業人才,協助進行各項相關作業之執行與管理,藉以加強臺南市污染陳情案件之處理時效與為民服務之成效,繼而減少公害陳情申訴案件,達到清淨空氣品質與環境維護之最終目的。 創迅科技股份有限公司開始執行本案後,在計畫執行人員努力及環保局長官協助下,在相關執行作業之質、量方面,均有相當顯著之成果。計畫期間內按時完成合約所規範之工作內容,如工作成果量化表所示,完成之工作項目說明如下: 一、協助公害案件(含夜間稽查)稽查、告發等相關工作及文書處理 本項工作之執行量化目標數為至少完成50件/人/月為基準,自民國99年3月5日至民國100年3月31日,共執行2,173件次之協助公害案件 (含夜間稽查)稽查,達成率符合契約規範之要求。 二、稽查人員及公害陳情電話接聽禮儀教育訓練 本計畫於99年7月28日分別辦理稽查人員教育訓練講習會及公害陳情電話接聽禮儀教育訓練各1場次,另於100年1月27日上、下午於環保局新營及東區辦公室各辦理1場次環保稽查處分管制系統教育訓練。 三、公害陳情案件煙道或周界及臭味檢測 本項檢測作業其篩選原則及採樣時機,係配合環保局稽查科各轄區承辦人員因應陳情案件稽查業務所需,擇定工廠(場)由本公司委託檢測公司協助進行採樣。檢測名單及檢測結果詳如下表所示。 協助陳情案件稽查檢測對象及其結果表 工廠名稱 檢測項目 採樣日期 檢測結果 檢測值 新○美科技股份有限公司新化廠 排放管道 4/10 符合 標準 309 連○股份有限公司 排放管道 4/13 符合 標準 733 鼎○巽實業股份有限公司 排放管道 5/21 符合 標準 232 順○工業股份有限公司 排放管道 6/29 符合 標準 98 森○科技材料股份有限公司仁德廠 排放管道 (P001) 6/29 符合 標準 550 森○科技材料股份有限公司仁德廠 排放管道 (P002) 7/20 符合 標準 309 泰○皮革塑膠工業股份有限公司 周界 8/11 符合 標準 41 奇○股份有限公司 排放管道 8/23 符合 標準 550 統○企業股份有限公司永康廠 排放管道 9/21 符合 標準 309 永○垃圾資源回收(焚化)廠 排放管道 9/21 符合 標準 2,320 四、一再陳情、重大污染及民調不滿意案件執行清查、複查及現場訪談作業 針對環保署報案中心陳情案件管理系統,列管造冊之屬於一再陳情、重大污染及民調不滿意之陳情案件,針對在污染源周界之民眾、或村、里、鄰長進行清查、複查及現場訪談作業。本計畫自99年3月至100年3月底止,執行現場訪談作業共執行89件次。 五、其他相關作業 (一) 協助公害案件稽查、告發等文書處理至管制編號核發系統(EUIC)申請管考(稽查)-稽查管編(針對申請新號部分)及行政罰鍰資料鍵入EEMS-環保稽查處分管制系統、移送強制執行等行政作業,合計共11,885件次。 (二)可進行滿意度調查之樣本數計有3,738件,完成民眾滿意度調查之案件共計3,524件。民眾對環保局公害陳情案件處理表示非常滿意者佔2.61%,滿意者佔53.97%,合計為56.58%表示,非常不滿意及不滿意者合計佔2.21%。 (三)編撰98年度臺南市(原臺南縣)公害陳情處理白皮書。 於99年3月份完成初稿,並於99年8月份經環保局審核完畢,完成定稿印製(含光碟製作)50份。 (四)針對今年度緊急重大公害陳情案件處理情形或稽查業務相關執行成果發佈新聞稿6則。 (五) 彙編環保署公害陳情案件年度考核項目之重大具體事蹟(含自評績效考評)提交至環保局送交行政院環境保護署進行年度考核。


專案計畫編號 經費年度 099 計畫經費 780 千元
專案開始日期 2011/01/01 專案結束日期 2011/03/31 專案主持人 周慶忠
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 黃嘉貞 執行單位 創迅科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 本文.pdf 4MB

The Inspection and Administration Plan for Reduction of Air Pollution Complaints in Tainan County

英文摘要 This project had been carried out for 13 months since March 5, 2010 to March 31,2011. In order to implement and increase the efficiency of dealing with air pollution complaints in Tainan County, Bureau of Tainan County Environmental Protection(EPB) had authorized Envad Co Ltd ,to execute the related works for the reduction of complaints and achieve the goal of air quality maintenance. Under the assistance and supervision of EPB, this project had achieved significant performance. The main works and performance of this project included: 1.The Assistance of Complaint Site Inspection and Official Documentation/report. Since March 5, 2010 to March 31,2011, project members inspected2,173 air pollution complaint sites, included night-time inspection and significant cases. 2.The Training Courses of Inspectors: The first course had been held on July 28, 2010. The invited lecturer was Dr. Shiao-Shuan Mi, the professor of Chia Nan University & Science. The speech contained inspection SOP, guideline and real case execution principle and analysis. For “telephone manners,” the fellow workers from human resource and auditing of the Bureau played the instructors to give lectures regarding telephone manner must-know; and standard operation procedures for manners of answering environmental protection reporting center hotlines. The second course had been held on January 27, 2011. The invited lecturer was Mr. Ke, the vice administrator of administration assistance has been implemented includes air, water, solid waste pollution violation bills documentation and statistics, monthly penalty summary reporting and tracking. 3.The odor sampling and test of stack and ambient emission from the pollutants. In order to quantify and verify the odor pollution condition referring to the regulation standard from the complaint sites, one sites had been implemented for ambient sampling and test during August.11, 2010, and seven sites had been done for stack sampling and test during May.21 to September.21, 2010. The test agency was assigned to the EPA certified lab- Tung-Dien and Tai-Yu Environ. Technology Co., followed the test procedure of NIEA standard test method. 4.To reexamine and make more inspection rounds of frequent complaint sites. Those pollutants that had high frequency compliant records by the neighbor residence in EPA complaint claim system, or had unsatisfied residence survey records in the past, this project enhanced the inspection and negotiation works for reduction of complaint events. From March 5, 2010 to March 31,2011. 89 sites had been reexamined and put in guidance and assistance. 5.Other misc. performance from March 5, 2010 to March 31,2011: (a) During this project, administration assistance has been implemented includes air, water, solid waste pollution violation bills documentation and statistics, monthly penalty summary reporting and tracking. The total violation notice and fine bills of 11,885 cases have been documented into EPA and Tainan county EPB database. (b) 3,524 out of 3,738 cases those who were not anonymous to make complaint claim either by telephone or e-mail to EPB, the approval grade survey after inspection or conciliation had been done and quantified by satisfaction grade. By the first to third grade of best, good and moderate satisfaction, the first grade has a proportion of 2.61%. The second and third grade are 53.97% and 39.61%. The unsatisfaction grade was only2.21%. (c) Compilation of white book for pollution complaint processing. The draft of 2009 white book for pollution complaint processing of Tainan County was submitted on. The draft was submitted to the Bureau on March to the Bureau for review. The draft was corrected and finalized, and the finalized version (including a file CD) was submitted to the Bureau on August 2010. (d) Issues the news release 6 pieces. (e) According to the EPA appraisal rule for complaint inspection and management works performance, the Tainan county complaint inspection achievement and convenience measures report had been finished and sent to EPA for evaluation on Dec. 2010.