

中文摘要 本研究目的利用整合型爐內焦油減量及爐外高溫合成氣淨化技術,期有效提昇廢紙排渣衍生燃料及農業廢棄物等生質物氣化反應之合成氣品質與能源利用效率。研究過程爐內焦油減量技術係利用添加不同配比之礦物型催化劑(如沸石、煅燒後白雲石、氧化鈣及黏土等),評估前述試驗生質物催化氣化反應生成之焦油減量效率。至於爐外高溫合成氣淨化技術,則規劃應用礦物型吸附劑,藉由分離及吸附等原理,進一步達成合成氣品質提昇之效果。根據爐內焦油減量之研究結果可知,添加沸石、煅燒後白雲石、黏土及氧化鈣等礦物型催化劑對試驗生質物氣化產生之焦油減量效率,分別介於20%至53%之間,其中煅燒後白雲石催化劑對農業廢棄物(稻桿)之焦油減量效果最佳,約可達到37%左右。然而,沸石催化劑則對廢紙排渣衍生燃料之焦油減量效果較佳,其減量效果約可達到53%。此外,整合爐外高溫合成氣淨化技術後之焦油總去除效率結果顯示,試驗生質物氣化衍生焦油之總去除率均可達96%以上。整體而言,本研究發展之整合型合成氣淨化系統,有助於吸附/分離焦油中之高環數之碳氫化合物,不僅降低合成氣應用時可能衍生之風險外,同時有助於提昇合成氣之淨化及產能效率。
中文關鍵字 氣化、焦油、合成氣、催化劑


專案計畫編號 EPA-99-U1U4-04-005 經費年度 099 計畫經費 1500 千元
專案開始日期 2010/05/18 專案結束日期 2010/12/15 專案主持人 江康鈺
主辦單位 永續發展室(停用) 承辦人 林燕柔 執行單位 逢甲大學創新育成中心


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 生質物氣化合成氣淨化技術之整合性評估與應用研究-中英文摘要簡要版.pdf 0MB 中英文摘要簡要版

Integrated assessment and application study on technology of syngas cleaning in biomass gasification

英文摘要 This study investigated the enhancement of synthesis gas quality and energy yield efficiency in catalytic gasification of paper-reject derived fuel, and agricultural waste (rice straw) using an integration of in-furnace tar reduction and a hot syngas cleaning technology. To assess the in-furnace tar reduction efficiency in gasification of targeted biomass, the various mineral catalysts; such as zeolite, calcined dolomite, clay and calcium oxide were conducted in this research for the promotion of catalytic transformation of tar. To further enhance the syngas quality, the hot syngas cleaning system was used in a subsequent experimental procedure. The hot syngas cleaning system was a packed adsorption column containing various mineral adsorbents that was applied, in order to separate and adsorb the impurities of the syngas, and to enhance the syngas quality. The experimental results indicated that in-furnace tar reduction rates ranged from 20% to 53% by various targeted catalysts within the gasification of the tested biomass. In the case of in-furnace tar reduction in gasification of agricultural waste, it was found that calcined dolomite would be a better catalyst for tar reduction than other targeted catalysts, and the tar reduction rate was approximately 37%. However, it has been found that mineral zeolite is a better catalytic performer for in-furnace tar reduction in gasification of paper-rejected derived fuel. The in-furnace tar reduction rate could increased to 53%. To further assess the overall tar elimination rate in gasification of tested biomass, coupled with the integrated hot syngas cleaning system, the overall tar elimination rates of all tested biomass derived tar were approximately above 96%. In summary, the integration of in-furnace tar reduction and the hot syngas cleaning system represents a potential technology to enhance the adsorption/separation efficiency of tar containing high-rings hydrocarbon. It not only reduces the risk of syngas utilization in the future, but it also enhances the efficiency of syngas cleaning and energy yield.
英文關鍵字 Gasification, tar, syngas, catalyst