

中文摘要 根據以往溫室氣體盤查結果發現,桃園縣溫室氣體排放住商部門約有16%排放量,桃園縣政府環境保護局評估各部門的減量空間後,將住商部門鎖定為99年度主要推動減碳對象之一。本計畫即為桃園縣首度輔導住商部門減碳之執行計畫,期程為期10個月,主要工作目標為組成專業團隊提供節能改善諮詢,針對桃園縣住商部門進行設施節能診斷、輔導、改善,以減少電力浪費及二氧化碳的排放。另外亦協助推廣節能標章產品,宣導民眾使用高效率產品及提升能源使用效率,期望藉由各種不同型式的宣導及績優表揚活動,提升縣民對減碳抗暖之認知與共識。 本計畫年度共受理31處住商部門業者輔導申請,並依序完成現場訪視輔導作業,完成此31處住商部門節能減碳輔導與改善效益評估,推估依輔導團建議之項目改善,每年總省電量可達11,868,925度,其減碳量為7,394公噸。若以建議改善設施之項目來看,其中照明系統改善減碳量可達3,750公噸最高,其次為空調系統3,446公噸。若以成本效益面來看,31家改善成本約需花費4,479萬,改善效益每年因省電節省金額達4,195萬元以上。31處輔導對象中有10處估算改善之減碳量可超過100公噸,因此鎖定大型住宅、商店要求設施具體改善,將有可觀的減碳成果。 此外,年度篩選百貨公司、量販店、醫院、飯店旅館、住宅大樓及辦公大樓等各種不同類別之公私場所共8處,評估節能效力較佳且自主改善工程可於100年6月前完工者,進行溫室氣體排放量盤查輔導作業。透過溫室氣體排放量盤查可瞭解到溫室氣體排放結構,住商部門之溫室氣體排放以用電為大宗,用電的標主要包含照明系統與空調系統用電兩大系統,因此,本計畫依現場到查結果,將節能減碳輔導重點放在照明燈具汰換與空調系統改善為主,對於已改善完成者,提供部分工程補助經費總計為237,563元。 依改善成本效益評估,以愛買吉安量販店(桃園店)今年度實際改善投入金額最多,約138萬餘元,年度可省電2,038,890度電,減碳量達1,248公噸,改善效益每年達6,116,670元。其次為約客頂級汽車旅館投入工程改善金額11萬元,每年節省12,420 m3天然氣使用量,減碳量可達26噸CO2,改善效益達198,720元/年。第三為3處住宅大樓,改善照明設施減碳量則介於22~27公噸。 在宣導文宣製作方面,計畫利用影片記錄、宣導手冊印製推廣輔導住商部門減碳成果,包含示範場所之減碳經驗及成本效益,期望民眾見賢思齊由點擴大到面逐年自主改善節能。
中文關鍵字 節能減碳,溫室氣體,住商部門


專案計畫編號 經費年度 099 計畫經費 4380 千元
專案開始日期 2010/10/01 專案結束日期 2011/07/31 專案主持人 陳意淳
主辦單位 桃園市政府環境保護局 承辦人 許瓊方 執行單位 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告定稿.pdf 94MB

Year 2010 Taoyuan County Greenhouse Gases (GHG) Emission Inventory Reduction Plan Residential/commercial sector energy conservation and carbon reduction implementation plan Final report summary

英文摘要 According to the previous inventory report of Taoyuan county greenhouse gases (GHG) emission, the residential/commercial sector takes 16% of total GHG emission. After evaluating the emission reduction capacity of each sector, Taoyuan County EPB selected the residential/commercial sector as one of the main carbon reduction targets in 2010 and guide them this initial implementation plan. The plan is designed for 10 months of execution period. The plan goal is to form the professional group to provide the consultation for energy conservation improvement. This group mainly works on the facility energy saving diagnosis, guidance, improvement to reduce the electric power waste and CO2 emission. In addition, the group also assists in promoting energy saving label equipments and products, spreading the usage of high efficiency products and increasing the energy efficiency. Through the various promotion and performance award activities, it is expected to enhance the residents’ awareness and concept of carbon reduction and anti-warming. The plan annually accepts 31 guidance applications from the residential/commercial sector enterprises, and implements the on-site visiting guidance orderly; accomplishes those 31 energy conservation and carbon reduction guidance and the improvement effectiveness evaluation. Based on the suggested items by the guidance group, it is estimated the total energy saving is up to 11,869,925 degrees annually and the carbon reduction is up to 7,394 tons. Furthermore, according to the suggested improvement facilities, the improvement in lighting reaches 3,750 tons of carbon emission reduction as the highest, and followed by 3,446 ton of carbon reduction in air condition system. Considering the cost effectiveness, the improvement cost of 31 enterprises is approximately NT$44.79 million while the annual energy saving amount is counted over NT$41.95 million. Among the 31 guidance enterprises, it is estimated 10 of them could achieve over 100 tons of carbon reduction after the improvement. Therefore, the plan, targeting the large-scale residential buildings and stores with the practical facilities improvements, would be anticipated the significant result of carbon reduction. In addition, choosing 8 enterprises among the various public and enterprises including department stores, warehouses, hospitals, restaurants/hotels, residential buildings and office buildings and etc, the plan would evaluate the high efficiency of energy saving and self-execution improvement projects that could be accomplished by June, 2011, and then implement the inventory of GHG emission quantity and provide the guidance. Through the inventory of GHG emission, it helps to realize the GHG emission structure. The main GHG emission of residential/commercial sector is the electricity usage. The electricity usage includes lighting and air conditioning systems. Therefore, this project’s focus will be on the lighting revolution and the improvement of air condition system. For the enterprise which has completed improvement, the plan has been provide the partial project financial support of total NT$237,563. According to the evaluation of the cost effectiveness of the improvement, this year a.mart Jian (Taoyuan store) invested the highest amount of approximate NT$1.38 million on the improvement, annual energy saving 2,038,890 degrees, 1,248 tons of carbon reduction, and the annual improvement effectiveness of NT$6,116,670. Followed by The Yorker De’luxe Motel, it invested NT$110 thousand on the improvement projects, which achieves 12,420 m3 of annual gas usage saving, 26 tons of CO2 emission reduction, and NT$198,720 per year of improvement effectiveness. The third is 3 residential buildings. The lighting facilities improvement reduces the carbon emission by 22 to 27 tons. For the production of media promotion, the plan uses the video record, promotion booklet about the carbon reduction result of residential/commercial sector which includes the carbon reduction experience and the cost effectiveness of the demonstrated enterprises. It is expected that the residents will follow and implement self-improvement energy saving annually.
英文關鍵字 energy saving and carbon reduction,Greenhouse Gas, Residential and commercial sectors