

中文摘要 鑑於國際碳交易市場的發展趨勢、國內重大投資案之溫室氣體減排環評要求,及激勵在地全民節能減碳誘因,本計畫積極協助環保署規劃符合我國國情的碳交易平台,並依環保署規劃期程,我國碳交易平台建置採階段性推動,第一階段以資訊揭示為主,碳額度買賣雙方透過交易平台提供之資訊自行撮合,並至本交易平台登錄,第二階段將直接透過本交易平台競價撮合及自動登錄。主要交易標的包括環保署先期與抵換專案認可的碳額度、國外取得的CERs額度,以及向環保署登錄的自願性碳額度。 再者,為因應國際溫室氣體減量及為我國產業建構溫室氣體減量能力,順應國際趨勢潮流,我國應及早建置及推展碳交易平台減碳能力建構工作,並規劃運作國家碳權額度交易管理帳戶內容及交易管理制度,俾利在「溫室氣體減量法(草案)」通過前,完備我國溫室氣體減量額度之管理建置工作;因此,本計畫執行內容重點包括完成研擬碳權交易作業管理相關配套規範及碳交易平台階段性功能建置,據以完備建置與國際接軌之國內碳權相關資訊平台,協助我國產業進行能力建構工作,並能妥為因應全球溫室氣體減緩之趨勢及產業落實碳中和之潮流,有助於提昇我國產業國際競爭力;並協助環保署辦理於民國 99 年 12 月 28 日召開「建置國家溫室氣體減量額度交易平台近程與展望」記者會。 本計畫亦完成蒐集國外區域或國家減量額度交易制度及交易平台運作情形,配合國內現階段相關法規環境,研提環保署委由平台管理者進行交易資訊揭露之可行性作法、平台經營單位之遴選資格與條件,及減量額度交易平台交易管理內容及買賣雙方定型化契約範本等草案,作為參考。 在資訊系統平台建置方面,已完成交易平台的資訊揭示與交易撮合兩項主要功能,亦完成交易平台與國家登錄平台的接連,奠立未來交易額度結算功能之前置作業。 有關境外減量額度取得轉回機制之建置,本計畫完成境外減量額度註銷轉回之管理機制,包括建置境外減量額度註銷轉回管理平台之建置,並初步擇定英國國家登錄平台作為境外減量額度帳戶申請對象,並從平台管理者及民間企業兩類型角色,分別蒐研申請資格、程序及費用等資訊,現已完成民間企業申請作業,並建立民間企業至英國登錄平台設立公司帳戶之作業流程試行,可供未來我國企業如有需要進行相關作業時之參考。 與國際交流溝通方面。本計畫邀請聯合國 UNFCCC 專家 Dr.Michaellowa 與美國洲際交易所黃杰夫董事總經理等 2 位國際專業人士來台,分就歐盟與國際碳權交易市場發展現況,從政策制度面及金融交易實務等面向進行經驗交流。本計畫亦派員造訪歐洲氣候交易所(ECX)、北京環境交易所、天津排放權交易所及上海環境能源交易所等,建立與國際著名碳交易所的聯繫管道;亦參訪英國環境局(EA)及歐盟氣候行動總署(DG-CLIMA)等單位,釐清推動在英國登錄平台開立帳戶之問題,及歐盟執行排放交易制度之政策作法。此外,配合環保署不定期辦理相關工作進度、專家諮詢會及協調會議共計 27 場,據以諮詢相關專家學者及進行溝通。
中文關鍵字 碳交易平台;碳權額度;溫室氣體減量


專案計畫編號 EPA-99-FA11-03-A216 經費年度 099 計畫經費 13600 千元
專案開始日期 2010/12/08 專案結束日期 2012/03/31 專案主持人 李堅明
主辦單位 溫減管理室(停用) 承辦人 邱美璇 執行單位 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 (100)交易平台 Final report.pdf 15MB

Establishment of Carbon Credit Trading Scheme and Platform in Taiwan

英文摘要 Due to the international carbon transaction market development, the major domestic investment proposal of greenhouse gas reduction required by the environmental assessment, and the incentives for domestic citizen to reduce energy consumption and carbon emission, this project assists the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) to plan the national carbon transaction platform based on the EPA’s roadmap. The carbon transaction platform is promoted in stages. The first stage focuses on information disclosure, which provides a transaction platform for buyers-sellers match-up and registration. In the second stage, the transaction platform will provide bidding match-up and automatic registration. The main transaction goal including the carbon credit required by the early–action and offset proposal of the EPA’s approval, the CERs (Certified Emissions Reduction) obtained overseas credit, and the voluntary carbon credit registered in the EPA. Furthermore, to respond to the international greenhouse gas reduction and to enhance the GHG reduction capacity for domestic industries, and to conform to the international trend, Taiwan should establish and promote the carbon transaction platform to strengthen the carbon-reduction capacity, and plan the carbon credit transaction management account and management system, so as to accomplish preparatory works before passing “the greenhouse gases reduction law (draft)”. This project draws up supplementary specifications related to the carbon transaction operation, and the carbon transaction platform functions at different stages. By establishing a domestic carbon transaction information platform with international connection, the project assists Taiwan industries to reduce carbon emission in order to conform to the global trend in greenhouse gas reduction, which also increases the industrial competitiveness. The project assists the EPA to hold a press conference-the future and prospect of implementing the national greenhouse gases reduction quota transaction platform, on December 28th, 2010. This project collects documents and literature regarding the international experiences and practices of emissions reduction credit transaction scheme and platform. In addition, in accordance with the current legislation circumstances in Taiwan, this project drafts some feasible practices of emission transaction scheme, including the transaction information disclosure, the qualification of transaction platform manager, the transaction rules, and the transaction contract,etc. With regard to the information system platform, the project completed the information disclosure of transaction platform and the transaction match-up functions. In addition, the transaction platform also connects with the national registration platform, which constitutes the basis for transaction credit settlement. Concerning the establishment of credits elated beyond the border decrement obtained from returns mechanism, this project completed the decrement credit to cancel returns the management mechanism, and establishes the decrement credit cancelling returns management platform. The national registration platform of the United Kingdom (UK) is used as a model to take the decrement credit account for application object. The project collects information regarding the application qualifications, procedure and expenses from the platform superintendents and the enterprises. In 2011, this project completed the test registration procedure for enterprises to register company account in the UK platform, which can supply enterprise for further reference. With respect to the international communication, this plan invites Dr.Michaellowa of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and Jeff Huang of American Intercontinental Exchange General Manager to Taiwan to exchange experiences in the current development of international carbon transaction market,the policy scheme direction, and the financial transaction practices. This plan also assigned representatives to visit the European Climate Exchange (European Climate Exchange, ECX), the Beijing Environment Exchange, the Tianjin Emissions Exchange Authority, and the Shanghai Environment Energy Exchange in order to establish the network with internationally famous carbon exchange center. In addition, the representative also visits the Environment Agency (EA) of UK and the Directorate-General for Climate Action (DG-CLIMA) to clarify issues of registration on the platform of UK, and the European Union policy of emissions transaction scheme. The project assists the EPA to hold 27 sessions related to work progress investigation, expert consultation and negotiation.
英文關鍵字 Carbon Trading Platform; Carbon Credit; GHG Reduction