

中文摘要 本計畫之主軸除持續檢討費率結構外,並因應電子產品的變化調查相關費率因子,同時,受「綠色」政策目標影響,為促使國內責任製造業者更具環保意識及資源回收處理產業再升級,已開始思考如何由現行的齊頭式收費納入綠色設計改以產品是否具有「環保標章」進行差別徵收,其中,差別補貼費率雖已開始落實執行,惟其差別方式仍需再次檢視適合性,另差別費率的制訂及未來稽核之指標亦須更進一步釐清與定義。 同時,利用4種統計方法(進口貿易統計、回收認證量統計、新品及舊品現場調查)進行各材質平均重量推估,進一步檢討處理成本估算方式,並對回收率異常材質(異常高:認證回收率超過100%;異常低:認證回收率低於30%),廢電視機、廢電風扇、廢筆記型電腦、廢鍵盤及廢冷暖氣機,提出改善認證回收率建議方案。再者,根據產品發展趨勢提出10項新興產品,包括:(1)電子電器:電視顯示器、家用臥式冰櫃、小物清洗機、無風扇葉電風扇(氣流倍增器)、全熱交換器;(2)資訊物品:LED顯示器、平板電腦、2.5吋可攜式硬碟、特殊規格電源供應器、LED印表機,並參考歷年責任物解釋函責任物提出判定原則修正建議,主要採用條列式,使業者可以將所製造以及輸入產品逐步進行判斷,方便進行後續申報繳費作業。 此外,本計畫持續整理更新費率資料庫,協助辦理6場次費率審議委員大會及工作小組會議,彙整歷年物品及容器之回收清除處理費率及補貼費率,及歷年費率審議會議決議事項,並將相關會議紀錄完成檔案建置及上傳至資源回收管理系統。 最後,透過台美電子廢棄物交流會議以推廣我國的管理專業效用並跨出台灣,主要係因我國推動資源回收已達15年之久,其相關制度與實質經驗已有完備作業程序,若未來欲拓展海外市場,可將我國經驗與亞洲區域國家分享,以協助建立資源回收體制,提升國家形象。
中文關鍵字 回收清除處理費、回收清除與處理成本、回收清除處理費率資料庫


專案計畫編號 EPA-100-HA14-03-A177 經費年度 100 計畫經費 2500 千元
專案開始日期 2011/05/03 專案結束日期 2011/12/31 專案主持人 林俊旭
主辦單位 回收基管會 承辦人 李純慧 執行單位 財團法人中華經濟研究所


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 100_廢電子電器暨資訊物品費率.pdf 13MB

The analysis of resource recycling fee rates and the promotion of recycling performance of regulated

英文摘要 The purpose of this project was to review the existing resource recycling fee rates and then propose the suggestion on the new rates by recalculating each fee rates factors. In the meantime, with regard to the‘green’policy, it has considered to the new approach to charge the differential recycling fee by labeling. Though, the differential recycling fee plan faces more challenges, thus, it have to do further review to analyze its feasibility and to establish the rating indicators for the auditing and certification system. The first part of this study was to estimate the average weight of each items of waste electrical and electronic appliance by four statistical methods, namely the amount of imports, the amount of recycled, field research to the recycling plants, and the new products. Then, in terms of proposing the improvement suggestion, it did further review on the treatment cost and investigated the unusual recycling amount of items, that is over 100% and below 30% of recycling rate will be unusual one, such as TV sets, electrical fans, notebooks, and air conditioners. Also, the other task of this study was to continue to renew the fee ratesdatabase, and arrange 6 conferences and working group meetings of fee rate review committee and collect the historical recycling and treatment fee and subsidy fee of regulated recyclable items and containers and historical decision of fee rate review conferences and update those documents in the online system of Recycling Fund Management Board. The third part of this project was to involve the achievement of the US-Taiwan conference on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) management. By the conference, Taiwan EPA shared its experiences of the recycling policy and the development of recycling industries, but learned the newly developing WEEE management-related strategies.
英文關鍵字 Recycling and Treatment Fee, Recycling and Treatment Cost, Recycling and Treatment Fee Database