

中文摘要 本計畫執行期間100年1月至101年12月,計畫執行對象為具廢乾電池及廢照明光源受補貼機構資格之處理業,自100年1月~101年12月止,本公司執行稽核認證作業共計1,853場次,認證之廢乾電池共計8,188公噸、廢照明光源共計1萬2,227公噸,另作業程序及環境稽核作業共執行60,220項次,CCTV監控作業達4,357廠天。 本公司亦配合環保署實施之「分級補貼費率制度」,積極輔導各受補貼機構提高處理效能、增加產出物再利用流向,使廢乾電池經處理之後續資源回收再利用比例達到85%,廢照明光源100年度1月至7月為90%,100年8月至101年12月直管及非直管分別為97%及71%;另廢照明光源汞回收比例,100年度1月至7月為40%,100年8月至101年12月直管及非直管分別為54%及40%。 為確保作業品質,本公司已針對每位稽核認證人員施行50.5小時教育訓練及38場次(137人次)之內部稽核,並以實際執行經驗就各項作業及成果提出檢討與改善建議,使稽核認證作業與回收清除處理體系之管理皆得以持續改善。


專案計畫編號 EPA-100-HA13-03-A027 經費年度 100 計畫經費 22600 千元
專案開始日期 2011/01/01 專案結束日期 2012/12/31 專案主持人 李毓偉
主辦單位 回收基管會 承辦人 廖淑秋 執行單位 台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-100-HA13-03-A027期末報告(公開版).pdf 0MB
英文摘要 This project has been carried out from January of 2011 to December of 2012 and the object of this project has been executed is the subsidized disposal enterprises. From Jan 2011 to Dec 2012, this company has conducted total 1,853 numbers of auditing and certification, certification and inspection of 8,188 tons of waste battery and 12,227 tons of waste fluorescent light tubes, 60,220 of operation procedures and environment auditing respectively, as well as 4,357 days of CCTV monitoring. In addition to coordinating with the grading subsidy rate system has been implemented by Environmental Protection Administration, this Project also actively has guided every subsidy granted organizations in order to raise the disposal effect, increasing the recyclable direction of derived things that resource reused proportion to 85% of waste battery, 90% of waste fluorescent light tubes from Jan 2011 to July 2011, to 97% of straight tube waste fluorescent lamp and 71% of non-straight tube waste fluorescent lamp from Aug 2011 to Dec 2012, recyclable mercury proportion has been reached 40% of waste fluorescent light tubes from Jan 2011 to July 2011, 54% of straight tube waste fluorescent lamp and 40% of non-straight tube waste fluorescent lamp from Aug 2011 to Oct 2012. In order to ensure operation quality, this Project also has been carried out educational training of 50.5 hours and internal auditing of 137 numbers to every auditing and certification staff. It has insisted on carrying on operation standards and using practically performed experience to provide self-criticism and improvement suggestions in terms of various operation and achievements so that the auditing and certification operation and the management of recycle and cleaning system could be improved continuously.