

中文摘要 本項計畫為延續性之管制計畫,計畫執行主要分為三個部分:一、執行各類空氣污染物污染減量工作,包括硫氧化物、氮氧化物、粒狀污染物及揮發性有機物等;二、落實固定污染源許可管理工作;三、擴大經濟誘因策略,包括空污費收費、獎勵、及補助。以掌握本縣固定污染源污染特性及排放現況,並協助擬定固定污染源空氣污染管制策略及行動方案,進而維護本縣空氣品質。 本計畫之執行期程自100/3/23至101/3/22止,共計12個月,各項作業執行進度皆依預定行程執行,執行內容包括:資料庫維護更新與管理、執行許可制度(包含審查作業及查核作業)、辦理空污費催補繳、審查及查核、執行排放量網路申報審核、工業區查核作業、活性碳效率驗證及廢棄活性碳查核、辦理各類宣導說明會等工作項目。 計畫執行期間固定源列管2,750家,列管製程數以機械設備製造修配業、紡織、印染業、化學製品製造業居多。在計畫期間針對環保署指定200家進行清查作業,查核結果同時回饋至固定源系統及環保署「排放量管理計畫」進而更新TEDS7.1版本資料,另統計計畫執行期間空氣污染物年排放量分別為:粒狀污染物3923.657公噸/年,硫氧化物18256.971公噸/年,氮氧化物19815.323公噸/年,揮發性有機物8869.812公噸/年。 本年度重點工作為工業區查核管制作業,篩選中壢工業區及觀音工業區進行現場清普查724家,現階段掌握中壢工業區總進駐廠家為657家,已清普查497家,掌握率為76%,觀音工業區進駐家數為255家,已清普查227家,掌握率為89%,針對該部分也查獲13家新增列管之公私場所應納入空污費管制及申請操作許可證。而活性碳吸附設備之效率驗證作業共計查核16家30個設備,整體改善率87%,包括廢棄活性碳暫存未妥善處理,而造成脫附,估算未依規定換碳期間,其VOC逸散量1041.35公斤。 另本年度配合環保局查獲華亞汽電、永豐餘新屋廠及南亞錦興廠傳送不實CEMS數據,至以2倍係數重新估算5年空污費,並分別已繳交6億6851萬2644元、1070萬4966元及1億7930萬3039元,其中永豐餘新屋廠係申請分期付款,另二廠則是一次繳清。 其它具體工作成果包括:完成250家維護更新作業、完成許可審查1566個製程並核發1048張許可證、完成214個製程許可查核作業、掌握1,335家空污費徵收對象並執行415件催補繳(42,753,635元)及644家次之空污費現場查核、完成99年第4季~100年第3季空污費審核、核收結算等工作,各項相關作業內容及詳細成果,均分述於本報告各章節中。 建議計畫執行仍可就以下項目採取較精進之做法,包括:  加強生煤管制,提升後續資料分析之效率,建議建立生煤資料整合系統,將空污費、排放量、操作許可資料、定檢資料等進行整合,提供更快速、方便、確實及合理的資訊,作為策略擬定之參考。  針對空污費收費方式及排放量申報基準,建議環保署應盡快整合排放量計算方式,而讓空氣污染物排放量確認,除空污費收費更為精準,其他污染管制規劃也更有依據。
中文關鍵字 許可;空污費


專案計畫編號 經費年度 100 計畫經費 18750 千元
專案開始日期 2011/03/23 專案結束日期 2012/03/22 專案主持人 苗宛陶
主辦單位 桃園市政府環境保護局 承辦人 蘇振昇 執行單位 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司


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期末報告 100H-f-CH1.pdf 0MB
英文摘要 The project was a continuous control project, whose execution could be mainly divided into three parts: I. Execution of pollution reduction work of all kinds of air pollutant such as sulfur oxide, nitrogen oxide, particulate pollutant, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs); II. Carrying out the permit management work of fixed pollution source; III. The strategy of magnifying economic incentives, including air pollution fee charging, encouragement and reward, and subsidy; in order to grasp the pollution characteristics of fixed pollution source in the county as well as the present condition of emission, assist to draw up the air pollution control strategy of fixed pollution source and the action project, and maintain the county’s air quality further. The project was executed from Mar. 23, 2011 to Mar. 22, 2012, twelve months in total. The rate of progress of each operation was executed in accordance with the predetermined schedule, and the content included: data maintenance, renewal, and management, execution of permit system (containing examination operations and inspection operations), handling air pollution fee payment urging and supplementary payment, examination and inspection, execution of emission online report examination, industrial park inspection operations, active carbon efficiency verification and spent active carbon inspection, and managing all kinds of publicity explanatory meeting. 2,750 factories were ranked under fixed source control during the project’s execution, and within the control list of manufacturing process, most of them were of machinery equipment manufacturing and repairing industry, textile industry, printing and dyeing industry, and chemical product manufacturing industry. The project aimed at 200 factories appointed by Environmental Projection Administration (EPA) to do thorough checking, with checking results being simultaneously fed back to fixed source system and EPA’s “emission control project,” and thus TEDS7.1 version data were updated. Moreover, the statistical annual air pollutant emission quantities of the project were 3923.657 tons/ year for particulate pollutant, 18256.971 tons/ year for sulfur oxide, 19815.323 tons/ year for nitrogen oxide, and 8869.812 for VOCs. The annual key work was inspection and control operations of industrial park. Through screening, the project selected 724 factories from Jhongli Industrial Park and Guanyin Industrial Park to do the on-site thorough checking and general survey. In present stage under comprehension, the total stationed factories in Jhongli Industrial Park were 657 factories, 497 factories had finished the thorough checking and general survey, ad the grasp rate was 76%; the total stationed factories in Guanyin Industrial Park were 255 factories, 227 factories had finished the thorough checking and general survey, ad the grasp rate was 89%; aiming at the said part, the project also discovered 13 newly-increased public and private places ranked under control that should be contained into air pollution fee control and should apply for operating permit. As for the efficiency verification operations of active carbon absorption equipment, 30 pieces of equipment from 16 factories were inspected, and the overall improvement rate was 87%; including the spent active carbon that was stored temporarily but the proper treatment of it had not been done and thus causing desorption, the estimated emissions of VOCs during the period of not changing the (active) carbon in accordance with the regulations were 1041.35 kg. Besides, cooperating with the Environmental Protection Bureau, in this year the project discovered that Huaya Power, YFY Hsinwu Mill, and Nan Ya Plastic Jinsing Plant sent untruthful CEMS data, so that the five-year air pollution fee was re-computed with two times of coefficient; they had paid NTD 668,512,644, NTD 10,704,966, and NTD 179,303,039 respectively; among them, YFY Hsinwu Mill applied for paying by installments, and the other two factories did the lump-sum payment. Other concrete work achievements included: completion of maintenance and renewal operations of 250 factories, completion of permit examination of 1566 manufacturing processes and issuing 1048 permits, completion of permit inspection operations of 214 manufacturing processes, grasping of 1,335 air pollution fee imposed objects and execution of payment urging and supplementary payment of 415 factories (NTD 42,753,635) and air pollution fee on-site inspection of 644 factories, completion of air pollution fee examination, approval, checkup, and settlement of 2010/ Q4~ 2011/ Q3. The content of relevant operations and detailed achievements were described in chapters and sections of the report respectively. We suggest that the project execution can still adopt the relatively more advanced method regarding the items as follows, including:  To strengthen the bituminous coal control, and elevate the subsequent data analysis efficiency; we suggest establishing the bituminous coal data integration system to integrate air pollution fee, emission, operating permit data, and regular testing data, in order to provide faster, more convenient, more reliable, and more reasonable information as reference of drawing up the strategies.  Aiming at air pollution fee charging way and emission report standard, we suggest EPA shall integrate the emission quantity calculation method as soon as possible, so as to confirm air pollutant emissions; in this way, besides that the air pollution fee charging can be more precise, other pollution control planning will have more solid basis.
英文關鍵字 permit management;air pollution fee