

中文摘要 「垃圾掩埋場挖除活化」指的是將掩埋場內的垃圾挖除,重新分類,將尚未固化之垃圾,送到焚化廠處理,減少原來掩埋容量,可新增或使土地活化他用。目前全台的掩埋場共計404場,營運中106場;其中掩埋68場、轉運38場,已飽和(封閉、復育掩埋場)298場。本計畫因為活化掩埋場而執行之前置調查及分析評估工作,因垃圾掩埋仍有最終處置需求,且掩埋容積有限,再加上新闢不易問題,因此掩埋場透過挖除活化,將使掩埋物中可燃物、底渣、資源及土石等,再利用,達到資源循環運用,以及土地活化使用等效能。 本計畫為執行「台南市委託辦理掩埋場一般垃圾採樣調查分析計畫」,針對仁德三期、歸仁二期、山上區垃圾掩埋場、城西三期、鹽水二期、大內二期垃圾衛生掩埋場有活化再生價值之掩埋場等場址進行活化利用之規劃,並就環境衝擊較大已飽和或復育之垃圾掩埋場,以活化再生的方式規劃未來垃圾處理策略,除可將掩埋場內回收再利用物質再生利用外,並可騰出掩埋場容積活化再使用。 計畫執行期間為100年6月16日起至101年3月15日止。計畫總經費為新台幣肆佰参拾伍萬元整。依據契約規定,廠商應於計畫結束次日起15日內(101.03.30)提送期末報告書,相關工作執行進度詳表0-1。 依據本計畫掩埋場活化方案規劃大致可分為:一、移除後作為掩埋用地;二、土地復原;三、飽和後復育等三項。 本計畫仁德三期與歸仁二期掩埋場均屬飽和之掩埋場且其使用土地皆系向台糖公司承租,每年均須支付租金,增加市府財政負擔。上述兩場址皆為環保署曾委託學術機構進行評估認定可活化之掩埋場,若能規劃作為其他用途(如一般事業廢棄物、垃圾焚化底渣之最終處置場)其活化利用價值較高。因此,本計畫仁德三期、歸仁二與城西三期經評估可以ROT模式委託廠商辦理。 三場執行活化方案經評估後,建議三場可採促進民間參與公共建設ROT(Rehabilitate -Operate-Transfer,整建-營運-移轉)方式辦理。 其中仁德三期掩埋場可營運年限約為5年,最終處理總量約為158,313噸,營運期間總收入為新台幣533,739,000元。 歸仁二期掩埋場可營運年限約為5年,最終處理總量約為108,146噸,營運期間總收入為新台幣383,238,000元整。 城西三期掩埋場可營運年限約為10年,最終處理總量約為462,664噸,營運期間總收入為新台幣1,589,676,000元整。 山上掩埋場因位於敏感性區位,無經濟開發利用價值,則以垃圾移除後進行植栽復育為主。 另鹽水二期與大內二期掩埋場因兩場掩埋面積較小(1.73公頃、1.07公頃)較不具開發價值,以飽和後復育為主。據此,上述三場(鹽水二期、大內二期與山上掩埋場)則不建議以ROT模式委託廠商辦理。


專案計畫編號 經費年度 100 計畫經費 4350 千元
專案開始日期 2011/06/16 專案結束日期 2012/03/15 專案主持人 方榮堂
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 徐嘉全 執行單位 十山工程科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 100年度台南市廢棄物掩埋場調查採樣檢測及活化利用評估計畫.pdf 64MB
英文摘要 “Landfill excavating activation” means to dig out the un-decomposed garbage, re-assort and burn the un-solidified in the incinerator, to reduce the amount and leave more space for the landfill so it can be activated. There are 404 landfills in Taiwan, 106 sites are running, 68 sites of those are for bury, 38 sites are converted, and the other 298 sites are saturated. This program is a pre-survey and research work for landfill activation. For the space is limited and need to be ultimately managed, also it’s hard to find a new site. Therefore, landfill could be re-cycled and activated by excavation. This program is part of “Analyzing the sample of waste of landfill in Tainan”, especially for project of Rende 3th, Gueiren 2nd, Shanshang dist., Chengxi 3th, Yanshui 2nd and Danei 2nd. These projects are to activate those sites which affect the environment more or been restored well. To excavate helps recycle the waste resource and also gain more space for bury. During June 16, 2011 to Mars 15, 2012, this program cost 4350,000 NTD. According to the contract, the final report shall be submitted before Mars 30, 2012. Check the execution report in table 0-1. There are 3 main purposes in this program: 1. To remove for bury; 2. To recover the land; 3. To remain current situation. Landfill of Rende 3th and Gueiren 2nd are saturated, and their land rent cost a lot. Their value shall be enhanced by converting to other use. Thus, these 2 sites were authorized to contractor to operate. Landfill of Chengxi 3th is also recommended as so. After evaluation, to operate these 3 sites by ROT(Rehabilitate Operate Transfer) is suggested. The contract of Rende 3th landfill is valid for 5 years, and final amount is 158,313 ton. The total income during the contract is 533,739,000NTD. The contract of Gueiren 2nd landfill is valid for 5 years, and final amount is 108,146 ton. The total income during the contract is 383,238,000NTD. The contract of Chengxi 3th landfill is valid for 10 years, and final amount is 462,664ton. The total income during the contract is 1,589,676,000元NTD. Landfill of Shanshang dist. is valueless because of its location. Therefore the activation there is mainly to remove the waste and restore the land. Landfill of Yanshui 2nd and Danei 2nd is valueless for development because of their small area. Therefore, the project is mainly to maintain their current situation. On the basis of the above, landfill of Shanshang dist., Yanshui 2nd and Danei 2nd are not suggested to operate by ROT.