

中文摘要 近年來,我國配合資源永續及「零廢棄」趨勢,由過去末端處理方式漸採「源頭減量」與「資源回收」為主,全面推動「垃圾零廢棄」之總體垃圾減量及資源回收等政策,提倡以綠色生產、綠色消費、源頭減量、資源回收、再使用及再生利用等方式,將資源有效循環利用,逐步達成垃圾全回收、零廢棄之目標;環保署亦積極推動各項一般廢棄物源頭管理政策,包含一次用產品減量(限用保麗龍、生鮮托盤、紙杯減量及免洗餐具)、限制產品過度包裝、廢乾電池及鈕釦型電池回收、限制含汞產品等,期將資源回收概念推廣至民眾生活習慣中,逐步建立環保生活、生活環保。 而上述各項政策之施行有賴各地方執行機關全力推動,推行過程中環保署挹注大量經費協助地方建置環保基礎建設,在足夠經費運用下各地方推動資源回收成效逐漸顯著,整體資源回收率至99年底止已達38.15%。相對地環保署亦利用每年例行性之資源回收績效考核作業瞭解撥補經費之運用狀況是否對應其資源回收成效,在此過程中如何使整體行政作業在簡化精進之餘仍能保持應有品質,有效監督各環保局之業務績效,便成為本計畫之重要執行重點。 此外,資源回收工作若能結合各地區舉辦之大型活動,可達到宣傳的效果有助於提昇資源回收工作成效,環保署自97年度起連續三年規劃辦理媽祖遶境活動,民眾參與踴躍,使資源回收工作更能深入至一般民眾生活中,未來本工作團隊將進一步規劃配合辦理其他大型、國際化活動,更能聚集人潮,期能擴大資源回收工作等環保效益。 晶淨科技股份有限公司係公共工程委員會核准之專業環保技術顧問機構,為執行本計畫特組成一專業團隊,以客觀的態度及嚴謹的作業程序進行各項工作規劃,除執行例行性補助、考核、執行機關資源回收輔導、研討會及活動辦理外,本工作團隊期從環保局提報之各項資源回收數據資訊中進行分析討論,以確實回饋環保署各項資源回收政策貫徹程度並提出建議方案,俾利使22縣市環保局之資源回收績效同步提昇。
中文關鍵字 資源回收、資源回收績效考核、平時資料查核


專案計畫編號 EPA-100-HA14-03-A225 經費年度 100 計畫經費 5350 千元
專案開始日期 2011/07/27 專案結束日期 2012/06/30 專案主持人 蔡永興
主辦單位 回收基管會 承辦人 阮儀芳 執行單位 晶淨科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 EPA-100-HA14-03-A225.pdf 12MB

Project for Assisting the Executive Agencies of this Country in Reinforcing Resource Recycling in 20

英文摘要 Resource recycling and assessment of support funding: General budget for 2011 had issued 98.80% of the approved support funds by December 31st, 2011. Purchased equipment and implemented projects inclued one storage sites (plant), two complete processing facilities and 22 relevant equipments.For the 2012 support plan, assessment for each county and township was copleted. By the end of the period, funding for the first semester was provided to each county and township. 6 payments were provided for equipment purchases and projects implementation, and another 6 were provided to procure relevant equipments. Additionally, assistance was provided to the Environmental Protection Administration in the resource recycling conferences held in the three districts of the North (Miaoli County), Centtral (Yunlin County) and South (Taitung County). Implementation of National Resource Recycling Performance Review: Scheduled information consultation project was completed in October 2011. For 2011, resource recycling performance review of the executive units was implemented. The performance review was completed in March 21st. The 2012 Resource Recycling Performance Review Project was publically announced and sent to each county and township for reference. Consultation Services to Counties and Townships with Low Resource Recycling Rates: Three counties – Yunlin (24.96%), Changhua (28.17%) and Pingtung (27.48%) – were chosen to be recipients of consultation services according to work requirements. Hence, for 2011, resource recycling rates had improved for Yunlin, Changhua and Pingtung counties to 27.8%, 30.6% and 31.2% respectively. Amongst these, Pingtung County also achieved the excellence reward in the second category for the 2011 Resource Recycling Promotion in Executive Units Performance Review. Assisting the Implementation of Recycling Vehicle Replacement Projects: This project supported the assessment of the 2011 Municipal and County-Level Department of Environmental Protection Old Recycling Vehicle Replacement Project and approved proposals from each county and township. A total of 114 recycling vehicles were replaced. Providing Consultation to the Establishment of recycling storage sites (plant). Certification Process for Storage Sites (plant) of Executive Units: Of the 144 storage sites (plant) in use right now, only 26.4% (38 sites) had legally obtained the relevant certificates. 106 storage sites (plant) have yet to be certified. Continued Implementation of Image Transformation Project of Resource Recycling: This project began tracking demonstration of sites carrying out resource recycling image transformation projects, with a total of 19 counties and 25 departments. Additionally, this project also started tracking three resource recycling sites in the North (Keelung Miaokou Night Market), Central (Nantou Sun Moon Lake District) and South (Kaohsiung Ciaotou Sugar Refinery Station) that were already implementing image transformation measures.
英文關鍵字 Recycling, Assess Efficiency, Inspection of daily data