

中文摘要 本(100)年度計畫藉由使用OILMAP溢油模擬軟體,配合台灣地區海域相關海氣象資料,提供海洋溢油軌跡之模擬,於計畫執行期間24小時待命,在接到環保署緊急油污染通報後,於指定時間內製作出溢油分析報告提供環保署作為應變參考。為提昇環保署在台灣四周發生溢油事故之緊急應變能力,採用OILMAP軟體建立溢油標準作業程序(SOP),並辦理教育訓練課程,未來在發生溢油事故時,足以提昇溢油擴散情況模擬能力,以利相關緊急應變。 本計畫整合OILMAP溢油模式、HYDROMAP海流模式與OSD(Oil Spill Detection system)雷達偵測油污波浪海流系統進行溢油事件之模擬,建立一套完整的溢油偵測與預測之機制,以提升模式預測之精度。另外,利用CODAR(Costal Ocean Dynamic Application Radar)提供之外海大區域海流遙測數據,作為OILMAP輸入資料,提昇台灣周圍外海溢油模擬的作業能力。蒐集美、歐、日及中國的溢油緊急應變相關資料,配合我國的實際狀況,規劃建立全國性的海洋油污染緊急應變科學諮詢平台,並藉由辦理國際研討會及參與國外溢油科技交流相關事宜,增進國際間海洋科技之交流。
中文關鍵字 溢油模擬;溢油偵測;溢油緊急應變;科學諮詢平台


專案計畫編號 EPA-100-G106-02-103 經費年度 100 計畫經費 5100 千元
專案開始日期 2011/03/22 專案結束日期 2011/12/31 專案主持人 張國棟
主辦單位 水保處 承辦人 洪健豪 執行單位 國立高雄海洋科技大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 海洋油污染溢油模擬暨緊急應變科學諮詢專案工作計畫_期末報告.pdf 61MB 期末工作報告(定稿)

Simulation and Scientific Support Advisor for Oil Spill Contingency

英文摘要 This project utilizes Oilmap, combining with both field and predicted marine environmental data, to simulate oil spill scenarios as a support for EPA to execute oil spill response. The mission is running 24 hours a day and seven days a week to ensure the effectiveness of response to oil spill contingency. A standard operation procedure (SOP) has been setup for making use of Oilmap to do oil spill simulation. A training course on oil spill simulation with hands-on practice has been delivered to the oil spill responders to enhance the efficiency of oil spill response. The procedures for integrating oil spill simulation software-Oilmap, current simulation software-Hydromap, monitored field current data in the coastal ocean of Taiwan-CODAR and detection of spilled oil system-Oill Spill Detection(OSD) have been setup to promote the precision and effectiveness of oil spill detection and simulation for an oil spilled event which in turn well-support decision making in oil spill response measures. Collection of existing oil spill contingency response information from USA, Europe, Japan and China to draft the scientific support platform for the need of oil spill contingency response in Taiwan. Also, inviting experts from the USA and Asian countries to an international workshop on marine pollution prevention, hosted by EPA and participating in international oil spill science program to learn the state of the arts in this field have enhanced the international exchange of marine science and technology between Taiwan and other countries.
英文關鍵字 Oil Spill Simulation;Oil Spill Detection;Oil Spill Contingency Response;Scientific Support Platform