

中文摘要 (一)到站柴油車全負載檢測數為2558輛次,其目標達成127.9%。 (二)執行目測判煙通知1,719輛,計畫目標達107%。 (三)車牌辨識經比對扣除車牌重複數後為3,130輛次,目標達成104%。 (四)路邊排煙稽查採嚴格篩選機制,共檢測不合格158輛次,工作進度達成率為105%。 (五)到站檢測車輛抽驗油品採90件及路邊攔查採樣100件,加油站採樣10件,共計200件,另芳香烴檢測數為6件,工作進度達120%。 (六)完成相關性測試比對結果得知臺南市排煙站與各縣市排煙站間相關性良好。 (七)完成品保次數15次,檢測值皆落在警告上下限內,表示排煙站測試能力及檢驗品質皆屬正常。 (八)99年12月31日通過ISO 14001年度稽核。 (九)TAF實驗室認證通過3年延展評鑑。 (十)完成3場宣導活動及200份宣導海報,宣導摺頁印製2000份。 (十一)完成電子賀卡、電子塗鴉、動畫及動畫小遊戲各1則,並提交予環保局,目標達成100%。 (十二)完成12則新聞稿見報,目標達成100%。 (十三)車速調查路段為12段次計216趟次,達成100%。 (十四)完成新設站之土壤採樣1次及水質採樣4點次。
中文關鍵字 柴油車排煙檢測


專案計畫編號 經費年度 100 計畫經費 8177 千元
專案開始日期 2010/06/15 專案結束日期 2011/06/14 專案主持人 艾文健
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 廖佳鴻 執行單位 春迪企業股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 臺南市99年度柴油車動力計排煙檢測暨排煙改善維修廠輔導評鑑計畫.pdf 9MB

Plan for dynamometer testing of diesel-fueled vehicle exausts and the consultation and assessment of exhasust improvement and maintenance garage

英文摘要 (1) 2,558 diesel-fueled vehicles arrived at test stations for full loading tests, achieving 127.9% of completion. (2) 1,719 vehicles were visually examined for exhausts, achieving 107% of completion. (3) 3,130 vehicles were removed from repeated counting after license plate identification, accounting for 104%. (4) Strict screening mechanism was enforced for roadside exhaust auditing, and 158 vehicles failed the tests, accounting for a progress of 105%. (5) 90 fuel samples were collected from vehicles arriving at test stations for testing, 100 from vehicles pulled over for roadside tests and 10 from gas stations, totaling 200 samples. Also, aromatic hydrocarbon test was performed on 6 samples. The progress of work was 120%. (6) The correlation test was performed, and the result showed that the correlation of Tainan exhaust test station is good with the stations at other counties/cities. (7) Quality assurance test was performed 15 times, and the measurements all fell within the upper and lower warning thresholds, indicating normal test ability and quality of test station. (8) The annual auditing of ISO 14001 was carried out and passed on Dec 31 2010. (9) TAF lab certification was approved for extension of 3 years. (10) 3 propaganda events were organized, 200 propaganda posters and 2,000 brochures produced. (11) 1 electric greeting card, electric graffiti, animation and animated game were produced and submitted to Environmental Protection Bureau, achieving 100% of completion. (12) 12 articles were produced and published on newspapers, achieving 100% of completion. (13) 216 runs of vehicle speed survey were carried out on 12 selected road sections, achieving 100% of completion. (14) 1 soil sample and 4 water samples were collected at the site of new station.