

中文摘要 本計畫原改善範圍為臺中市124筆重金屬污染農地之控制場址,總地號面積為9.7327公頃,經契約變更,排除33筆地號,面積1.2475公頃,改善範圍變更為89筆地號,分為43筆區塊,面積為8.4852公頃。施工規劃以「水平稀釋及上下翻轉稀釋法」、「土壤排土及客土法」進行農地重金屬污染改善工作,其中「水平稀釋及上下翻轉稀釋法」有21筆區塊,「土壤排土及客土法」有22筆區塊,其施工深度均不超過100公分,污染改善完成後依據「食用作物農地監測標準」作為驗證標準,通過驗證後進行地力回復工作並復原地形地貌。污染改善工作共完成43筆區塊並通過驗證,其面積為8.4852公頃,完成率100%;重金屬驗證採樣數共計323組,通過307組,通過率為95%,複驗41組,通過41組,通過率100%。地力回復工作共完成43筆區塊,其面積為8.4852公頃,完成率100%;肥力檢測採樣總計102個樣品數。依據臺中市歷年各調查資料及細密度調查顯示,本計畫主要污染物為鉻、銅、鎳、鋅等四項重金屬;第一次驗證未通過的地號,經再次調查分析數據後,以調整施工方式作為改善方法,如:增加翻耕次數、改變翻耕機於農田上行走之縱橫方向、水平施作更確實等,以達整治目標。
中文關鍵字 土壤、重金屬、整治、翻轉稀釋、排客土、地力回復


專案計畫編號 經費年度 100 計畫經費 16500 千元
專案開始日期 2011/10/12 專案結束日期 2013/10/11 專案主持人 呂明禧
主辦單位 臺中市政府環境保護局 承辦人 王春鎮 執行單位 能碩工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告(定稿)本文-(修改).pdf 11MB
英文摘要 The improvement range in this project include agricultural pollution-controlled sites of 124 land number and total area of 9.7327 ha in Taichung. But contract modification, 33 land number and total area of 1.2475 ha was removed. The improvement range changed to total area of 8.4852 ha that is 89 land number and 43 sections. Remediation techniques of “Soil turn-over dilution and horizontal dilution” and “soil excavation” are applied to improve heavy metal contaminated agricultural field in the plan, and they are designed for 21 and 22 sections of farmlands respectively. And soil turn-over depth is limited to 100 centimeter. When the farmlands have improved, they take “Soil Pollution Control Standard for Food Crop” as the standard for verification. After the improved farmlands passed verification, the soil fertility and landforms have to be recovered. 43 sections of area equal to 8.4852 ha have improved and passed verification occupied 100%. The verification was executed in the improved of heavy metal contaminated agricultural fields sampling numbers of 323, and of 307 is passed verification occupied 95% . Sampling numbers of 41 in the re-verification all passed that occupied 100%. the work of soil fertility have recovered 43 sections of farmland of area equal to 8.4852 ha that occupied 100%. The verification of soil fertility was executed sampling numbers of 102. According to the data furnished by survey of throughout the years and supplementary investigation, the main species which contaminated the soil in farmland was Cr, Cu, Ni and Zn. The failing verification sections in order to arrive at remediation aim, that according to sampling survey and canvassing. It need to be improved the engineering method that increase turn-over times, change the cultivator walking direction and enforce accurately in horizontal dilution.
英文關鍵字 soil, heavy mental, remediation, soil turn-over dilution, soil excavation, soil fertility recovery