

中文摘要 本年度計畫主要為協助全國水環境巡守隊組織運作、教育訓練、統籌執行與管理事務等工作,並配合巡守作業全面導入e化管理,協助更新維護「水環境保育網」資訊系統,擴充內容資訊,作為巡守隊交流及成果彙整平台。 巡守隊組織運作部分,本計畫進行縣市環保局評核作業、評鑑優良水環境守望襄助巡守隊評選;於10月份在北、中、南三區共計辦理三場次之經營管理輔導會議,使水環境巡守執行人員相互交流。另於8月至9月辦理10場次水環境保育網系統教育訓練,提升巡守隊及巡守業務承辦人員操作E化系統能力。 在水環境保育推廣部分,於9至11月辦理北、中、南三場次水環境教育論壇,結合環境教育及水環境巡守事務。另彙整水環境保育資訊,提供線上知識庫,並發行4季水環境巡守季刊,介紹優良巡守隊及特色水環境故事。並彙整民眾參與流域管理相關文獻,研擬巡守隊進行流域管理的策略方向。 水環境保育網功能開發及資料維護部分,開發巡守地圖功能,落實流域成果呈現;開發標準交換資料格式,提供政府單位介接水環境保育網通報資料;開發分眾導覽頁面,提升巡守隊員、環保局承辦人員及民眾使用系統的效率及意願。另持續維護水環境保育網,提升資料查詢效能,並製作FAQ及線上影音系統操作教材,提供使用者利用。
中文關鍵字 水環境巡守經營;e化管理;民眾參與;綠網


專案計畫編號 EPA-100-G103-02-221 經費年度 100 計畫經費 2900 千元
專案開始日期 2011/04/20 專案結束日期 2011/12/31 專案主持人 李孟軒
主辦單位 水保處 承辦人 劉建華 執行單位 環資國際有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 100年水環境巡守隊管理經營與輔導計畫期末報告(定稿).pdf 21MB 100年水環境巡守隊管理經營與輔導計畫期末正式報告

The 2011 Project on Water Environment Patrol Team E-Management and Guidance

英文摘要 The project of this year mainly focuses on offering assistance in the organizational operation, educational training, as well as implementation and management coordination for water environment patrol teams across the country. To facilitate patrol operations, e-management has been introduced to help update and maintain the “Water Environment Conservation” information system, and to enrich the content of the website that serves as a platform for patrol team exchanges and the outcomes archive. For patrol team operation, works completed include the performance evaluation of local environmental protection bureaus, selection of excellent water environment patrol teams, presentation and assessment of patrol outcomes. Three forum meetings have been organized in northern, southern, and central Taiwan respectively in October to enable exchanges among water environment patrol personnel. 10 Trainings on system operation have been held to increase the number of system users and user familiarity with the system. In order to condense the common consensus on water-environment conservation, three forums on environmental education applied for water environment patrol teams has been held from September through November, which allows collaboration between watershed stakeholders and educational personnel. Moreover, publishing the Water Environment Patrol Quarterly, which introduce the selected patrol teams and the characteristic water environment to advocate water environment conservation. To investigate the strategy of watershed management, reviewing references about collaboration in environmental management. Several functions on the Water Conservation website have been developed, including a geographic information system for presenting the contributions of water patrol team in a watershed domain, a service allows system data sharing built up by Extensible Markup Language (XML), and a focus-guide version of the website for water environment patrol personnel. To improve the understanding of users about the website, 11 teaching films are applied for on-line learning, which can either be downloaded or be watched on the YouTube.
英文關鍵字 water environment watch programs;electronical management;public participation;EcoLife